[3.13] 🔥Oro’s Flicker Strike Raider🔥 | Top tier mapper/currency farmer | 10M+ DPS | All Content

Yeah, if you have all your ascendancies with the crazy attack speed coming from frenzies & onslaught without anything to help your mana consumption, you'll be bottlenecked on single target DPS. What you can do :

- Ditch Precision to keep 25% of your mana pool open as long as you have mana issues. It only brings 4% DPS, you loose much more than that if you are mana bottlenecked. You could even replace it with Enlighten if you stumble upon one.

- Best solution is to get -(8-9) mana cost from a crafting service as a ring prefix. One ring will be enough as long as you do not yet have your corrupted Oro's (which raises the cost from 57 to 68, making a second craft mandatory)

- Speccing Mana Void (2 passives with starter tree) or annointing Essence Sap (only a few c, 1 black oil - only if you use Enduring Cry to generate endurance charges) are 2 decent backup solutions on budget gear
Well if damage is not the main problem then I would just suggest using the Inspiration support gem. Counting for the reduced mana cost and lower mana mulitplicator it is almost halve the mana cost when compared to any 1.4 mana multiplier gem. Since the charges are not up 100% of the time the damage multiplier of the Inspiration gem including the crit increase is roughly 30 more damage instead of the 55 more from EDWA gem but it might be worth it if mana is of concern in your setup. Especially during leveling I often use it.
Done some quick math, replacing EDamage with Attacks by Inspiration would be a roughly 17% DPS loss on average.

It would for sure solve all mana issues, but it's too rough - spending 2 passives or an annoint as a temp fix is less costly (6-9% DPS loss)
Last edited by Heinarc on Jun 22, 2020, 6:35:41 PM
Currently I'm not mana bottle necked unless other mechanics/map mods get in the way.

Right now as I'm climbing the higher tier maps single target DPS is suffering.

I haven't spent too much time looking at what I can do to increase this yet. Clearing T13/14 bosses is rough as it takes too long to kill them and avoiding mechanics is tiresome for this build, almost always resulting in at least a death or two.

I attempted to do a Cortex map from Zana and that went badly due to the low ST DPS. I know the totem setup will help, but I'm not sure it will solve it.

I ran Impale Cyclone Champion last season and the totem setup for that was lackluster.

I'm going to need to upgrade gear, but not sure which pieces to target specifically to increase ST DPS.

I invested ~50c into an OK Stygian and some Spiked Gloves, but this doesn't seem to effect our overall DPS much.

It probably would help a bit if I moved off Tabula and into a real 6L, but I know for the price tag that's not going to end up worth much in terms of DPS.

I'm assuming Cluster jewels might be my best bet for a massive increase in DPS so I'll have to price check where we're at with those. I've been watching Inspired Learning slowly dropping in price all day and that is getting tempting to plug into the build, but for ~100c I'm not sure I want to invest in anymore clearing speed as it's currently way beyond what I need to push past T15.
Last edited by Teejay137 on Jun 22, 2020, 6:42:12 PM
For the build to stay safe you want to be able to kill bosses under flask + Vaal Grace duration, so 10sec max. After that, you can't reliably facetank anymore.

If you are thin on DPS but want to keep pushing to T14+, consider temporarily switching to cyclone, it will feel safer.

I'd recommend you to double read the gearing up sections, but here are the most efficient ways to do it on a limited budget :

-a 5L totem set-up (use Jeweller's touch) will bring something like 100% more single target DPS - it's really huge. Drop your totems in entering the arena,; pop all flasks and Vaal Grace, and flicker the boss to death

-Avoid hexproof, increased ele resists, extra monster life maps for now - use harvest or horizons orbs to reroll those maps

- Each extra passive will bring 3% MORE dps on average. Hunter's +1strike gloves will free the 4 passives leading to Tribal Fury, Alira can be respecced to 2 passives once you get enough resists elsewhere

- Clusters and Jewels will now be the most efficient way to get the max DPS from extra passives. If they are hard to come by, you can spend your points toward Disciple of the Slaughter first, Brutal Blade second.
Last edited by Heinarc on Jun 22, 2020, 7:12:38 PM
I'll try the totems - I want to stay away from cyclone. Played that for the entire Delirium season and I'm sick of spin to win at the moment.

