Atlas Changes in 3.10.0
Thoughts on the manifesto, if ggg reads the thread until here :
You addressed a lot of questions that emerged from the new endgame and the 3.10 planned changes. But. You have to give us a good solution for target map farming and shaped atlas. Imagine this situation : a noobie comes to a big streamer doing targeted map farm by planning to not complete some maps. He asks "how can i do the same ?". The answer is : "you cannot little newbie, because you completed maps you should'nt have to do target map farm, and now you can either deal with it or make a new account" and thus the noob felt really bad about missing an opportunity. For this you can either make it totally impossible to target farm a map, or you can make it very hard, and expensive, to target farm a map, But never make it possible to do AND possible to permanently mess up your atlas. I like the idea of making everyone do all maps, because that's what i do. I love change of sceneries, monsters, musics, lights, bosses, etc. But as an occasionnal SSF player, being able to target farm a map for div cards is really nice too ! I have no idea how you could prevent people from shaping their atlas for target map farm, and i have no idea how you could prevent people from "breaking" their atlas without giving us back the carthographer's seal. But i have faith. Please surprise us. Second question that was not addressed in this manifesto : Now with the awakening of the atlas, the increased map mod difficulty will be permanent on all the atlas once we do awakening bonuses. So how am i supposed to do easy maps with a new low level build just after kitava if i have a fully awakened atlas ?! Situation : In hardcore, i succeed a lot with my first build and get a bunch of awakened maps. Atlas becomes harder, and i somehow die to a boss slam because i'm super slow minded (i hate my life lol i always die like that). Now i make a new build which will be CI, i'm lvl 70 i killed kitava but don't have enough currency to buy all my ES gear to transition. I have 3600 hp and bad defenses but i need to farm like 20 unid chaos recipes before transitionning. How am i supposed to survive even in T1 maps with the awakening bonus forced onto me ? Am i supposed to farm blood acqueduct until i get 18 div cards to sell 2 tabulas to finance my build ? that's super sad !! Or maybe farm white maps ? i think i never lauched a white map unless it's corrupted, or to proc the conquerors... Third question, i never tested it but heard it was possible to have perma conqueror influence on an area if you launch the zana boss map but don't complete it. That's kinda broken ! if it's unintended, i hope it will be addressed. hope to be read. Kisses |
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" i played vortex CI then low life, i played mine toxic rain life evasion, i played cremation 10k life and armor, i played poison kinetic blast... It felt pretty good to clear all the game content in hardcore with almost each build Don't blame the game if you're too focused on the meta and can't imagine other builds |
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Imo, Reduced Flask Charges and Reduced Recovery are pretty problematic with the increased map mod effect. The 60% reduced recovery mod goes all the way to 74% with Awakening level 8. That means if your health pot is doing 1k per second, and your leech is doing 1k per second, and your regen is doing 1k per second, and you have all of these rolling at the same time, you will be healing about 750 per second.
Reduced flask charges is both rippy and annoying. That one goes to 62% with Awakening level 8. In order to sustain flask use in maps, there's really only enough density if you're running triple Beyond. Even regular influence with War Among the Stars and 4 sextants will not produce enough density for you to sustain flasks. Imho, these 2 mods are more are strong contenders for most rippy mods in the game. You basically need triple extra damage with -max to have something that is equal in rippyness to these 2 mods, especially since combined they make other "easy" mods super sippy. Things like vulnerability, ignite and ele weakness become really dangerous when you can't heal and your flasks have a sub 50% uptime. |
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" I did support the game without expecting fancy Mtx. You did BUY stuff, see the difference ? Yes, people who supported the game are the people who allowed GGG to be what they are right now, giving feedback is not "entitlement", and I feel sad for you if you are not able to comprehend that honestly (and it is ironic to see somebody who barely spent anything saying "game doesn't need you, f*** off" to people who actually supported the game, in case you didn't get it still ). Being a "toxic whinner" is what you are doing, being toxic to people giving fedback ( because holy shit you are being toxic ). " Reflect is pushing people to NOT play direct damage dealer build, so much for diversity ... *sigh* stop whinning about valid criticism because you lack the knowledge/experience to understand it. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Mar 4, 2020, 7:24:32 PM
