[3.13] 🔥Oro’s Flicker Strike Raider🔥 | Top tier mapper/currency farmer | 10M+ DPS | All Content
This character is a well-balanced fire damage melee build based on the Oro's Sacrifice unique sword. It is designed to be an enjoyable, solid and extremely fast mapper, able to chain super juiced up endgame maps a rate of 15-20maps/hours or more. This character is able to consistently generate more than 500c/h of revenue; and is tanky enough to consider pushing lvl 100 doing only rare T14+ maps. While boss killing is not the build speciality, its still strong enough to solo all hard bosses, such as Sirus A8 or Uber Elder. Build in action in deep delirium, T16 promenade : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB1gFj1Y4tE Speed/DPS benchmark in Maze of the Minotaur : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajebFHOffJE Those clips were taken in Delirium trade league with gear worth 80-100ex, and around 8M DPS. Now that Harvest made it to the core game, you can get even better results for that kind of money. Expect half of the showcased DPS on a 30ex budget (so 8-10sec Minotaur kill). Survability is not super gear dependant with this build - you can do T16s on a Tabula and 50c gear at leaguestart, just being a bit careful with map mods. I will update POBs when I find time to do so, but 3.13 ones can be used without issue. 3.13 updated POBs :
I did not yet update POBs for 3.14 but there are no major changes to the build - you can use the old ones without issues. Only thing of note is the nerf to high end gear with Harvest crafting having being destroyed. 10M shaper DPS without gem swapping is still achievable, and thats enough to destroy anything in the game.
The 100Ex gear is no longer (reasonably) achievable with Harvest having been nerfed to oblivion. Drop the chaos res, the extra curse body armour, the helmet enchant and the Assassin's mark ring and you'll still have 13-14M ish DPS, enough to wreck anything in the game. 2Ex Budget, lvl 90 POB : https://pastebin.com/yuUxiieE - 5700 HP, 2.4M regular boss DPS. 30Ex budget, lvl 95 POB : https://pastebin.com/Vu9WGnZg - 6000HP, 4.8M shaper DPS 120Ex budget, lvl 98 POB : https://pastebin.com/0u3TCVi4 - 6100HP, 18M shaper DPS with capped chaos resist and 50-65% spell dodge. DPS number against bosses include your totems. If you swap Melee Splash for Ruthless and activate Vaal Ancestral Warchief, you can bump those numbers by a 50-60% more for a few seconds. The luxury version is for example able to reach more than 25M sDPS under those conditions. Important budget notes:
Prices were updated for Ritual league, for an established economy 3-4 weeks into the league with 1ex roughly worth 100c. They are here to give an order of magnitude of what to expect, but will obviously change with each league economy. Most high-end pieces can be reasonably crafted with your own self-found harvest crafts.
Pros : • Extremely strong and highly enjoyable mapper, thanks to Flicker Strike mechanics and +120% built-in movespeed. Built-in mini Headhunter effect as a bonus. • Tough enough to disrespect most game mechanics with >5500HP, 96% mitigation against attacks, 50% mitigation against spells and built-in corpse destruction. Survives jumps into 30 porcupines and can facetank metamorphs even in juiced up maps. • High top end DPS. This is the part of the build that will scale the most with your budget. • Will allow you to progress your Atlas up to T16s on a super moderate budget I did not try to artificially inflate the DPS at the expense of defenses - The build balances clear speed, defenses and single target DPS to carry you through juiced up map content at lightning speed. ![]() Build stats & capabilities with high-end gear (100-150Ex). Can even achieve 60% more DPS, ie 18M+ in pure single target if you swap out Melee Splash for Ruthless. Cons: • Must like Flicker Strike playstyle and tolerate its inconveniences (hectic movement, potential sync issues, the occasional "random death" due to flickering back into a death zone). First thing you should do before rolling this character is to check if gameplay suits you : try it out with a 4L on low lvl mobs (acts). • Below average at boss killing. Flicker makes it hard to dodge shit, you don't benefit from DPS boost from having multiple targets, and degen effects (poison pools, sirus quad beam...) ignore your defensive layers. Everything can be done, but a gem swap to Cyclone and great gear (20-50ex) will help to comfortably tackle Sirus A8 or Uber Elder. • The single target DPS needs a bit of gear to really ramp up. With only 10c "life+resists" starter gear, you'll need 20-30sec to kill T16 map bosses. With the 30ex gear, most will go down in less than 10sec. • Highly addictive. Every build you try after this one will feel slow and clunky. You'll be spoiled. Build budget and requirements - Read first!
