Preview of Rebalanced Unique Items in Path of Exile: Harvest

SlizerFiend wrote:
HazaRdReborN wrote:
SlizerFiend wrote:

"Molten Strike’s damage has been buffed to compensate for the loss of old Wildfire."

Did you not read that part? The skill finally got an interesting mechanic alteration. Its hardly a nerf. Or a buff. More of a way to make a variant on the skill. Which is always good. More ways to have interesting build choices.

1 proj could do for example 16m damage. U think that they would give this amount of damage on skill? Ill be so happy if this is thru but we both understand that this is impossible, but will see. Right now for me its just a huge solo target dps nerf.

Agreed, they will not give it that much of a buff. For sure. I am sure people will find ways to make their 16m dmg builds with it regardless.

And to be totally frank, I don't care if high damage builds are dead in the water completely. Its those very builds that have some people whine all day long the game is "ez" and pushing for nerfs that make smaller builds down the line suffer.

An entire situation I am quite tired of and cannot be bothered anymore, and to be honest I really don't care for any of the "my build does 16m damage" notions period. Half the fun of an arpg is discovering builds and there is another 99% of content out there aside from boss killing.

Lastly, those builds are heavily reliant on stupid expensive gear. At which point, it wont be a broken 16m dmg, it will me like 10m. Whoop de doo.

An arpg is about build diversity and discovering things. This direction does that. Whilst some of you are just going in the opposite direction at which point we might as well throw all that out the window and have 1 50m dmg build and be done with it.

Each to their own.
Last edited by HazaRdReborN#3855 on Jun 9, 2020, 10:12:31 AM
TheQoogle wrote:

blah... know that Gloomfang scales its dmg per chain that already happened right? So it basically scales off distance. And you cant spawn MS balls without hitting something in melee range, so unlike magma orb you wont be able to offscreen bosses with large amount of bounces.

So yeah please have at least a basic understanding of the skills / items you talk about.... blah

Or, you can have a basic understanding that its a broken mechanic and there is nothing wrong with losing some of your "i can offscreen bosses with a melee build" approaches.

I am sure there are plenty "fiarin mah lazah" off screen one shot builds still in the game.

I welcome the day those builds also die in ways that they do not effect smaller creative builds and can't wait.
So sad to see...

"I cant use a certain mechanic (which also makes zero sense for certain builds.... I mean its melee, but at this point you might as well make the character a mage with such builds... anyway) the way I used to and I can't be bothered actually finding new ways to maximize my builds"...

And really, with all the two handed changes among whatever else change the season will bring, I am sure someone will create a broken build for you regardless. So not to worry, you don't need to put any work in as usual anyway. Just wait a week for someone to do all the work for you and bring you your new "100 billion damage" build for you to copy.

Same difference.

Every season, "omg the neeeerfs!"

Two weeks later, "omg this game is ezzzzz <flex> man so ez <flex> I can do content with a build I never <flex> even came up with <flex flex>"...

Ok big daddies, sorry your op build will need a work around.

Now can the rest of us scrub loser peasant casual (.... and what was that other one? Oh yes, plebs!) pleb players enjoy creative ways to have fun with builds? You will get your offscreen oneshots. Not to worry.
HazaRdReborN wrote:
TheQoogle wrote:

blah... know that Gloomfang scales its dmg per chain that already happened right? So it basically scales off distance. And you cant spawn MS balls without hitting something in melee range, so unlike magma orb you wont be able to offscreen bosses with large amount of bounces.

So yeah please have at least a basic understanding of the skills / items you talk about.... blah

Or, you can have a basic understanding that its a broken mechanic and there is nothing wrong with losing some of your "i can offscreen bosses with a melee build" approaches.

I am sure there are plenty "fiarin mah lazah" off screen one shot builds still in the game.

I welcome the day those builds also die in ways that they do not effect smaller creative builds and can't wait.

You have not understood anything of what i just said. The offscreening was referring to Magma orb gloomfang builds, bc the guy i qoted was alluding to using Gloomfang on MS. Molten strike wont work like that bc its melee. I have not said anything about "offscreen melee builds"
The Bone Nova skill granted by Uul-Netol’s Embrace now triggers on hitting a bleeding enemy instead of killing a bleeding enemy.

A Breach-exclusive unique upgraded by defeating the mighty Breachlord Uul-Netol should be suitably intimidating, but the build-around potential of Uul-Netol’s Embrace was always hampered by not being able to trigger its signature Bone Nova against strong enemies. So we've changed it so that it now also triggers at the location of the enemy you hit, instead of firing from the player’s location (and will still hit the enemy you triggered it from!).

This was NEVER ITS MAIN PROBLEM... its problem is that Bone nova doesn't go off until the second hit... Meanwhile we kill packs in one shot, Big slow 2 handers especially are supposed to kill packs in one hit... a bleeding enemy requires being hit first, and thus Bone nova was very inconsistent, to the point of feeling really bad to use. On top of this, the main "bleed" Synergy in the game is "bleedsplosions" which DON'T TRIGGER when you one shot packs, so Both of these factors conspire to make a 2 handed big slow weapon VERY UNPOPULAR.

