What Happened with Purposeful Harbinger

Than you GGG for carrying for us with posts like these and revolving all your decisions around us. I hope you feel the support of the community.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3467875
nerf is FULLY justified. can't happen no reasonable discussion about that here. while i understand the inconvenience - dont exaggerate and flame ggg to death. compared to many, many other developers (even all welcome transparency and actually listening to the community aside) ggg-team actually doesn't make that many mistakes or doesn't stay true to its word. and doing so for a game THIS complex? even more amazing. basically: chill.
Last edited by LucentTheCreator on Apr 1, 2020, 8:55:27 PM
theFoffo wrote:
HeadHunter exist.....but ok

Headhunter doesn't make you INVULNERABLE against the most hard hitting stuff in the game.

Stop making this absolutely stupid comparison.

Lol you never played with HH then
Christ stop apologizing for every little thing, its your game and you guys are free to do whatever it takes to improve it.
theFoffo wrote:
HeadHunter exist.....but ok

Headhunter doesn't make you INVULNERABLE against the most hard hitting stuff in the game.

Stop making this absolutely stupid comparison.

Lol you never played with HH then

Not to the same degree as this build did.
PrinceCuddles wrote:
lithanna wrote:
HEADHUNTER EXISTS...non of your reasoning means anything to any of us. If its so broken it has to be fixed then HH should go and its all fair if not you need to leave it alone for a league since this is the same power lvl as headhunter.....

Well it's not that this passive on it's own it OP but the combination of HH + that passive.

You are wrong on that one and people will realise that in the next weeks, the node is busted and still the most powerfull to build around. You lose a few of defenses but you still have plenty of damage. People is overeacting to the changes thinking this node is balanced at all. Even in this post GGG admit how insane it is.
Thank you for being honest and open about the company’s mistake. Thank you for fronting this one which is really more than what you own.
IGN: JerleSimCity/JerleRuthlessCowGirl
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
GGG, pls extend the forum badge display limit please T_T

Headhunter doesn't make you INVULNERABLE against the most hard hitting stuff in the game.

Stop making this absolutely stupid comparison.[/quote]

Lol you never played with HH then [/quote]

Not to the same degree as this build did.[/quote]

yeah you are correct, with this build you didnt grow the size of the whole screen and kill everything without seeing anything, you are very correct
My build got hitted hard by the patch, pretty sad, just need to know if there are gonna be any more mid-league nerfs to builds, i will invest my currency in old true and tested itens that don't get nerfed mid-league.
Thanks for the great game, i lost an big part of my will to play this league, will play casually and comeback next league.
Last edited by bekflip1 on Apr 1, 2020, 8:59:56 PM
People who were exploiting an obvious bug are upset they got told off.
Don't worry about it, the pandemic has caused lots of stress and people are just aiming that towards you guys.

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