Just so you know, this game is already riddled with cheats. Here are a few examples
To the moronic obese moderators, I haven't given you permission to edit my post. If you're going to edit something, the least polite thing you could is inform me. Am I revealing the truth behind this worthless game? Yes I am, but the truth hurts doesn't it?
Multiboxing makes party and solo grinding pointless, you could also just tp your dummies to finish boss and to avoid HC deaths. [section removed by moderator] Now take a look at the stash of a multiboxer: It seems if you aren't cheating, you aren't playing efficiently. At my richest, my legit lvl 71 HC character had 7gcp. Once I discovered these I've immediately deleted my character and uninstalled. Like every mmorpg investing massive amount of time developing your character is pointless as it can easily be surpassed with cheats or with money purchase of game currency. I would love to purchase this game as a single player where you aren't forced to farm and trade other players for gear to get anywhere. Besides, the crafting system is awful and completely dependent on luck. It seems GGG's business model is designed to fool people who are willing to waste their time grinding a bad gear system. This is a post to inform people like me who aren't familiar with the cheating nature of mmorpg games. For those who are repeating the phrase "Get over it", I compiled a dimwit friendly list as to why cheating ruins the game: -Online MMOs are dependent on trading, the top rich hackers determine the market price therefore making gear price unreachable for the average legitimate player. -PVP is ruined for anyone who doesn't have top gear. -The Dsync problem is already restraining the servers, with each hacker running 6 characters you can see why. -With auto loot hack, it makes partying even more pathetic when you have bots stealing your loot. -It's unmotivating to play legitimately when you know you can do it 6X better and maphack, therefore completely changing the game play. Last edited by BurnOutBrighter#5741 on Mar 24, 2013, 11:44:24 PM
In this case I'd just say that ignorance is bliss... It's demotivating but nothing you can do about it. Multiboxing is apparently allowed since they can't enforce it if it wasn't allowed.
Play for fun and ignore cheats like these. They exist in every online game. Edit: Just read the 2nd half of your post and I completely disagree. The only item I traded for is elemental weakness. It's very easy to just rely on your own items and crafting. You are never forced to trade. I don't think anything is wrong with the crafting although I'm not a fan of the devs skewing the chances of higher fusings. It's very simple to get good rolls from alching and chaosing.. as long as you aren't looking for amazing rolls each time. And stop being dramatic, seriously. Moderators are mere volunteers assigned to keep the forums clean. Cheaters being in games does not qualify as a "scam". Last edited by kasub#2910 on Mar 24, 2013, 8:10:51 AM
Everywhere you go; everywhere you be; people will always cheat.
You will never see a man faking anger, passion and relentless behavior.
You will always see a man faking love, politeness and respectful behavior. |
" Oh I am just sad because I like this game, I would buy it. But at the moment it's an online rpg that depends on trading, farming and loot system. Those cheats completely negated any genuine efforts I've put in this game. Well for my specific low life build, I would never be lucky enough to find those certain unique unless I trade. So unless I trade I am forced to play a blatant style which negates the customization point of the game. Last edited by EraserWind#3339 on Mar 24, 2013, 8:12:20 AM
" All action RPGs depend on farming and looting, that's their core concept. Trading will always be the most efficient route to get items but the itemization is good enough that I never felt forced to trade. " Without trading you mostly make builds that fit the items you looted. There is nothing wrong with that, it's how self found works. You can still farm specifically for uniques in hopes of finding the uniques you want. Just boss farm with rarity gear. You are not entitled to specific uniques to make your specific niche build work... Last edited by kasub#2910 on Mar 24, 2013, 8:14:27 AM
and what is preventing you from just shutting down global/trade and play at your own pace?
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" Key stroke multiplying like in that video is definitely not allowed just to be clear. |
" I am sorry, you're saying I am a sucker because I refuse to let myself cheated? If the game ceased to be challenge and relies on cheating, then there is no fun in continuing it. That's plenty of irrelevant nonsense you've just said. |
So that's how people are getting to the ledge in 5 mins during races. When you think about it, I bet majority of the people in the lead this season are probably cheating, and GGG is rewarding them for it.
I still have high hopes though for GGG to completely disband these kind of hacks completely. Nothing is undetectable. Would be nice to get a statement from Chris regarding this issue. IGN: Athulua
When I started playing MMO's a few years ago one thing became clear quite fast and that was people will always be looking for things to cheat in games. Be it exploits, hacks, stealing accounts, botting and whatever is possible. You can't prevent it no matter how many features you add as people will aways find a way around it.
Seeing the stash in the first post is quite a stab to "normal" players but try to forget that and enjoy the game in your own way. Big cheaters hardly get caught as they cover their tracks, those who try to follow the big guys usually do as they fall into the potholes the big guys left open. |