Path of Exile wins BAFTA Award for Evolving Game

Good job, Exiles!

Last edited by Silenc42 on Apr 3, 2020, 9:31:15 AM
Congratulations, POE deserve the award and many others!!!
Well deserved.
Just one more map
Wow, Congratulations!!!
Totally deserved! Congrats
Good job, son.

Also, I tried SSF HC because of your interview with that lispy guy Ziz, and it was reeeeeallly fun! I got to 78 and ripped to a chain vine snare in a map, which I never expected. An exciting challenge, and I'll probably try it again tbh. Have a good weekend. You guys deserve the award \o
ACGIFT wrote:
I'll actually admit it wouldn't have been my choice in the face of, say, No Man's Sky, (which has really redefined just how much a game can evolve post-release; it went from garbage to astounding) but congrats are in order nonetheless!

I see your point but...

It's one thing to ship a bad game and patch it shiny -

It's another to ship a good game and keep the quality up for as long as GGG did. Following the announcement of POE2 it feels like now's the best time to reward the ongoing efforts to our beloved, one and only OG-POE.

In that respect I feel the choice was well placed with GGG :)


But god damn, Chris, you missed that Toucan chance....
Definitely deserved, well done everyone at GGG!

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