Changes to the Purposeful Harbinger Notable Passive

Every single one of the abusive posts below came from players with no supporter packs on their avatars. I mean, just saying.

Silentmode180 wrote:
It's not fair, it sucks. Waste of the supporter packs I bought this league. Not buying again in the near future

Black__Dawn wrote:

This is the only solution that works so do it, refund everything.

How about you clowns fix performance, oh you don't have time for that.

1736103466 wrote:

xunyi wrote:
u dare to do this!!!!do u know how much time and exalted we invested in this build, which u said "just go for it", i even bought the herald skill effect for it, f*cking liar!!!!!f*cking cheater!!!!!

DrDraids wrote:
Fuck you ggg

demigodspecial wrote:
fck off ggg

starstouch wrote:

Last edited by t0lkien#7048 on Mar 31, 2020, 8:05:45 AM
Only verry rich people used this exploid after bringing it to the light. so many people are jumping on the train and are now whining that the train got stopped.

If youre the person, who found this exploid and you used it for youre own profit, ggg wont do anything against it.

But if now a bunch of people try to exploid the game they MUST do that.

So if you use an exploit dont make it public :-)

Its like the end of a snowball system. If youre the first youre rich now if you stay at the end .....
There must've been another way to handle this. You didnt nerf anything, you completely and utterly destroyed it. You pressed a delete button.

Even bex second post was so misleading. Stating that stuff that wasnt an aura, wouldn't be treated as such. But now you even remove legit aura's. I'm at a loss for words. How can you do this mid league, in this manner? Fixing stuff that isn't supposed to be an aura - Fine. Nerf an overpowered node - Fine. Press a delete button - NOT OKAY.
I just want to point out that the mechanics people were 'abusing' straight up weren't bugs. They were programmed that way. You're literally suggesting that people used items as they were intended should be banned for it. Programming things like tailwind as an aura rests on GGG's heads and the lazy developers at fault.

Your suggestion was quite possibly the dumbest thing I've seen suggested today. Congratulations on being one of the stupidest people on the internet.
The amount of whining is amusing to say the least.

People claiming this is gonna ruin the game for them and ruin 2 weeks of progress. Man, get a grip step back and evaluate what a turd you are being. You are literally saying you can only play the game with an OP broken af build. Get gud. Or go play diablo.

I applaud GGG's decision to fix the Bug.

mezion7 wrote:
Good, although people will scream and whine about this, I appreciate that this system that is being abused, will be adjusted. The prices of items that affect this broken build are astronomical, and really, only the wealthy could even consider playing it anyways. I applaud your decision, even though it will rock the high rollers boats.

System? It's a build lmfao, calm down.

𝕹𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝕺𝖍 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊
When a trash developer is responsible of a game that could be good, GGG would be the result. GGG should handle their creation to a competent developer.
I have three phones, Blizzard. Three f***ing phones.
Dreschau wrote:
Tears shall flow. There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

The tears shall taste delicious, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth will be music to my ears.

A fix should have been announced as soon as it became a major balance issue.

The fact that people invested in it despite knowing it was so broken that it would probably warrant an emergency fix is laughable.
ichbinwerichbi wrote:
Only verry rich people used this exploid after bringing it to the light. so many people are jumping on the train and are now whining that the train got stopped.

If youre the person, who found this exploid and you used it for youre own profit, ggg wont do anything against it.

But if now a bunch of people try to exploid the game they MUST do that.

So if you use an exploit dont make it public :-)

Its like the end of a snowball system. If youre the first youre rich now if you stay at the end .....

"Only rich people" ?

Those are the ones that put MUCH time into the game and are experienced. More work = more currency = even more fun. So dont be rude to people that actually wanna do that.

Just start a new league.. shut down delirium or restart it. this league is suppose to be the best league by far and devs ruinined it within 3 weeks with their initial announcement then revoking it.. people plan their strat, starter etc.. invest time and ingame currency only to be cuckled like this..

ggg is making themselves difficult to trust in future endeavours

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