The build is a fire damage melee build based on the Oro's Sacrifice unique sword and the Impresence (fire) amulet, which are the only required uniques: A 2ex budget is usually more than enough to purchase your 6L Oro's (equippable at lvl 67) and your amulet along a basic set of rares to begin mapping. This very basic setup already scales quite hard with extra passives and will be able to handle T16s with a few levels. The build will then scale up to a budget of 100ex+. The scaling will come from a large number of well-chosen rares, including cluster jewels and influenced mods. This guide assumes you have good game knowledge, know how to use Path of Building (PoB) and tinker around with options. If you already made it up to lvl 90 with a previous character, but struggled in red-tier maps - this build is for you. It is designed to shine in maps, and will carry you to T16s with even a very moderate budget (2-5ex ish). Tree, Gem and flask setup
This section is intented for quick reference only. See the Build Mechanics and Gearing up section for detailed advice about progressing your character. Here's what your endgame tree will look like : ![]() Gem setup Main link: Flicker Strike - Melee Splash - Multistrike - Elemental Damage with attacks - Close Combat - Combustion (or Fortify before your corrupted Oro's) Note : you can swap out Melee Splash for either Fortify or Ruthless for a potent single target dmg boost when you need it (45% more with Ruthless). Not included in the showcased DPS numbers. Alternative main link - Cyclone (Sirus, Uber Elder...) Cyclone - Pulverise - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Fire Penetration - Immolate - Close Combat OR Infused Channeling (Ideal, but requires recoloring) Totems for bossing: Ancestrall Protector - (Vaal) Ancestral Warchief - Multiple totems - Combustion - Elemental Damage with attacks - Ruthless (6th L) Auras Flesh&Stone (Sand Stance) | Anger | Flammability - Blasphemy Life insurance CWDT - Steelskin - Increased Duration | Vaal Grace Put this setup on a 4L for Increased Duraction to benefit Vaal Grace. While pushing to 100, I found that this CWDT setup is actually barely needed once you get 95% evade chance, its very rare to get hit twice within those 2-3 sec of activation. If you feel comfortable enough, you can ditch it to fit a Portal or an Enlighten gem. Mobility Leap Slam - Faster attacks - Blood Magic Blood Magic does wonders in no regen/Baran's runes maps. If you find yourself sitting at 0 mana for whatever reason, you'll be able to just leap into a pack to leech some back. Dash - Second Wind is a possible alternative, and might be more suitable for specific boss fights (Maven's for example). You can get a white socket (Vorici in Research) to be able to swap when your need it. Instant Warcry: Infernal Cry Put it on your left mouse button so you'll activate it every off cooldown when you move, without having to press an extra button. If you have an extra gem slot, you can link it with Second Wind to reduce its cooldown. This gem is only useful for the potent "Covered in Ash" debuff it applies as we can't exert attacks with Multistrike. Flask setup Required : bleed,freeze, and curse immunities. A corrupted blood jewel can replace bleed immunity. Budget setup: Luxury setup: Wise Oak will require you to keep Fire res as your highest to work properly. Use Harvest res-swapping to ensure it. Keep the Jade flask until you have enough base evasion on your gear (ideally : 2000+). Make sure to get increased crit chance as the special property of your Cinderswallow. BUILD MECHANICS
How does it work? Main link : Flicker Strike
Flicker Strike - Melee Splash - Multistrike - Elemental Damage with attacks - Close Combat - Combustion Flicker teleports you next to a nearby enemy and attacks it. Supporting it with Melee splash and Multistrike will allow us to bounce from pack to pack and destroy them on hit, clearing entire maps at breathtaking speed. The last 3 supports bring as much damage as possible to the equation. Frenzy charge generation to sustain flicker: The downside of Flicker Strike is that it consumes 1 frenzy charge each cast to bypass its 2sec cooldown. This build will generate them extremely quickly, both from our Ascendancy and from the Oro's unique modifier, which gives us one frenzy each time we ignite an enemy. With >90% ignite chance and 3hits per Flicker thanks to multistrike, frenzies are not gonna be an issue - even against single targets. And as a bonus, this lovely sword comes with up to 820 fire DPS ! How does it work? – Defensive layers
Evasion: The blind aura from Flesh&Stone, coupled with your ascendancy and a couple of DEX bases will be enough to get to 90%+ evade chance (hard capped at 95% chance). You need around 2200 Evasion on gear to get 95% evade without anything else, its a good endgame target but not necessarily very easy to get. I recommend you to use a Jade Flask while working on it, which you can later replace by a DPS flask. Dodge and Spell Dodge: Our second defensive layer, coming from the Acrobatics & Phase Acrobatics keystone, plus our Quartz Flask for 50% Dodge and 40% Spell Dodge. Pressing Vaal Grace will temporarily boost these numbers to their 75%/75% cap for 10 seconds (with Inc. Duration) - use it preventively in dicey situations. Fortify: We generate the effect through the Fortify gem on the main link on a starter budget, and later on thanks to a well-chosen "Supported by lvl 10 fortify" corruption on our Oro's. Thanks to our passives, we buff the fortify effect by 20% for an overall 24% reduced damage from hits. Which makes our 6000HP pool (endgame) equivalent to 7900 without Fortify. Yeah, that's quite good. Life pool: We do not pick a whole lot of increased life on the tree (+120-150%), but can make up for it thanks to numerous jewel slots and no mandatory uniques without life rolls. Take special care to only pick rares with excellent life rolls (T1/T2) to maintain an high life pool - you want at least 5500HP total once reaching T14+ maps. With this build, it is important to have enough HP to survive something like a volatile flameblood in the face. You won't be able to dodge 100% of bad stuff when using flicker strike, so make your character able to facetank a big hit. Life sustain: The build will use life leech as the main source of life sustain. You initially get some by speccing the Blood Drinker notable, and then get it from your cluster jewels (Feed the Fury). Basic leech is good enough for regular maps, but you'll want a bit more for challenging content. I recommend a Glorious Vanity - Ahuana jewel socketed right next the the Point Blank at the bottom right of the tree. It will transform into Immortal Ambition. ![]() Immortal Ambition will improve your leech by making it not reset when reaching full life, so you can start recovering at 20% of your HP/sec after receiving a hit rather than having to wait for leech to ramp up again. Life insurance: CWDT + Steelskin + Increased Duration will provide a good backup when shit hits the fan, basically granting you extra HP to survive a burst of damage. You can keep this setup at lvl 16-17 on a 4500HP pool (white, yellow maps) and raise it to lvl 20 when you reach 5500HP+. As an emergency button, Vaal Grace will raise both Dodge & Spell Dodge from 50% to 75% for an overall 50% all damage reduction. Use it preventively when you suspect high incoming damage (facetanking juiced up metamorph or map boss, screen full of mobs in deep delirium...). Put it on the same link than your Steelskin to also benefit from Increased Duration, raising duration to 10sec. How does it work? – DPS scaling
This build deals 100% Fire Melee Attack damage using a 2H sword and will scale with bonuses related to those tags (Melee, Fire, Elemental, Attack, Two-hand...). In particular, buffs to Physical damage will not apply. Overview: we will scale the high base fire damage on our Oro’s Sacrifice with : - Anger Aura to bring even more flat damage - A lot of increased damage / increased fire damage from tree and cluster jewels - A shitload of Fire penetration (Up to -128% enemy fire resistance!) - A lot of crit scaling from tree and cluster jewels - Enough accuracy to cap our hit chance to 100% - Onslaught with +100% effect thanks to ascendancy - More multipliers from 6-7 Frenzy charges - A 7th link through a well chosen Oro's corruption ("Socketed gems are supported by lvl 10 Fortify") once you'll have a few exalts to invest. Offensive auras: We will use both Anger and Flammability-Blasphemy as offensive auras, the latter coming at 0% mana reservation thanks to our Impresence Amulet. Cluster notables: The build will use some Cluster jewels in the higher budget versions to optimise the DPS/passive point, gain life leech and get a corpse destruction mechanism. The latter is a very strong defensive tool, as it will prevent a lot of on death effects from triggering off. Do not fear the porcupines! Here are the notables we are specifically interested in : ![]() Totems: As we are using a 2H, we will be able to play with a 2nd 6Linked skill in our chest. In our case, we will use a totem setup to boost our single target damage against bosses: Ancestrall Protector - (Vaal) Ancestral Warchief - Multiple totems - Elemental Damage with attacks - Ruthless - Combustion (6th L) These 3 totems will both buff you for a very significant DPS boost (40%+) and bring significant DPS on their own (600k+ shaper DPS per totem). At the end of the day, they will grant you close to 100% MORE single target damage! 6Linking your chest will however be a low priority compared to a lot of other stuff, so use a 5L (Jeweller's touch) to begin with. See gearing section. Totems are very important for decent single target DPS with starter gear, do not skip them! Fire penetration scaling: We will use numerous sources of Fire Pen to get monster's resistance deep into the negative values, allowing us to reach insane DPS numbers. -23% from tree + Master of Fire (cluster jewel) -15% from our Wise Oak flask (be sure to have Fire res as your highest one) -45% from Flammability -20% from Combustion And as we start to gear up a little bit, we will add on top of that : - 15% from a Watcher's Eye - 9% from a Warlord's Helmet For a total potential reduction of -128% of enemy fire resistance! Some of the toughest enemies will be partially immune to some of these effects (Hexproof, 40% bonus elemental resistance...) but their resistance is still gonna be annihilated. Crit scaling: Oro's big downside is its low base crit chance, at only 5%. We will need to do some heavy lifting to be able to scale crit effectively, and that will be the most important DPS driver for high budget versions. Assuming you have 400% increased crit chance, this low 5% base only gives you a 25% (= 5% *(1+400%))chance to crit overall. Not good enough to benefit fully from stats like crit multiplier. As for all crit builds, we start with our trusted Diamond Flask, making our crit chance lucky (Rolls twice, picks the best). This effect is super strong, as it will for example transform a 40% crit chance into an effective 65%! Then, as our budget goes up, we will progressively look to add more base crit chance, coming from an Elder/Hunter's chest