Changes to the Purposeful Harbinger Notable Passive

fck off ggg
Aedre32 wrote:
xDewastator wrote:
shit now im scared in doing strong build cause it could be nerfed mid-league lol

There is a difference between 'strong' build and 'utterly broken-trivialize all content' build. This build legit broke the game. It was the best mapper and bosser while being immortal lmao. Anybody with half brain would see a nerf incoming, even after GGG said they won't touch it.

My ll rf guardian has like 12k es and 5kk dps with all stuff turned on. Total networth - around 30-40 ex. And ye, i cant facetank sirus. I`m not able to kill Kosis at 20\20 atm and have no idea what to upgrade to be able. I have only 700k dps without vaalrf.
Is my build gamebreaking? Op af? It should be nerfed to unplayable state, right?
Hope dies last and i rly hope GGG wont touch any of ascendancy auras, cause THESE ARE ACTUALLY AURAS.
Why should i be the victim?
Last edited by NeoG#6817 on Mar 31, 2020, 5:05:35 AM
Kasa360 wrote:
tijinn wrote:
This is a lesson to you opportunists... Don't ride the hype train...

how about you just kindly keep quiet, hype train or not, this should have happened yes, but NOT during the league, there is lots of other worse things they could have fixed rather than a busted build, which also by the way, ruins it completely for all guardians, thanks to whoever that asshole was that started exploiting it to oblivion


"this should have happened yes, but NOT during the league"

Shockingly you're account is pretty old yet for some odd reason you act as if this is the first time they have nerfed something mid league.
Off top... Mirror Arrow... Shield Charge... Both way less broken lmao...

We're done here.

This is a lesson to you. Before you tell someone to be quiet... know more...
No harb jewel nerf, gg, still gonna be op af, thx for the "nerfs".
nateirl wrote:
Aedre32 wrote:
xDewastator wrote:
shit now im scared in doing strong build cause it could be nerfed mid-league lol

There is a difference between 'strong' build and 'utterly broken-trivialize all content' build. This build legit broke the game. It was the best mapper and bosser while being immortal lmao. Anybody with half brain would see a nerf incoming, even after GGG said they won't touch it.

My ll rf guardian has like 12k es and 5kk dps with all stuff turned on. Total networth - around 30-40 ex. And ye, i cant facetank sirus. I`m not able to kill Kosis at 20\20 atm and have no idea what to upgrade to be able. I have only 700k dps without vaalrf.
Is my build gamebreaking? Op af? It should be nerfed to unplayable state, right?
Hope dies last and i rly hope GGG wont touch any of ascendancy auras, cause THESE ARE ACTUALLY AURAS.
Why should i be the victim?

No need to nerf bad build like your's.
Dear all,

Honestly, i'm surprised from the community.

You have abused the mistake in the game, which was not intentional, GGG has corrected their mistake, and now you are screaming that you are disappointed in the game?

Really LoL :D

Ok, not good, that this mistake occurred, especially when they have announced, that they finished the league much before it starts, but ok, it's life, only the person who is doing nothing, not doing the mistakes.

For all of you guys, who is screaming that they lost mirrors for that - how much you earn in killing the staff in seconds, for what people spending minutes...

So really, it's enough for you, especially that you have still time to abuse it before the patch.
I agree with the nerf, this was an obvious exploit of a non-intented use of that build.

BUT, i think you should improve your internal testing way more and game performance aswell, delirium is not the best league performance-wise and you should take priority on this too.

Thanks and keep it up the good work.

Damn, a really OP build and a chance to have fun with Winter Orb again but it's too expensive for me and about to get a solid nerf to it's OPness.

Sad Panda!
GGG create a league that force player rush to the boss.
GGG create various on-death effect to against speed meta.
GGG refuse vacuuming.
"The Way It's NOT Meant To Be Played".

Then, some players build SUPER TANKY SPEED meta.
So GGG nerf it in the mid-league.
"The Way It's NOT Meant To Be Played"."

That means, your new build would be nerfed if GGG "The Way It's NOT Meant To Be Played".

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