Masters not spawning in maps

So I've been constantly mapping for the past 2 days and the only time I see masters in my maps is when I spawn them myself, is there anyway I can fix this?
Last bumped on Apr 4, 2020, 2:48:03 PM
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I was informed by Reddit that due to this being my second character it was a "Known" bug, but after getting frustrated with the lack of content i can do on one character, i decided to level another. Now after completely another 50 maps on the new character not one map contained a master.

This is really impacting my game play as I'm loosing out on about 80% of the content PoE has to offer.
Also happening to me. Never got a master mission on second character after hours of mapping.
Happening to me on first character. I only get 3 master to spawn - Niko, Einhar, and sometimes Jun. Alva and Zana have never spawned for me outside of a mission.
Are you talking about masters spawning or getting an atlas mission when you kill the map boss? Because they made master spawns very rare when they added the accumulating mission mechanic because people complained they didn’t want masters to spawn randomly.
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Happening for me too. First char. I only saw Einhar (multiple times) and twice Jun. Blight and Metamorph are there plentiful. I get master missions after killing map bosses at normal rates. (This is compared to last league and not pre master mission changes).
This is so annoying. My atlas progression is so bad without zana selling maps. I cant go delving and havent done a single temple.
It is to note that Niko and Alva spawned during leveling, just not in maps.
Who cares of Delirium has some problems, this is the real reason i dont wanna play atm.
Last edited by Kennox on Mar 19, 2020, 2:32:27 AM
mark1030 wrote:
Are you talking about masters spawning or getting an atlas mission when you kill the map boss? Because they made master spawns very rare when they added the accumulating mission mechanic because people complained they didn’t want masters to spawn randomly.

I'm talking about Masters not spawning in maps at all, Metamorph and, Blight are working fine, but actually having the masters spawn inside a map are none existent.

Kennox wrote:
Happening for me too. First char. I only saw Einhar (multiple times) and twice Jun. Blight and Metamorph are there plentiful. I get master missions after killing map bosses at normal rates. (This is compared to last league and not pre master mission changes).
This is so annoying. My atlas progression is so bad without zana selling maps. I cant go delving and havent done a single temple.
It is to note that Niko and Alva spawned during leveling, just not in maps.
Who cares of Delirium has some problems, this is the real reason i dont wanna play atm.

Exactly this, I'm really getting to a point where I don't want to play because i'm missing all the content.
Last edited by Dafex on Mar 19, 2020, 4:47:10 AM
Same here, had no problem with first character but didnt play it for long, made another char currently level 91 and never saw niko, zana, jun, einhar in a map without using a mission, please fix this asap
Cross Posting for visibility.

Cassia, Metamorphs and Legion (very rarely) for me are the only ones that show up.

Haven't seen a single wild Niko/Alva/Jun or Zana yet without putting in a mission. Nearly full atlas completion.
I have also never seen a natural master spawn in a map. Only gotten the bonus atlas ones. Didn't even realize this wasn't how it was supposed to be.

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