[PS4] Common PS4 Client Crashes

macristo wrote:
Has anyone tried initializing the ps4? Wondering if that might help, I have no idea.

This has to be a problem within the game. Everything esle works fine.

Only this Game is causing so much troubles.

And no one of GGG cares about responding to us. That isn't right. Very angry right now.

But still putting out MTX to gain some Money.

No one will ever pay on ps4 for something again, if they tread us like we are nothing and ignore us.
This thread is four months old. They have no interest in testing or fixing the issues. Their focus is on PC, as evidenced by all the attention they get on the forums/reddit/etc.

All we can do is stop buying MTX and give the game the 1 star review it deserves.
I am a novice player, I started in the Metamorph League, so I may be mistaken, but in my opinion the problem of PoE in the PS4 version occurs when the mechanics requires many open instances at the same time.
At Delirium, even with Fog, I had almost no problems because the mechanics occurred in the instance that was already open.
At Harvest it was necessary to open the instance of Groove and this gave errors even when editing the garden layout, which required to reset the instance.
In Heist it is necessary the instance of the area of ​​the map or city, the Rogue Harbor, the location of one or two heist. it is not difficult to complete the low levels in less than 8 minutes
The idea of ​​making Rogue Harbor a lobby with so many players and yours MTX doesn't strike me as the right decision
I believe that the PS4 version cannot keep everything open.
This would also explain why errors are more common in Labs, because you would have about 6 open instances or in Atlas, where it is easy to clear two maps in less than 8 minutes, which results in more open instances, and I'm not even quoting Zana's missions
Another problem is the amount of particles that the effects of microtransactions generate, could be turned off at Rogue Harbor, but I understand that this will never be removed as it is a source of income for the company
I have a ps4 pro and have been playing heist.
I have been seeing graphical glitches where certain outfits/hats worn by other characters start spiking out all over the screen.
Also seems to happen with spectre type minions.
I have experienced slightly higher than usual crashes, but haven't actually tried to do the heist yet. I submit reports after each crash. Hope they find a way to get it a bit more stable, but I'm sure they are working hard on it
Gridcaster wrote:
I have a ps4 pro and have been playing heist.
I have been seeing graphical glitches where certain outfits/hats worn by other characters start spiking out all over the screen.
Also seems to happen with spectre type minions.
I have experienced slightly higher than usual crashes, but haven't actually tried to do the heist yet. I submit reports after each crash. Hope they find a way to get it a bit more stable, but I'm sure they are working hard on it

this is happening with other things, I have seen with Heist corners, those orbs of the mobs that drop essences that cause bleeding, auras of rare and unique mobs.
Another strange thing is that sometimes "squares of light" appear on the edges of the areas
Time to move on my dudes, Let's take the L (if you bought MTX) and leave this broken mess. The devs don't care about the PS4. Go to the Xbox forums and just read how fast they respond to their problems. Time to go back to D3.
The difference between a coffee and your opinion? i asked for a coffee.
LeSnailPlissken wrote:

My List looks the same.... 95% of my PS4 Crashes i had over the years are POE Related..

Natalia wrote something in the News about what they are working on right now.

"PlayStation 4 Crashes

The common client crash on this platform has the full attention of our engine development team at the moment."

I really really hope for us players and them, what they will get it fixed fast.

But like some People, including me, mentiones before. The most annoying thing is that no one seems to care to speak to us directly. And that's a shame for a Company who claims to be very focused on talking with the Community.
is there no way to report this?
Is crazy how broken GGG release this league.
Sony should investigate this since is a hazard to the console, it definitely can brick you machine crashing this much.
pra-lima87 wrote:
is there no way to report this?
Is crazy how broken GGG release this league.
Sony should investigate this since is a hazard to the console, it definitely can brick you machine crashing this much.

only ways are to write a Post in the GGG Console Forum for GGG, and after the Game crashed maybe sending a Report on PS4. Don't know any other way. Sorry.

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