Content Update 3.10.0 -- Path of Exile: Delirium

Kastmar wrote:
Why they killed fossils? Stupid move. Why to do delve now?

Currencies, leveling, and some lucky 6l item drops (still juicy as usual), unless you expect something higher than this
SpectralDrake wrote:

In short; with this number and severity of nerfs, you are basically pushing people to go play other games instead.

Don't worry , bro. People who say the will quit the game , will be the first trying to log in when the league starts.
Knux70 wrote:
"Flying isn't planned until Path of Exile 6." lol

Wrong, video proof of this already exists ;)
Very funny rel. i think, thanks guys :)
Fixed a rare crash caused by Insanity.
nice nice .....

you nerfed the necro ...
you nerfed cyclone ....

and end game will keep 1 hit killing !!!!!

yea... time to search for a new game to play.
Redthorne82 wrote:
Khenshiro wrote:

I have a friend who decided to quit. and if I had not invested as much in the tabs, I think I would also stop ... I am looking for another game that is not in nerve mode. as soon as I find something good, I quit POE.
I have more than enough!

This is such a problem with this game. It's not a GOOD game, it's not updated or balanced well, and it's built a playerbase that is literally addicted or feels some sort of "I've spent x money so I HAVE to keep playing for y time" bull.

If you're not having fun, quit. Find ANYTHING else. Try something new. Check out cheap or free indie games. There's THOUSANDS of things out there that aren't trying to pressure you into playing them. That aren't preying on your desire to "get your money's worth."

Cut your losses. Quit this game. If you keep playing just because you've spent money on the game, you're literally telling them it's okay to push MTX based on the forced-meta they push every league. You're as much the problem as they are.

Stop being the problem.

here we go !!!!

the problem is not the player.
i just read it ... and i admit am horrified....

i can`t belive they nerfed necro.

yea, no mind, ppl always ''fix'' things like that. they always chose the ez way, not the right way.

ty ggg!
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They don't care. They made Hardcore league impossible hard, I can't even do normal Atziri there, and they added tones of 1 hit out of nowhere mechanics yet they cannot leave one single OP build for intermediate players.

They expect only few players 1% to be able to do hard challenges, and the rest not being able to reach maps tier 1, not to mention tier 6+.

I'm really disappointed of this game. Used to be great, now all it gets NERF on items and skills and BUFFS to monsters.

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