5L is really easy this season, I've gotten the pattern several times from tier 1 seeds from harvest.

I'm not having any survival issues - it's only prolonged fights like you said. Anything past 10+ seconds of face tanking and you end up on your heels running around avoiding mechanics and it just keeps going down hill from there.

I will re-read the sections. I admit I skimmed them this morning which is why I picked up the Spiked Gloves and the Stygian, but other than that nothing else stuck :)

It's just the unfortunate fact that a lot of things are expensive right now since it is only Day 4. It was pure luck I got Impresence for 1 ex - they are sitting at 200c/2ex right now.

Thanks for the input.
Last edited by Teejay137 on Jun 22, 2020, 7:12:08 PM
Oh yeah, a last thing you can do : swap out Melee Splash for bosses

I personnaly hate constant gem swapping, but you can actually replace it by Ruthless for 30-40% more single target DPS (or even better, Combustion if you get a white socket from Vorici)
I see in the talent tree you take fortify talent rampart, but on all the gear/talents ect i cant find where you get fortify stacks from.
@Darmo91 - You replace Combustion from the primary gem setup with Fortify until you get a corrupted Oro's with Level 10 Fortify Support. I bought this one for 5c a few days ago to bench until fusings and vaal orbs are more affordable. It's just shy of 800 DPS and should make a good upgrade when the time comes unless I find one with higher DPS.

@Heinarc - Since my ST DPS is lacking... and I am in a bind with getting the right color links to create a reliable totem setup (pure dex helm and gloves).

... I have been chain farming T8/9/10 maps. I've been incredibly unlucky this season and have only found 1 ex so far which was invested in Impresence.

No major card drops or anything of real value. Just a few nickel and dime trades here and there.

I am coming up on having roughly 100 liquid chaos I could spend.

The options I see are:

1.) Upgrade from Tabula - cost will be 50-75c for a budget 6L chest with undesirable stats.

2.) Buy fusings hope to the RNGods I can finally 6L Oro's which would allow for 2 full 6L setups. I just bought a new Oro's and used Jeweler's Touch to 5L it. I'll try to get the right colors to setup totems.

3.) Inspired Learning is dropping in price. They are slowly coming down to what appears to be an 80c bottom out. I could probably get one for 90c guaranteed and this upgrade would not be wasted. Only downside is that it won't help atlas progress as it won't help me kill conquerors.

Clusters blew up in price and I have yet to find the right one to roll my own, so they're out of the question for the foreseeable future.

What would you do given you were in my position?
Last edited by Teejay137 on Jun 23, 2020, 12:32:53 PM
Hey ! Take it with a grain of salt, I'm not playing trade right now.

I'd probably try to generate currency by speed farming T9-T10 as you do and use the seeds to craft half-decent generic stuff with common crafting options.

Example : A 60life / 70 resists vermillion ring crafted with yellow seeds is worth 50-70c right now (https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Harvest/KlQovrLh5)

A 500DPS Exquisite Blade crafted with purple seeds goes for 100c+ : https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Harvest/z9qBevC4 (already got 2 better in SSF, and i'm only in T9-T10 )

I'm sure you can find similar go to crafts for most of the T1 seeds. Just buy a handful of suitable bases, a bunch of scours, and hop in the garden every 10maps.

In terms of upgrades, first just sort out your totems even if you have to throw 200 chromes at it (Ancestral P + Ancestral C + Mtotems + Close Combat - 120 chromes to get the 3R, and you already have +30% ST DPS for yourself and 200k-ish per totem)


=>if you lack survability, upgrade the tabula. Maybe just buy a white 6L base and spam harvest until an half decent result.

=> if you want clearspeed, Inspired Learning is incredible (I'd say +15-20% speed avg), but it won't help against guardians or Sirus.

=>If you want single target DPS, 20/20gems, and cluster jewels to optimise passive points. Only 1.2-2ex for the large one right now (https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Harvest/YyQz3GOsY).
Last edited by Heinarc on Jun 23, 2020, 2:04:30 PM

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