I Miss Boem...

Indeed, the internet is full of people who yell FREE SPEECH any time someone politely asks them not to do something

You're the one politely asking, which I have no issue with. While I may disagree with you, you're not the one I'm condemning here. What I am condemning are the people who aren't 'politely asking', but demanding and expecting (and empowered to back that up), oft followed by forcing.

And just as you've classed me in with the free speech yellers, I can't help but notice your dropping contempt for gamers -

I wouldn't put gamers in charge of folding my laundry

Quite revealing.
Exile009 wrote:

You're the one politely asking, which I have no issue with. While I may disagree with you, you're not the one I'm condemning here. What I am condemning are the people who aren't 'politely asking', but demanding and expecting (and empowered to back that up), oft followed by forcing.

Maybe your own conscience is screaming; I will not be caged, I yearn for freedom. People who wilfully breaking the law should be punished. I have no beef with you breaking it. But the rules and the spirit of the law must be upheld. Rules and laws are a form of coercion.

GGG mod is politely asking, aren't they? Rather a mix message consisting of a request, a warning and a threat. I would expect you to follow it when you know there are consequences for breaking it.
Exile009 wrote:
Indeed, the internet is full of people who yell FREE SPEECH any time someone politely asks them not to do something

You're the one politely asking, which I have no issue with. While I may disagree with you, you're not the one I'm condemning here. What I am condemning are the people who aren't 'politely asking', but demanding and expecting (and empowered to back that up), oft followed by forcing.
Well I, at least, wasn’t talking about me. I consider the general implication of “hey, if you want to use this free website we made to talk about our free game, go ahead, we just ask you to follow these few simple rules if you’re going to be here” to be pretty polite. As I said earlier, not a big ask of anyone, no imposition on anyone’s life.

Exile009 wrote:
And just as you've classed me in with the free speech yellers, I can't help but notice your dropping contempt for gamers -

I wouldn't put gamers in charge of folding my laundry

Quite revealing.
Hey, if you would put your workplace decisionmaking in the hands of an anonymous collective of gamers, that’s your business I guess. To each their own. I’m glad to hear my words do convey information though; I write them intentionally so it would be a shame if they didn’t.
I consider the general implication of “hey, if you want to use this free website we made to talk about our free game, go ahead, we just ask you to follow these few simple rules if you’re going to be here” to be pretty polite.

Yeah it's 'polite' in the same way Don Corleone was polite lol. The only reason it's treated differently is cos the stakes are lower. But fundamentally it's still the same form of 'politeness'. Ironically the other guy, who I've already said I suspect is trying to bait me, said it more honestly -

a mix message consisting of a request, a warning and a threat.


The_Impeacher wrote:
I miss steaks and gravy. Damned gout.

Jesus, that first time you get Dad's Funny Disease and discover it's not funny at all.

Baby spinach and cherry tomatoes set it off for me which happen to be main ingredients of my favourite salad ever: roast lamb and pumpkin salad with pinenuts and danish feta. Slathered in tangy yoghurt dressing. Sigh.

...there's an interesting thought. By current moderation standards here, it's better to be polite but wildly off topic than heated but on topic IF said topic is already leaning towards encouraging contentious intercourse.

Meanwhile "don't derail" is a pretty common rule elsewhere.

I wonder if Boem gets gout.

https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.

...there's an interesting thought. By current moderation standards here, it's better to be polite but wildly off topic than heated but on topic IF said topic is already leaning towards encouraging contentious intercourse.

I can't be on topic when my entire post or a series of posts magically disappear in its entirety. How would you continue the discussion when it doesnt exist? Too hot to handle I suppose.

I wonder if Boem gets gout.

Ha, add that to the list of things I never thought I'd read here in OT.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
DarthSki44 wrote:

I wonder if Boem gets gout.

Ha, add that to the list of things I never thought I'd read here in OT.

I had King of the Hill playing in the background during a gaming session earlier today, and the episode where Bobby gets gout was on. Funny coincidence.

If Bobby Hill can get gout, Boem can. That's just indisputable logic.
Turtledove wrote:
The_Impeacher wrote:
I miss steaks and gravy. Damned gout.

GGG should not ban steaks and gravy! Okay maybe a steak every once in a while but never gravy!

Right? I mean COME ON!
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The_Impeacher wrote:
I miss steaks and gravy. Damned gout.

Jesus, that first time you get Dad's Funny Disease and discover it's not funny at all.

Baby spinach and cherry tomatoes set it off for me which happen to be main ingredients of my favourite salad ever: roast lamb and pumpkin salad with pinenuts and danish feta. Slathered in tangy yoghurt dressing. Sigh.

...there's an interesting thought. By current moderation standards here, it's better to be polite but wildly off topic than heated but on topic IF said topic is already leaning towards encouraging contentious intercourse.

Meanwhile "don't derail" is a pretty common rule elsewhere.

I wonder if Boem gets gout.

I'm getting so old now, it's mainly oatmeal these days so I hope it's not that! All of that stuff you mentioned are things that make me go Mmmmmm.

I miss Boem and his alleged gout!


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