Ssoo back in legion which was " please forgive us" some sort of league because of Synthesise you don't nerf cyclone in the middle of league which was already OP at the start of the league, add some sort of HH end game builds, you don't give a damn crap about it, and now you're nerfing another mind blowing build because it's way to OP/BROKEN/you don't expected that or expect that!!?? Do you iven know how many items/builds are broken nowadays or are you just simply don't have time for it/don't care to fix it?? I highly suggest to start using your own brain GGG STAFF we are not your puppets, we are not your testers, we are not your employers, you are the one that have control over your values in game, if you truly don't know how to stop making OP AS F* gems/skills/revamped skills(cyclone in 3.7 every one??archmage every one??)/new items/revamped items/revamped ascendancies then maybe sell path of exile directly to your masters that are above you ;) or start thinking about giving players some sort of dedicated servers with custom mods that are not your overused assets that you are trying to use almost everywhere(I'm not iven going to talk about microtransactions here..). You changed so much GGG back from closed/open beta on steam, but in my opinion you changed for worse, it's looks like you loosing control over your own game because there is another game coming out from you or you just prefer to listen to your mainstream streamers/influencers or maybe lower percentage of playerbase(but of course I can be mistaken ;) ).
Last edited by WafelekRox#5400 on Mar 31, 2020, 11:24:59 AM
Posted byWafelekRox#5400on Mar 31, 2020, 11:19:00 AM
Now GGG pissed off all the streamers. Haha. RIP game.
Posted bySuperDumbo#2476on Mar 31, 2020, 11:19:29 AM
SuperDumbo wrote:
Now GGG pissed off all the streamers. Haha. RIP game.
Firstly, this isn't true. Secondly, for the most part I wish it was. Streamers are a growing cancer in the games industry. Companies are waking up to their toxicity - I mean this generally. Their influence is a net negative now.
Posted byt0lkien#7048on Mar 31, 2020, 11:23:33 AM
xeotech wrote:
SuperDumbo wrote:
Now GGG pissed off all the streamers. Haha. RIP game.
Nobody cares about streamers.
Not strictly true, streamers care about streamers, everyone else?, meh.
Posted byDeeUU8938#8240on Mar 31, 2020, 11:25:08 AM
Cajuntech wrote:
So does this mean the guardian ascendancy "auras" will no longer be affected?
Yes. Only aura's granted from skills on the toolbar it seems.
Which is a shitty change to do mid league.
Sure, it's an unintended side effect, but should NOT be changed until end of the league, as too many invested heavily in both time and game currency to put builds together for this.
Posted byIrishRoyal#4223on Mar 31, 2020, 11:26:56 AM
Corpsificator wrote:
OMG that Thread is golden.
Let me add some salt to the soup.
1. its not YOUR currency, it belongs to GGG
2. No one is telling you what to do with your time so please stop complaining about "wasted time" because im sure you had at least a little fun while it lasted.
3. You all KNEW that it was broken and would be fixed
4. If GGG didnt see HOW broken it was in the beginning, they need to adjust to new intel , like every company does so dont even complain when someone changes their mind
5. There have been dozens of builds before the "Heraldgate" that can blew you through everything, just get back to one of those
6. I dont know what is wrong with you because if you play the game for "profit" (you mean RMT or just ingame Profit?) maybe play a game "for fun" instead ?
7. i agree to all of those who bought Herald MTX to get the money back they invested , thats fair. On the same time i would suspend their account for 3 months because of bug abusing, thats fair also
8. imagine the provider of this game would also take away all that gigantic ammount of currency you earned while you used a non-ethical build ;)
PS: No need to reply to my post, i will not even read it anyways *roflcopter*
Theres people with reasonable responses and theres this lol
1. People spent time getting those currency
2.3.4. Bex literally made an official public statement saying the build would not be nerfed so I don't see where you are getting that statement from
5. If there are dozens of build, why nerf this one?
6.7. not even going to comment here..
8. Where do you draw the line for a non-ethical build? There has been plenty of broken builds in the past and there will be plenty in the future.
Broken popular builds will always be expensive since theres such a high demand for the specific items. People play fun builds in leagues and obviously fun and strong are not mutually exclusive.
GGG has nerfed plenty of builds mid-league and left plenty of broken builds for the entire league as well.
All in all they should not nerfed the build because Bex, who publicly represents GGG, made an official statement stating that the build would not be nerfed. Some people spent time and effort only after that statement and it is unfair for them. If it was any other random nerf mid-league then we're all used it.
Posted bykanibulz#2966on Mar 31, 2020, 11:28:21 AM
WafelekRox wrote:
Ssoo back in legion which was " please forgive us" some sort of league because of Synthesise you don't nerf cyclone in the middle of league which was already OP at the start of the league, add some sort of HH end game builds, you don't give a damn crap about it, and now you're nerfing another mind blowing build because it's way to OP/BROKEN/you don't expected that or expect that!!?? Do you iven know how many items/builds are broken nowadays or are you just simply don't have time for it/don't care to fix it?? I highly suggest to start using your own brain GGG STAFF we are not your puppets, we are not your testers, we are not your employers, you are the one that have control over your values in game, if you truly don't know how to stop making OP AS F* gems/skills/revamped skills(cyclone in 3.7 every one??archmage every one??)/new items/revamped items/revamped ascendancies then maybe sell path of exile directly to your masters that are above you ;) or start thinking about giving players some sort of dedicated servers with custom mods that are not your overused assets that you are trying to use almost everywhere(I'm not iven going to talk about microtransactions here..). You changed so much GGG back from closed/open beta on steam, but in my opinion you changed for worse, it's looks like you loosing control over your own game because there is another game coming out from you or you just prefer to listen to your mainstream streamers/influencers or maybe lower percentage of playerbase(but of course I can be mistaken ;) ).
I can feel your gives you focus, makes you stronger!
Posted byMythreindeer#6842on Mar 31, 2020, 11:28:33 AM
icovex wrote:
People, really - you are just ....
They are nerfing this build to realistic things, still, this build will kill all content in the game, but for god sake - you will be able to die in this build, and not afk farming...
All this crying babies are just pissing off... Like this build will not be able to close T1 maps anymore....
No, you will just like normal players, not one shot the minotaur, but kill it in 2-6 seconds, as all normal high end builds in the game.
this is the point
Posted byXimia#6171on Mar 31, 2020, 11:31:51 AM
Poor babies.
Posted bySupxrcharged#9891on Mar 31, 2020, 11:32:08 AM
Ximia wrote:
icovex wrote:
People, really - you are just ....
They are nerfing this build to realistic things, still, this build will kill all content in the game, but for god sake - you will be able to die in this build, and not afk farming...
All this crying babies are just pissing off... Like this build will not be able to close T1 maps anymore....
No, you will just like normal players, not one shot the minotaur, but kill it in 2-6 seconds, as all normal high end builds in the game.
this is the point
No, losing 150ex currency is the point. God damn it.
Posted byclozzer#3652on Mar 31, 2020, 11:33:32 AM