piece, a Bottled Faith Sulphur Flask and ultimately an Assassin's Mark ring (+1.5% crit chance). The Assassin's mark is a second curse coming on top of Flammability, we will need a special stat allowing use to apply more than one curse to use it. It can come from a corruption of your Amulet (unrealistic), or from an harvest-crafted Hunter's Chest such as this one : This last bit is obviously pretty luxury, you don't need that to make the build work! Strike skills target one additional enemy : This effect will come either from the Tribal Fury notable, or from a influenced modifier on Hunter's Gloves once you have the cash (having both is overkill). As we use the Melee Splash support, an additional strike on a nearby enemy will also splash on our main target for 60% of our damage. This mean we actually get a 60% MORE DPS modifier from this effect as long as they are several enemies in range, which happens surprisingly often (packs, tanky Delirium rares, boss adds, twinned bosses...). Granted, it wont boost your POB numbers against Shaper or Sirus, but in real life this is extremely effective and well worth the investment. How does it work? – Mana Sustain
This build is extremely mana intensive for an attack build, flicker base cost being 57/cast, and your attack speed allowing you to get above 3 casts/second. Getting a fortify-corrupted Oro's will also raise the base mana cost to 68/flicker. The build uses the Essence Sap notable to get some leech and raise the maximum amount you can leech per second. ![]() On top of that, once you get your corrupted Oro's it's important to craft -9 mana cost on one of your rings (Elreon’s mod, prefix, you might need a crafting service). Getting it on both rings can smoothen mana a bit further, but is not mandatory. Recommended Pantheon / Bandits / Enchants
Pantheon: Lunaris/Garukhan synergize well with the build for mapping. Nothing wrong to swap it for other options though, it's only minor buffs. Bandits: Alira is the best choice for leveling and on starter gear. Once your have access to better items and no longer have resists issues, 2 passives points (kill All) will net slightly better results - use the vendor recipe to swap your choices. Enchants: • Best helmet enchant is 9% Flicker Strike damage/frenzy, which will net you 63% increased damage on 7 frenzies. 40% increased damage is good value as well and can be more reasonable in price. • Several boot enchants are very nice for the build, so I'd suggest to use your divine fonts on them. Flat Fire damage or Attack speed if you killed recently are both good for mapping, Movespeed if not hit is always great, and extra Spell Dodge or 80% stun avoidance are very good if you like running super rippy delirious maps. Finally, extra Elemental Damage Penetration if you have not killed recently is excellent for bossing. => While nice, these enchants remain entirely optional. Don't waste time or money chasing them if you do not yet have a multi-ex item equipped in every slot. GEAR AND TREE PROGRESSION Is this build a good leaguestarter?
Depends. This character is built around Oro's Sacrifice, a (common) unique sword equippable at lvl 67. So here is the basic leaguestarting plan : -Get to lvl 60 & act 9 on a random 4L (frost blades, cyclone...) -Farm Blood Aqueducts for lvl 67 and do a few chaos recipes -Purchase your Oro's (unlinked, couple c) and a few basic rares -Do a few more chaos recipes to purchase a Tabula or a corrupted 6L -Finish act 10, do your third lab -Start white and yellow maps, do your 4th lab and reach lvl 80 So far, so good - apart from the Oro's, everything else can be done SSF without any trouble. But to easily progress through red-tier maps, we would ideally like to equip the second unique of the build, an Impresence amulet. This is an Elder drop and will therefore be very rare, and costly on the first week of a new league. Expect a price tag around 2ex, which will gradually drop down to a couple chaos after a few weeks. You would also like to start looking for specific cluster jewels and influenced mods at this stage, which are also gonna be hard to get in the very first days of a league. => If you only intend to play 4-5h/day in the first week, and get to red-tier maps in week 2, you will be fine and should progress smoothly => If you want to go all-in and try to kill Uber Elder day 2, consider another leaguestarter. You are likely to be held back by the unavailability of some key items in the first days of the league. Leveling
If it's your first league character and only have a 4L to level with, I recommend you to use Frost Blades : Frost Blades - Onslaught - Ancestral Call - Added Cold Damage. Swap out Ancestral Call for Ruthless in boss fights for more DPS. Onslaught can be later replaced by Elemental Damage with Attacks if colors are more convenient, or once you get your first Silver Flask. Add Herald of Ice and Flesh and Stone auras as you unlock them All these gems are available very early (Act1 for main link - don't forget all gems can be purchased from Siosa in the Library area from ActIII) and will carry you to the Blood Aqueducts (Act 9) without much issues on SSF gear. Use the best physical 1H or 2H swords you can grab for maximum damage. At lvl 44, you can buy a Rigwald's Charge 2H sword for a couple alchs if you want to feel more comfortable. The Tribal Fury notable (Strike skill have 1 additional target, bottom left of the tree) is a big powerspike if if you use Frost Blades, and can be worth pathing quite early for it. You are also likely to miss a bit of strenght at early levels, so look for some on the gear you equip. Basic lvl 40ish leveling tree : www.poeurl.com/cSSj. Adapt to your tastes and to your loot (have you found decent swords or not, etc...). You can also consider skills like Cyclone or Bladestorm if they have your preference. If you have access to a Tabula, you can use Flicker Strike from lvl 28, but you will lack damage with only a 4L. Recommended first ascendancy : Way of the Poacher for 4 frenzy charges. Get Onslaught from a Silver flask if you stumble upon one. Once in the Blood Aqueducts (first Act 9 zone), farm up to lvl 67 and do a few chaos recipes. Congrats, you can now equip your Oro's Sacrifice, respec the few leveling passives you do not need anymore and start owning :D Gearing-up - Getting started (Lvl 67 - 2Ex budget)
