[PS4] Common PS4 Client Crashes
This seems like an easy game state to reproduce. I honestly feel the console client took steps backwards from last league in clarity and over all performance and it shows. I never had crashes this bad in Delirium and if I did they were few and far between but for a game that thrives on juicing end game content with sextants, conqueror spawns, Delirium portals and the like.... The state of utter un-playability is astounding. I hope this clip helps clarify what many of us have been struggling with on the daily. |
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I don't really understand how it can be hard to reproduce, I have one crash every 30 min (average, sometime 3 in 10 min..), hope you don't try to reproduce that on ps4 pro or XboxX, need to be done on ps4 slim/fat, if it works on fat, it will on pro.. Most of my crashs occurred when a lot of mobs/effects are on screen, very often while going on a delirium portal, and sometime it happen while in town, or where there is nothing to overload memory/proc (no mobs, effects etc) .. I would say 1 over 10 crash are in town, the others occurred where the system seems to be overload. All that since harvest release, had only a few crash in all delirium league, maybe one every 30h game..
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I have crashed 5 times at least in uberlab, since the most recent update, at 42 dollars an outfit you all have no excuse to be treating us this poorly, why is it ok that sony receives a few thousand bluescreen reports and you guys cant fix it. I don't believe that for a second its negligence, I like many others have paid way more for your "Free to Play" game than any other game I own, if this is the respect I can expect from you and your new masters at large I doubt you can expect to continue to be successful, if the problem was bugs you should have delayed the league. I have lots of other concerns about the current state of things on PlayStation, and I assume xbox the markets are controlled by a few ppl who own and set prices for the rest of us unfarely. i've seen many posts on this and nothing seems to get done if again this is how its to be moving forward I would make the argument this market is closer to gambling than it is an open market, ie a lucky drop is thousands of times more profitable than say working your way to game wealth through currency exchanges. im not sure if you don't care about your players experience, or don't know how to fix it but a conversation needs started about it. hopefully after the constant blue screens. if you say you cant recrate the crashes why are you not suggesting the exact specs or settings you are using? Anyway you all have been under lots of fire from the community lately, and im sure some of it is unjust but there must be reasons so many people are unhappy, I for one because these 5 bluescreens have made me want to quit trying at all. let alone the completely horrible drop rates I experience vs my friends who play less than I do, and somehow made it through the effing lab together without a b screen go figure..... rng bluescreens REAL BOSS OF WREACLAST
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before im playing with my old laptop.. but since my laptop is not good enough to play poe.. i switch to ps4 but im disappointed. as of now im a level 68 necro.. i think every hour or 2 hours, the game crashes. even in town or in maps.. even inside the sacred grove. hope this will be fixed in the next update.
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I can't go one day without at least 1 blue screen death.
It's absolutely ridiculous, I don't know why GGG thinks that you should lose XP because of the game crashing. That's not the players fault, you gotta do something about that. This is just miserable. You release this league like this and 30 blue screens per week is your new standard i guess. You don't do anything, like say to yourself "ok, players are dying constantly to blue screens so let's make the xp loss 5% or lets recognize when someone is crashing and make them invulnerable to damage so they don't log back in with an xp loss). But no, you don't care. You obviously dont. |
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I wanted to provide a brief update that this issue is still being worked on and investigated. Unfortunately, it's proving to be a very complicated issue and its so far been difficult to isolate its cause. Our engineering team is brain storming various ideas in effort to better understand why this is happening, and will continue to do so until they've been able to find an appropriate solution. We are really sorry for the disruption in the meantime. We appreciate your ongoing patience.
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" Things to consider: 1. Crashing is random. It can happen at any time, during any activity. I have crashed opening the Azurite Mine map. I have crashed while taking 1 step into a fresh map. I have crashed taking a Portal back to my hideout on a completed map with 0 enemies. I have crashed while idling in my hideout. I have crashed opening a Seed. I have crashed after touching a Delirium mirror. I have crashed after activating a Azurite Mine cart. I have crashed walking around in a Labyrinth. I have crashed opening a Legion monolith. I have crashed in the Temple of Atzoatl. 2. The above notwithstanding, a few things jump out. 2a) Izaro and lab traps are broken. The initial volley of green fire, possibly combined with the traps in his room, is a very high percent trigger to crash. I had two friends lose 11 Offerings in 3 hours between them. In all 11 cases they crashed at the beginning of an Izaro fight in Uber Lab, either phase 1, 2, or most often phase 3. You can also crash while navigating any Lab, but Izaro has his own issues, so please examine his fight mechanics and the Trap code in the Lab in general. It should not take much testing to reproduce this crash, it is not guaranteed but highly ubiquitous. 2b) HARVEST IS BROKEN. The sacred grove demonstrably degrades performance as more objects are added, to the point of noticeable and repeatable lag as soon as a Seed is touched if there are many objects placed in the Grove. You NEED those objects to progress the League mechanic, so Catch-22. It requires quite a bit of ingenuity to properly design any layout that grows things beyond Tier 2, and these issues are forcing us to optimize the number of objects we place as well. 2c) Delirium is less stable than it was even Delirium league. Touching any Mirror is fraught with peril depending on build. The loading of Delirium mobs lags the game heavily (0-2 FPS) unless you are using massive AoE to kill/explode things on contact to reduce the amount of AI and animations, and even then there is a risk of just an immediate crash. 3. Trade activity likely has a crash issue. Fairly frequently (30%+) after returning from a crash I will load in and see a new trade message that was not there before. 4. There are several fail states. Sometimes immediate blue screen. Sometimes a freeze, then black screen with a pause then blue screen, sometimes an audio buzz followed by a pause into blue screen, sometimes a buzz, a black screen, then either blue screen or console shutdown. If I were to point fingers, I would say the Chat system may have issues (which would account for random crashing), the Lab and Harvest having their own problems, and perhaps the resource hogging from Harvest is deleteriously affecting Delirium and Legion. |
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You guys at ggg act like this is a new problem, you clearly never played on console before. It is a great game but I am done now. I started in synthesis left because of crash. Came back in blight and it was worse, we couldn't do blight map because of crashes and FPS issue so I stopped again until metamorph. The game was better at that point but still frequent blue screen, delirium we add content we couldn't do again. Juiced t16 map full delirium were like a stop motion video but with missing most of its frames. And now harvest is just a big joke, this is a blue screen festival. Time for you to learn and test your damn game because the situation isn't getting better after each season.
Soon the end game grind challenge will be to create a character and reach lioneye without a crash. |
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Just like to confirm a few things I have noticed, also mentioned by others:
- Crashing a lot more when the servers are busy, weekends, etc. - Crashing pretty randomly, can just be dashing in an empty map or middle of a lab. - First 10s after touching a Delirium mirror the FPS drops to like 4-5fps. The performance pf Delirium is way worse then during the league in general. - Opening seeds in the Grove always freezes the screen for a bit, sometimes crashes. |
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One of my friends' PS4 is dead after these crush. Can't start the PS4 again, No light No sound. Is that some kind of overheat issue when you running POE on PS4? These crushing problem happened before Harvest league but it's worst now. Yesterday, I even bluescreen when using vendor at my own hideout.
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