It will still be JUST as unpopular.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Last edited by alhazred70#2994 on Jun 9, 2020, 10:34:46 AM
IS that it or more coming?
I'm beyond confused at this point. Molten strike was something I've tinkered with in the past and was thinking about starting with a build for it, but after all of these comments now I am completely unsure if it's a viable league starter or not...

Better damage, less thingys, and I guess WC to boost the output is really the only option with perhaps creating more chains...I dunno..YIKES
jrockenstein wrote:
I'm beyond confused at this point. Molten strike was something I've tinkered with in the past and was thinking about starting with a build for it, but after all of these comments now I am completely unsure if it's a viable league starter or not...

Better damage, less thingys, and I guess WC to boost the output is really the only option with perhaps creating more chains...I dunno..YIKES

Its high end niches ( ES / life gain + nebuloch or howa builds ) are probably finally dead. They always relied on its unique projectile mechanics rather than numbers on the gem. After being pretty op in Delve league, they got worse and worse with the nerfs over the years. This might be the final nail.

Its usability as a standard fire conversion melee attack will probably be better, but that was never its strong suit to begin with. Its simply outclassed in clear , damage and how the playstyle feels ( the delay until the balls hit always made it feel somewhat clunky ). The new jewel will give it some better clear, but its clear was so bad to begin with, and needed so much extra hurdles to feel somewhat ok ( ancestral call, tribal furry , extra projectiles ) , that investing into a clear MS builds seems like a waste. You also lose projectiles for the chain, so the clear might not even be better.

Overall its just a pretty aimless change. They probably should add the 2 lost projectiles into the gem AND give us the new Wildfire. So they would keep both playstyles intact. As it stands now its just another mediocre fire conversion melee attack, that will probably be on the edge of " its playable", like most elemental conversion attacks.
GGG you guys know that when you totally change the identity of a unique from doing one thing to doing another thing, you've basically just made a new unique and deleted an old one, and re-used its artwork right?

One thing GGG does that always rubs me the wrong way is instead of fixing whats actually wrong with a unique they "reinvent" it. Eliminating some old Niche utility, and making some new niche utility. Broken Faith is a great example, its still not something anyone will use outside of some oddball niche, but now its a totally different oddball niche. It already does something "decent" it was semi usable: but just not good enough to keep using or to be build enabling. Now it does something really different, but still not good enough or build enabling.

Rearranging the deck chairs...

Molten Strike chains... so a clear speed improvement in exchange for less boss damage? Only problem with that is Melee sucks compared to the good playstyles and you're making one of the few Melee skills outside of Cyclone that is decent (but not by any means OP) worse... This seems tone deaf as fuck. MS is clearly a skill about spamming hits... so take some of those away? You guys already made MS FEEL REALLY BAD TO PLAY by removing its old ground targeting. You just keep nerfing the most powerful skills of BAD PLAYSTYLES hoping this will make people use WORSE SKILLS OF BAD PLAYSTYLES.

Here's a thought: why not look at why Molten Strike and Cyclone are the only really well used melee skills and ask yourself how you can make the other skills more usable?

Again Tone deafness, not understanding whats wrong with things in your game is why you can't fix them. Not understanding the REAL reason that no one uses a big slow Axe that only gives a unique effect after the first hit, is why you changed that axe to still give no unique effect until the second hit...

A BIG SLOW AXE that requires a second hit before its unique effect is noticeable... derp... Make it a 2 APS siege axe and you've done something... make it do its effect without a second hit being required and you've done something.

Advancing Fortress is a speculative example... I bet they reinvent it as well. Right now it gives some decent defensive stats but no where close to enough to use in an actual attack build to compensate for its terrible damage. But it does have a tiny sliver of a niche as a defensive weapon in a Shield throw, or Summoner or some OP spell build that doesn't use its phys damage.

GGG will probably reinvent it, making it useless for that tiny creative niche, and also still totally worthless to attack builds because they wont give it reasonable damage, or buff its defensive mods to the point where you would accept its terrible damage in an attack build.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Last edited by alhazred70#2994 on Jun 9, 2020, 11:11:16 AM
HazaRdReborN wrote:
SlizerFiend wrote:

"Molten Strike’s damage has been buffed to compensate for the loss of old Wildfire."

Did you not read that part? The skill finally got an interesting mechanic alteration. Its hardly a nerf. Or a buff. More of a way to make a variant on the skill. Which is always good. More ways to have interesting build choices.

You Sir did not support this game at anytime for 7 years since you are active here.Your Highest character lvl is 93.Yet here we are,you telling people to quit if they don't like it,and trying to educate us.
Everybody is entitled to an opinion!
Also,i did the math and showed how this "Buff" to Molten Strike is actually a nerf.Did you care to read that?
Also,have you ever heard of mechanics?This "buff" changes the whole mechanic of the skill.Does that create more diversity in builds?I will leave that for you to figure out!
So let's some things up,your highest character is lvl 93,you never supported this game and you cannot backup what you say mathematically?
All you can do is call other people out,and tell people who don't like something to quit?

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