Suggested lvl 70 tree: www.poeurl.com/cTEz What to buy/do: • your Oro's Sacrifice(5c). Choose one with >800 elemental DPS. • A corrupted 6Linked-chest featuring some life and resists (80+ life, 50resist is fine - 30c) • 2-10c gear on all the other slots, should have T1/T2 life and cap your resists, and give you the Strenght (155 for totems) and Intelligence (114 for Blasphemy) you need. DEX bases are ideal, but we will use mostly red sockets - so STR/DEX are a good choice to avoid painful offcoloring. • Jewel up, link and color appropriately your stuff to set up your gems properly • Totems links are unimportant at this stage, but don't skip them - they are key for single target DPS on starter gear. Just get a Jeweller’s touch to 5L your totem setup, it's more than enough at this stage. • Set up your flasks • Run merciless and eternal lab. Wait to have 4200-4500HP for the latter. • Save up for your Impresence. It will only be 10c or less after a few weeks, but might get to 2ex+ in the first days of a new league. Be sure to take the fire version! Ideal annoint is Frenetic (+1 frenzy), but on a budget Snowforged will do fine. On a leaguestart, a talisman can be good value on the slot if you can't afford Impresence yet. Useful budget uniques : Tabula Rasa; Belly of the Beast; Starkonja's Head; Worldcarver. Consider one of these only if you can fix your resists/INT/STR on your other slots. Exemples of good budget gear: What to expect: • Should be enough to progress your atlas to red-tier maps at a fast pace. T16s on a Tabula are manageable with some levels, but require attention to map mods and are a bit rippy. League start : While saving up for Impresence, any rare amulet with 80 life/30 crit multi/some resists will do the job just fine. Talismans can be excellent value. I need MOAR DPS: If you struggle a bit with single target dmg in higher red maps with cheap gear, you can: - Swap out Melee Splash for Fortify or Ruthless during boss fights - Use Vaal Ancestral Warchief when you need to burst something down Using both these tricks will give you a 70% more DPS boost for a few seconds, and it's not even included in the showcased numbers! Gearing-up – Getting to endgame (Lvl 80-90 – 5Ex budget)
Suggested lvl 80 tree: www.poeurl.com/cTEE What to buy/do: • Progress your atlas and level up. The build scales very well with each extra levels. Don't engage in too rippy content yet for this reason. • Get Hunter’s gloves with “Strike skills target 1 additional enemy nearby” (1Ex – +60% DPS against packs). You can unspec the 4 passives leading to Tribal Fury once you get it. • Get your 2 main cluster jewels. Important notables are Feed the Fury and Surefooted Striker for the large one (8passives), Cooked Alive/Master of Fire + Cremator for the medium one (4 or 5 passives). Can be expensive early on in the league, don't hesitate to roll a few harvest chaos at bases! • Get enough resists to change from Alira to 2 passive points. • Get a collection of %increased max life, crit multi and increased damage jewels (30-50c each) • Get additional Accuracy on rings/gloves – Ideally 400ish. Check your hit chance is still 100%. • Get a Watcher’s eye with 14-15% Fire Damage Pen while affected by Anger (50c - 1Ex - +12% DPS) • If 6linked Oro's happen to be cheap (50c-ish), get one at this stage in order to improve your chest piece. This was the case in Metamorph and Delirium leagues. • Inspired learning (1-4Ex)- If not too expensive, get one at this stage. It's extremely strong for mechanics spawning a lot of rares (Delirium, Rituals...). This one is usually affordable early in the league, and price increases later on. What to expect: • Should be enough to handle T16s quite comfortably and start generate currency at a reasonable pace. Speed running T10-T12 maps can be a good option, as you will still have to pay attention to map mods in T14+. Gearing-up – Scale that up! (Lvl 90-95 – 30Ex Budget)
What to buy/do: • Save up for a corrupted Oro’s with the Fortify Corruption, buy it unlinked and use the Delve benchcrafts to 6S/6L it (or get someone with the recipes to do it for you). Total cost 350jewellers, 1500fuses and 1850 vaals. Can get quite expensive depending of the currencies rates, but this is a huge upgrade. The 7th link will bring something like a 30-35% more dmg boost. Cost 10 to 15ex. • Get an Elder or Hunter with high life, and flat crit chance (5Ex, +15%DPS). 