What Happened with Purposeful Harbinger

If one thing is OP due to high scaling then yes leave it till end of league without nerfing the values but if something is fundamentally broken then it needs to be fixed asap.

All people complaining about a literal BUG need to just shut up.

If this wasn't fixed then GGG could literally start banning people for "Bug Abuse" and have it be totally justifiable. Then once people start getting banned cause of this then people would start complaining as to why they didn't fix this bug.
Last edited by PrinceCuddles on Apr 1, 2020, 8:55:16 PM
hTwo wrote:
You guys said this won't happen again last time it happened too. You expect us to trust you this time?

Stop blowing this way out of proportion. I'm tired of seeing these "you betrayed my trust" posts. This is the most organic and human form of communication I've ever seen from any game development company in the industry to date. The world is literally falling apart right now. Step back and give them a break because they more than deserve it.
lithanna wrote:
HEADHUNTER EXISTS...non of your reasoning means anything to any of us. If its so broken it has to be fixed then HH should go and its all fair if not you need to leave it alone for a league since this is the same power lvl as headhunter.....

the Caveat here is this build excelled at EVERYTHING. Head hunter does not. HH has its limitations/draw backs - IE - End game bosses (Shaper/Ueleder/Sirus). This build on the other hand didn't suffer from those limitations.

I can understand people's frustration, but at the same time attacking (not implying this is you @individual I'm quoting, but in general) GGG regarding this is unwarranted.
Shit happens, life goes on.
The majority of the player base is fine with the nerf (afaiK), including myself. It sucks some players lost currency investing in it close to the nerf, but shit happens, it was broken beyond comparison to anything in the past leagues, it should be nerfed. Saying that you wont nerf before doing so, was a mistake obviously, but hey, you live you learn.

To all the angry bois, put on some MF gear, spam some t7 burial, you'll have your currency back in no time, no use crying over spilled milk.
My question is how could GGG not have discovered the power of this even before release? Does GGG not play their own game?
Pants of Textile
voices will still be expensive because they give 3 medium sockets instead of 2 which is max for other builds. So no they won't ever drop to 1ex even after these fixes. Maybe be wrong but only time will tell.
Last edited by PrinceCuddles on Apr 1, 2020, 8:52:47 PM
aneruok1 wrote:
Thanks for the explanation. Bex you're amazing keep up the good work.

HeadHunter exist.....but ok

Headhunter doesn't make you INVULNERABLE against the most hard hitting stuff in the game.

Stop making this absolutely stupid comparison.
PrinceCuddles wrote:
If one thing is OP due to high scaling then yes leave it till end of league with nerfing the values but if something is fundamentally broken then it needs to be fixed asap.

All people complaining about a literal BUG need to just shut up.

But it wasn't a bug. It literally said "Increased effect of Auras on You" (exactly what it did), not "Increased effect of Auras from Skills on You".
Pants of Textile
Last edited by nikals on Apr 1, 2020, 8:53:57 PM

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