[3.25] Ice Crash-Jugg-2h-Axe-Crit (FREEZE THE GAME) 100% Crit Rate Full Screen Explosions

I will try that, thanks for the tip
I think he has a jewel with the implicit "1% damage taken recouped as mana", so as long as he gets hit, his mana pool will always be full.

For Everyone's information on this mod it can be found in a few places...

All Abyss jewel types
Delve mod on boots/gloves/helmets
Veiled/crafted mod on rings/amulets
Zuuule wrote:
Vallcrist wrote:
Bloodfrost13th wrote:
Im having some issues with the build, at times. I want to say firstly, that its hella fun as i normally play a caster, its cool to be able to do something like this.

With that said, there's times im fighting a unique or just a yellow mob and it feels like im doing zero damage to it, I've fought A3 conquerors and chunked them down, and then sometimes its just... slam slam slam... nothing? Its almost as if I am missing them? But looking at my hit chance its 97% for normal and 89% for evasive monsters? and its not like, 2 or 3 misses, its like, life on mob does not go down for 10-20 seconds and sometimes i just go "wow fuck this" and walk away from it.

I thought maybe it was due to elemental resist, so i started patching towards a node for piercing it. It doesn't seem to have made much of a diff.... I also started self casting Frostbite, which also doesn't seem to be helping all that much.

Any suggestions on something obvious i might be missing?



Yep, been feeling this same inconsistency some times, any idea why?

There was a mention a few pages back to see if the mobs have immunity to cold and/or elemental immunity. Ice crash converts all your physical damage to cold.

I feel like i should have came back and made a post. Basically once i got the cold pen gem, things felt a lot smoother. I didnt try it with a 5L to see if it was nice or not... the only thing that still sucks to kill is when the ice conquorer summons those stupid pillars that spawn in ... bats or ...doves ... or whatever those are. Those are the only thing right now that makes me feel annoyed. And bosses i guess in Awk 6+. <conquorers and shit>.

Im also squishy as all hell right now too. I feel like having 30 damage resist from endurance charges, with 8% less elemental taken with all res capped at 79% should make me get 1 shot ... a lot less... Granted im only at 4500 life right now but still, T11's are brutal sometimes.
I don't know if someone already asked this, but does this build benefits from elemental damage if I allocate a point in Holy Dominion? Because it's 3 points away to get:

+12% to all elemental resistances
34% increased elemental dmg
10% chance to freeze

Since Ice Crash converts physical dmg to cold, I don't know if would worth it.
This build needs 5500 life imo. I've ran it lower in Harvest cause OP mods but 5500 I feel like is the money spot. I am level 91 now. Kicking butt still and slowly ramping up. Scourge is pretty insane and challenging for any build. The only deaths I seem to get are from Scourge due to no spell suppression. So just have to 1 shot them and leap around really fast. Got a pretty lucky chest that gives me Conc Ground on a 6L but I am going to be putting on a Loreweave I think as I have an overabundance of resists. Which may change later (still dont have curse on hit rings worth wearing. That said I am over 1 million Shaper DPS and capable of all content currently. Just need more levels and life on gear to adjust the tree for more damage. Hope you all are enjoying the league. 150+ Nightmare is pretty fun and Ice Crashing 50 mobs at once when phasing into Nightmare feels pretty fantastic on the build! Remember to throw down an Ice Crash right when you press "V". Free kills! The healing 15% on warcry use is absolutely a MUST this league with how heavily tuned Scourge mobs are.

My account is public, check out "IceCrashLetsSmash" Character is working fantastic in this mediocre poor mans setup.
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.
Last edited by HeroEvermore#0498 on Oct 29, 2021, 2:01:59 PM
Yea. I'm liking the build so far, currently at T11/T12, struggling a bit with damage at the moment though, and no idea what is the next obvious step towards increasing the DPS. What would you consider the optimal targets for DPS increase?

Currently at lvl 88, character is VallTheBrute
Here's my build so far - https://pastebin.com/0TudCRqi
Now im not end gear not by a long shot, but what i noticed is that the only thing that kills me is the overall attack speed. Sometimes you dont have enough time to do the animation for the icecrash and get instagibbed.
Also there are bosses and yellow mobs that are almost immune to your attacks which is extremely frustrating.
So im replacing Fist of War for multistrike and see how it feels with the overall attackspeed.
To people asking about mana leech and life leech, check PoB, i got a divergent Blood rage linked with Cast on when damage taken - elemental damage leeched as life - and Divergent Elemental Damage with attack support in Ice crash- elemental damage leeched as mana (saves you a lot of skill points).

Last edited by Koolmea#0667 on Oct 29, 2021, 11:23:27 PM
Vallcrist wrote:
Yea. I'm liking the build so far, currently at T11/T12, struggling a bit with damage at the moment though, and no idea what is the next obvious step towards increasing the DPS. What would you consider the optimal targets for DPS increase?

Currently at lvl 88, character is VallTheBrute

First thing I would do is get rid of that helm, that full life damage taken has to kill you a lot. Then get Kaoms with +1 Endurance charge. We need our 8 charges ASAP. So everything scales more, defenses and damage.
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.
Koolmea wrote:
Here's my build so far - https://pastebin.com/aURw4ytg
Now im not end gear not by a long shot, but what i noticed is that the only thing that kills me is the overall attack speed. Sometimes you dont have enough time to do the animation for the icecrash and get instagibbed.
Also there are bosses and yellow mobs that are almost immune to your attacks which is extremely frustrating.
So im replacing Fist of War for multistrike and see how it feels with the overall attackspeed.
To people asking about mana leech and life leech, check PoB, i got a divergent Blood rage linked with Cast on when damage taken - elemental damage leeched as life - and Divergent Elemental Damage with attack support in Ice crash- elemental damage leeched as mana (saves you a lot of skill points).


Yo thanks! That Divergent Elemental Damage with attacks sounds perfect! I will update this into the build later.
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.
How often is the CWDT going off since we have it at max level? I'm so used to keeping it so low level.

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