6Link is not a priority yet. If you are ready to spend some time offcoloring (Harvest is the best solution with a few 1R 1B spams), a DEX base is ideal, otherwise go for a STR/DEX. Tip : Aug Attack with Harvest can guarantee the crit chance on a well rolled base - requires i84+. • Purchase lvl 21/20 gems and Awakened Melee Splash / Ele damage with attacks (70c-100c each) • Purchase/craft a Warlord’s helmet with 9% Fire Pen (3-4Ex, +7% DPS). Tip : Aug Fire with Harvest can guarantee the fire pen mod if you have full prefixes and a fire resistance mod. Requires i85+. • Get Vermillion bases and fertile catalysts for your rings to boost those HP up. • Get your Glorious Vanity - Ahuana when you feel you want more life sustain, and reallocate the points around the Point Blank keystone. Obviously, on top of that you'll still have to keep high life rolls, capped resists and enough Str/Int ! It's a min/maxing game after all ;D What to expect: • Strong enough for Simulacrum 20/20 or pushing deep delirium in T14+ maps for 5/3/1 or even 6/4/2 rewards. You will reach 4-5M DPS in clearing (including splash from gloves) and 4M on single targets (including totems), which will be enough to cut through conquerors in seconds. • Enough for pretty much all game content, up to 40-60% delirious maps at T14+ • Can do Elder, Shaper and equivalent bosses without much trouble. Sirus A8, Uber Elder, Maven can be done, but are likely to still feel challenging if you do not have perfect mechanics. Gearing-up – Sky is the limit! (Lvl 95+ - 100Ex+ budget)
What to buy/do: • Bottled Faith (7-12 Ex, +25% DPS). Replaces your life flask, get a corrupted blood immunity jewel to keep up this bleed immunity. • Cinderswallow's Urn once you are happy with your evade chance without the Jade flask (3-5ex, +10% DPS) • "Perfect" clusters, you can look for a third notable on your large one (Martial Prowess, Smite the Weak), a bit of extra stats (int!) or chaos res. • Tailwind or Tailwind/Elusive boots (From 5EX, +10% DPS) • An extra curse Hunter's chest along an Assassin's Mark ring (30-50Ex, +40% DPS) • +1Strike and +1Frenzy gloves from Awakener Orb crafting (20Ex - +10% DPS) • A 2-stat Watcher’s Eye (Fire Pen + Crit multi with Anger or Precision) (20-30Ex, +10%DPS) • Awakened multistrike support(20-40Ex, +10% DPS) • 6L your chest for totems • A second 6L corrupted Oro’s to switch to a 4M+ DPS Cyclone on weapon swap – because, why not? • %increased life, AS/incDmg and 2x crit multi jewels (8-10Ex each, +3-4% DPS each) Examples of excellent endgame gear for this build : Most of the rare pieces can be reasonably crafted from scratch, or improved upon with your self-found Harvest crafts. You'll find a few guidelines on how you can approach those crafts in my post p76 of this thread. Its much more budget efficient to buy a half-finished item you can improve upon with the crafts you find (like Aug Attack to guarantee the crit chance on a chest piece) rather than buying everything perfectly rolled! Choosing rares - stats to look for
This section will help you to choose between different rares once you start to min/max your character with expensive pieces. The values below are indicative only and will change for your own character, so when in doubt, refer to your own POB ! Defensive stats : +500 Evasion: +4% evade chance - huge boost, but caps a 95% evade chance. You'll need approx 2200 evasion rating on gear to reach the cap without a Jade flask +500 Armour: +1% Phys reduction, almost useless +20 Life (on gear): +60 Total HP +5% Increased Max Life = +100 Total HP Offensive stats : +10% Global Accuracy Rating: +3,9% DPS (if not yet at 100% hit chance) +100 Accuracy: +1,8% DPS (if not yet at 100% hit chance) The 100% hit chance cap will be achieved with roughly +700-750 Accuracy on your gear if you stick to the suggested tree. +10% critical strike multiplier: +2% DPS +5% Fire Penetration: +4% DPS +10% increased damage (Fire, Elemental, Melee, with Swords, with 2H...): +1,4% DPS +10% critical strike chance: +0,9% DPS +5% Attack Speed: +1.5% DPS (beware of mana issues!) OTHER NOTES AND ADVICE
General advice for playing the build
Do I need more DPS? When using flicker, it is important to be able to kill rares in a couple seconds maximum. If you spend more time on them, other mobs will be able to target you with a variety of spells, and your survability will suffer. If you can't do that, it means you should be more careful with map modifiers, run lower tier content, or simply improve your gear. DPS tricks on a low budget: - don't stack adverse map modifiers (read map mods section) - use your flasks, totems and infernal cry - you can swap out melee splash for a DPS gem (Fortify or Ruthless) on a pure single target fight like a conqueror for a potent DPS boost - you can put Fortify on your leap slam link to use a gem with more DPS on your main link (Combustion or Ruthless). Not super reliable, but it works. Finally, I would argue that once you are able to dispatch most rares in <0.5s, getting even more DPS starts to be a little pointless. Sure, you'll spare a second on the map boss and be able to do conquerors in 4secs instead of 6, but focusing on survability (life pool, chaos resist, etc...) is likely to be more beneficial to your character at this point. Do I need more life? You want to aim for at least 5500 HP with the fortify effect up in T14+ maps. You sure can do them with less, but you will never feel comfortable as you will be in the one-shot range of a lot of effects and boss abilities. If you insta-die on a boss, the most likely explaination is that you got hit by a mechanic you were supposed to dodge. It's hard to see whats happening while flickering, so swap to cyclone (see below), look at what the boss is doing and how to dodge it. Once you are familiar with the fight, it should be easy to do it again with flicker. Filter: Use a very strict filter with a flicker build, you don’t want to stop every cast to pick up a jeweller’s. I personally only stop to pick stuff worth 1c or more, except for the loot explosion at the end of the map during which I will also pick up smaller currencies (alchs, GCPs, scours, chisels..) Cyclone as a back-up skill: The very same tree/gear also scale Cyclone by a lot, you can easily get to 4M+ sDPS with it. Ideal gem set-up requires some recoloring (see POB), but it also works fine with your default Flicker’s colors (Cyclone - Pulverise - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Fire Penetration - Immolate - Close Combat). This will be useful when tackling content which absolutely requires precise positioning, such as Sirus or Uber Elder. Cyclone is also inherently safer than Flicker, if a bit slower. This can be useful if you want to push for high levels (92+). Obviously, once rich enough, you can have a second corrupted Oro’s on weapon swap with your cyclone set up. A bit of bossing advice Conquerors: use Cyclone on Baran until you have enough DPS to kill him under the 10sec of Vaal Grace. You can flicker down the other 3 if you are confident dodging the dangerous mechanics with it. Elder/Shaper guardians: Cyclone make those fights easier. Dont understimate the map mods, they can be really tough if you are undergeared. Sirus: an absolute pain for the build, you can't keep flasks up, can't really use totems and will have potato DPS. Life is hard. Use cyclone, focus on dodging shit and be patient. You can kill Sirus A5 with quite minimal gear (let's say 5ex ish) but it will take time. Elder, shaper: Elder is easy, you can even use flicker for this fight. Use cyclone for shaper, you'll need a minimum DPS to not get overwhelmed on the final phases. Know your limits : Flicker strike feels godly the minute you start one-shotting everything. However, if you try to tackle hard content for your current DPS, you will find yourself jumping back and forth a lot, exposing you to lingering AoEs and the like. If you want to try something very difficult for your gear (let’s say a 100% delirium juiced up T16), Cyclone will generally feel safer than Flicker Strike. Map mods and levelling up past 92-95
Map mods you cannot do: • Elemental damage reflect • Cannot leech life/mana Map mods you should not do (too rippy): • -12% max elemental resistances • Area contain patches of shocked ground (that increases damage taken by 50% !) Map mods which significantly reduce your DPS: • Elemental Equilibrium (everything will get +50% fire res after the first hit) • +40% Monster Elemental Resistance • Monsters are Hexproof I'd recommend to avoid combinations of several of those - It's not that you can't do the map, but it might become a bit tedious if you are undergeared. Pushing for high levels: When trying to push for high levels (let's say past 92), I also recommend you to be really careful with the following things: • You are relatively squishy when you enter a new area (no fortify, endurance charges etc...). Be careful not to get shotgunned to death at the first door of the map! • Get some chaos resist for lvl 95+. +20% is perfectly fine. • Focus on having 100% flask uptime in maps with curses. Vulnerability or Ele weakness are deadly! • Sextant modifier "maps contain cluster of mysterious barrels", some explode and are deadly in 100% increased AoE maps • Metamorphs and Legions in maps with Beyond, if you are unlucky you can spawn 10 rares at the same time with overlapping auras and get suddendly one-shotted. From lvl 98+, I also recommend to you to use an alt to run rippy content (Sirus A8, Uber Elder, Cortex, waves 19-20 of Simulacrum...) while you push for lvl 100. As stated above, Flicker Strike is not a safe skill. You WILL eventually jump back into a pack of bearers you half-slaughtered, of right next to an Ice Nova strongbox you just activated. Take note of your mistakes/overconfidence and don't repeat them when xp matters. In 3.11 Harvest, I managed to lvl up to 100 in juiced up T14+ maps at Awakening lvl 8 applying the guidelines above. Can this build do content XYZ?
Yes. To elaborate a bit more, flicker can indeed make your life difficult when precise positioning is key. But even in a worst case scenario, you are only a gem swap away (or a weapon swap away, once wealthy) from transitioning to a Cycloner with multi-million shaper DPS and above average survability. I completed all difficult challenges in delirium with this one and only character, including Sirus AL8, Uber Elder and 100% Delirious juiced up T16. Simulacrum 20/20 will be a joke. ![]() POB Notes :
Important configs to check/review for your own character : - With or without flasks up - With or without totems up - Using frenzy charges, endurance charges, onslaught, fortify, crit recently, leeching, on consecrated ground (if using Bottled Faith) - Sand stance - Melee distance to enemy = 5 (flicker mechanic, activates Close Combat) - Enemy ignited, on consecrated ground (if using bottled faith) To simulate boss DPS, select "Boss" or "Shaper" in the config, and activate your totems. Add your totems DPS to your flicker strike DPS. To simulate map clear DPS, select "Not a boss" in the config, deactivate your totems (you won't keep them up), and multiply your flicker strike DPS by +60% to take into account the Splash overlap from Melee Splash & +1 Strike gloves (or Tribal Fury notable) The POBs featured in this guide were created with the POB Community Fork, v1.4.170.22 Be sure to use this fork to have proper calculation for Close Combat and Multistrike supports, among other things. Download it from here : https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding 3.13 build changes :
No major changes in 3.13. The removal of the flat +5% evade chance on Rapid Assault ascendancy lead me to add Survivalist to all trees, but thats about it.
