Masters not spawning in maps

Second Update:

Reddit post reached the front page so we have a bit more visibility hopefully we will get some answers soon.
Update Day 4:

Still no natural spawn of masters in maps
Have yet to get a master natural spawn as well, at lvl93. Cassia, Metamorphs and Legion are quite frequent.
Same problem here (on first char). Never saw Zana or Niko. Maybe one alva and twice Eihnar.

Blight, legion, metamorph and abyss are normal
Last edited by Renack on Mar 21, 2020, 10:53:52 AM
Same problem no Zana, Alva, Jun, Nico spawning.
Its not a "second character" issue, i'm still on my first one, i also got this.

The ONLY masters spawning are the one you can't have as master mission (Cassia, Metamorph, LEgion, BReach...) all master from master missions never spawn.

From my point of wiew is not THAT bad since it could "remove" them from the spawned pool so the 10% chance to get them goes to Tane/Cassia and LEgion witch are quit profitable instead, and we can still spawn them trough Master Mission wich is quite frequent anyway.

Maybe GGG did it so we can get more Cassia/Legion.Tane instead which gives great reward and so woudl be more easy to complete. reach endgame (5Way and so) ^^'.
I see I am not the only one and that it is still not fixed. Yay
Same thing happening to me, only Legion and Metamorph encounters appear in maps
can confirm, still not able to spawn wild masters at lvl 93.

Abyss, Legion, Essence, Metamorph and Cassia are fine but no masters beside forcing them through map device.

Missing out a lot of content.
How are you all so sure this is not intended? The 3.8.0 patch specifically says there will be fewer wild master missions since they moved it to the accumulation mechanic.

You'll encounter random Masters in maps less frequently, with this chance moved to the map-completion mechanic.
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