Content Update 3.10.0 -- Path of Exile: Delirium
From your last notes about the Atlas (
" Maybe I am blind, but I read nothing about Cartographer's Seals in this patch notes! Will it therefore be impossible to target farm one map in 3.10?? RIP POE until this is solved :-( Last edited by Bushfeind#7219 on Mar 12, 2020, 2:42:35 PM
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I wonder when are they going to fix their broken a$$ servers??? Texas and California servers are a $hitshow. EU pings 1k+. I travel a lot and played almost everywhere in the world except China. I guess GGG's priorities are straight. lmao what a joke company GGG has become. This is what happens when you are bought by overlords.
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I just want to throw my 2 cents in about the builds nerfing (I didn't play summoner or mana guardian last league just btw)
I just have an issue with how they did it, they didn't nerf a problematic item or skill or passive but tried to target kill specific builds, targeting the items and skills used by a specific build to basically remove it. mana guardian aside the reason summoner was the way it was is because the baron is the only source of life sustain a summoner can get outside regen and potions. Any spell or attack has some way to get leech from it elemental and converted phys spells being really easy with elemental leech being on a bunch of stuff and even an ascendancy. But minions had the baron and as such were pushed to be strength stacking builds so they found items and interactions that made use of the strength and life pool (shapers touch and spirit offering). So if instead the necro had a node or there were rollable mods for say .5% or even .2% minion damage leeched as life then the baron and strength stacking wouldn't have been as big as it was and other minions would have probably seen play outside of zombie hoards. While I can understand the want to stop so many people from doing a specific build I think the devs really need to look at why the build was so prevalent (outside of IT'S OP since other minions can be as strong but baron zombies were the only ones to offer any form of survivability) so they can add alternatives to mechanics that forced the hand of a lot of people wanting to do a build archetype. That way even if they had only slightly nerfed the other mechanics previously used the build diversity would be much higher. I also don't like the idea behind target killing of builds to the extent they did this time, fixing something abusable sure go ahead, but if a build is really common with very little differences between players doing it and it's not really that op compared to other build options as far as dps when scaled maybe try to look at and understand why so many were doing the same thing and fix that reason rather than just saying "Don't do this build, do something else" by target nerfing it. |
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I like reading comments on patch notes because I dont have a clue what the devs are talking about. I am more the "Mechanic? Yeah, show me the guide" kind of guy.
That is, the only thing I really dislike on the patch notes are the comments with no formatting whatsoever. There is a ENTER key on your keyboard. Use it. Format your replies. It feels great. You even can hit it really hard, now that your build cannot anymore. Looking forward to Quins 6 link Leap Slam Awakener 8 Sirus World First kill. if you nerf 10 gems out of 30, you automatically buff the other 20!
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Arctic Breath
Base projectile speed has been greatly increased. Finally! We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
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" Because GGG hates Delve and wants players to farm maps instead of Devle. They have also nerfed significantly map drop rate in Delve recently (because you can have a lot of maps dropped on maps). I HATE MAPPING! I will probably stop playing POE if I will have to deal with new Atlas again and Delve will not bring any benefits. |
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Shaper's Touch Nerf, GGG 3000 times noob....
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It´s almost funny (or sad) how butthurt some people are because of nerfs/changes.
If PoE is anything, then it´s a game of finding something refreshing, effective and fun to play every league - play with what is given in the game and stop whining about stuff getting nerfed or changed! Sometimes I wonder, how those people get through troubles and changes in the real world :D |
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" I guess you haven't heard of minion builds that use CwC-Cyclone to add another avenue of attack/defense. |
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" A major problem with this patch is it didn't actually add much refreshing. It only took away. Previous leagues had nerfs but they also had tons of buffs and ascendancy revamps which made players say "Wow, I really want to try this new buffed build!" This one is primarily just nerfs with only some very small buffs (and the new skill gems aren't particularly exciting either IMHO). So for players who have already tried most builds, it adds nothing new because there's no new builds to really try with it, while taking away several other builds or making them worse. It's especially bad with Standard players because they don't even get the new cluster jewels. Though I don't expect the cluster jewels to really add that much either myself. Most of the buffs they grant to most builds were cancelled out by the nerfs in a lot of cases anyways (as well as opportunity cost. It takes 6 passive points from the outer most section of the tree just to reach a new notable in most cluster cases) basically leaving us back at square one, which again, isn't really very refreshing at all. Last edited by TiamatRoar#4443 on Mar 12, 2020, 11:17:03 PM
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