Build variants :
This build is highly customizable to your tastes. While the Oro's raider version is IMO the most survivable and straightforward, you can also consider: - Using a Slayer, Berserker or Scion ascendancy instead of Raider. It usually means 30 to 50% more DPS, at the cost of a good chunk of survivability (60% ish evade chance instead of 95%) and a bit less movespeed. - Using a physical weapon instead of the Oro's, with or without elemental conversion. It significantly raises the entry cost as you'll usually want a 6L Farrul's Fur and a 700+ phys DPS weapon, but it works extremely well at high budgets. A Terminus Est is a fine weapon to start with, and is reasonable to get even in SSF. Without a Farrul's, you will not be able to sustain frenzies on single target and will have to gem swap to cyclone for guardians and such. As an example, I did all content and pushed to 100 with my SSF character Nurya_SSF in Harvest league, which used a physical variant of this build. Another example is the phys-to-fire Berserker/Inquisitor Scion from Pirate_yar utterly destroying endgame content in this small clip recorded in Heist league. You can find the gear used in p45 of this thread. I also provided detailed explanation about how to make work a physical to cold version in p73 of this thread. Feel free to experiment and share your sucesses! Last edited by Heinarc#1915 on Apr 18, 2021, 1:52:39 PM Last bumped on May 12, 2022, 9:51:11 AM
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looks promising! definitely going to try this out
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JUst added a gameplay clip, which should be a testament to the build speed and power : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB1gFj1Y4tE
(Juiced up T16 promenade, 4x sextants, AL7) Last edited by Heinarc#1915 on Apr 19, 2020, 11:31:08 AM
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Looks like a pretty well-written guide.
I've been trying to make a flicker build for the past few days and I mainly try to stick to other people's guides and ideas as they have more experience, but this league very few people seem to be playing standalone Flicker builds. I started with my Assassin, which got switched to Trickster as it seems to have better synergy with Flicker. I got to 15 mil+ dps on PoB using cluster jewels, and even though it was indeed kinda squishy, the main issue was Frenzy charge generation. Using Saviour was amusing, but I guess even your build won't work without Oro's Sacrifice. I just don't know if the Raider's frenzy charge on hit is a must when it comes to single target, because I couldn't make it work using my Trickster. For Close Combat Support, you should be able to calculate it using the "melee distance to enemy" option in PoB config. |
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do we need enlighten gem? not enough mana for all auras..
edit: nvm im stupid realized i bought amulet with the wrong aura Last edited by TYZILLA1#6439 on Apr 19, 2020, 6:57:01 PM
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can you check my pob and see what i can do to get my dps / life up. Im about 2mil short from your dps but i havent set up the totems yet & about 1k less life. I ran a few test maps and survivability doesnt seem like an issue so id like to just get my dps up as much as possible from this point on
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@ Denisian
" These Saviour builds usually opt for a Farrul's Fur to help with Frenzies, and Awakened Multistrike might also help by adding a 4th strike as an extra opportunity to generate a charge. The downside is that the entry ticket of this kind of gear (Saviour + Paradoxica + Farrul's Fur + Awakened Multistrike) is not really on the cheap side of things. I might POB a variant and feature it as an alternative version though, I would be interested if you could PM me your own POB :D Issue with Close Combat calculation in POB is solved. Use the latest community fork version! @ TYZILLA1 I see you already equipped some pretty gear :D From what I can see, you are still missing a Watcher's Eye with Anger Fire Pen (Crit Multi from Anger or Precision as a costly bonus) and probably lack some Accuracy to cap your hit chance. Check your POB to see if allocating Eagle Eye could give you a DPS boost. An Inspired Learning won't increase POB numbers, but it will feel like a large power increase in this build which excels in juiced up maps. I'd say it is equivalent to a 15-20% DPS increase. At last, review your POB for the following things : -Is the Fire Pen from your helmet calculating correctly? I had to manually edit it in mine ("Damage Penetrates 9% Fire Resistance") -Have you ticked "Enemy is intimated" (Master of Fear notable), "Enemy stands on consecrated ground" (Bottled Faith) and "Enemy is Ignited" (Oro's) in the config? Last edited by Heinarc#1915 on Apr 21, 2020, 8:06:40 AM
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Added a few sections and cleaned the POB a bit.
Also added a Maze of the Minotaur run as a Speed/DPS benchmark : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajebFHOffJE Map is cleared in 2:30, including getting in, looting and getting out. Boss is DPSed down in a bit less than 4sec, so actual DPS is about 8M shaper DPS here (this Guardian has 32M HP according to the wiki, and no map mods are affecting his health pool. My gear was not entirely maxed out yet). I now consider this guide more or less finished, but would appreciate to know what you guys think! Last edited by Heinarc#1915 on Apr 24, 2020, 8:55:18 AM
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Trying out this build. Got a oro and the amulet so far. Wondering how good is it with sim within a 15-20ex budget.
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For those who are looking to level with this build, I will add some tips. Use Daresso's passion and shark dance for perma frenzy through levelling. I literally killed stuff while moving lol. Here is my levelling setup that I am using from lvl 1.
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