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" this went thoughts exactly. I'd like around 10% of all delve biomes to be rerollable. To reroll a zone mod, throw a chaos orb at the area (not on the path or the actual nodes themselves). You cannot reroll a zone's mods once your cart has been inside the zone. So, choose wisely and plan ahead... If the zone has no mods and you want to add mods, you need to use an alc first. Some zones will never give you the option to reroll them. This is okay, you can just skirt around them. A zone with a delve boss in it, say aul or architect, will always allow you to reroll it; however, it will always choose from a more rippy and unfun pool of mods: high AOE, ghosted boss, corrupted monsters, curses on players, a high amount of monster damage pen, extra cold or lightning, +1-5 to monster level throughout the zone. That said you can still reroll from among those as many times as you like. (There will always be 4-6 zone mods in the boss areas, no running "white auls" in delve). Hopefully rerolling delve zones will bring back some of our favourite zone mods that have been silently retired from the list: Ghosted monsters, beyonders, monsters drop items 1-5 levels higher, steal charges on hit, etc. As for maps and map mods: Part of the fun of making a build is learning just how far you can warp it, so it "works" in hostile environments like no-leech, reflect, and no-regen. A few builds can run unID'd maps and that's fun too, but it shouldn't be necessary to hire a carry for a third of your red maps. This is a hint that some of the absolute can't-do mods should be reduced in frequency. Reflect is also something that only enemies get. Where's MY reflect, where I can bounce a barrage of nasty multi-element crap back at Abaxoth or tell Brutus where he can stick his flying hook? [19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
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" I have played 3 builds this league and I perfectly know what is the comfort of playing necro and how not efficient is playing something not meta-related. What you think about playing non-meta builds does not matter - at this moment there are 27% necromancers and 10% guardians - this is 37% for only those two builds (and some other classes also play minions too). Statistics is the true picture of balance in the game. What skills are playable? 18% players use cyclone, but not for typical melee builds but as a great support skill for minion builds (to stack poisons for HOA or just to cast other things due to CWC). The next skills in use: 15% Raise Zombie, 10% Summon Skeletons, 9% Vaal Summon Skeletons, 6% Herald of Agony. Non-minion related offensive skills are few % in the best case and typically less than 1%. Game design is untidy because balance between minion builds and other ones is greatly broken. What is surprising GGG instead of trying to make builds efficiency more comparable, sometimes is nerfing even not great builds especially melee ones. For example few leagues ago I was playing a Heavy Strike Berserker - was not great, was not meta, but I had some fun... now similar build it is not playable at all. Last league I tried to play Molten Strike Juggernaut - not able to do a Blight content... and not great for other things too. This league it seems to be even worst - there is 0.9% Molten Strike in use... but GGG was very happy to nerf MS builds few times already. Surely they are now satisfied. Last edited by Mark__75#7141 on Mar 4, 2020, 7:40:26 PM
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" I like this comment. |
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"The proper answer is "Target farming is an advanced and specialized strategy, and it takes a lot of currency to afford a build with enough clear speed to do it efficiently, which you won't be able to afford yet. Go ahead and complete your atlas, enjoy the variety of maps you can run, figure out which ones you enjoy and work well with your build, don't get burned out running the same one over and over, and if you decide that you want to specialize in one map, buy or trade for a bunch of them." |
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" you're doing exactly what i said : focusing on the meta. Forget about it for a second and think. Is phys cyclone not viable for exemple ? it's so strong it got banned from the melee private league of steelmage and zizaran. And also what's the point of always playing the most efficient build ? is fun allowed ? Also some skills can do all content, and some skills can't. Some skills are made to trivialize bosses, some others are made to map faster with shit single target. The real complaint is about skills that should be viable, but arent. There is a ton of skills, unique items, support gems, and limitless combinations of them that end up being viable at either fast maping, good boss killing, both, or meme builds. If you seek perfect efficiency, you'll always end up playing only 1 build. GGG can nerf and buff whatever you want, there will always be a meta and you will always hate it... So why bother ? But that's not the point of this thread anyways |
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" The game balance is important. When I have discovered PoE 6 years ago I was so impressed, so happy - so many active skills, so many support gems, so big passive tree... - unlimited combinations and opprotunities. Currently I am not impressed, because most of those things do not provide variability - I have shown some statistics. It is not a fun to play a weak build while the game content is designed for meta-builds with millions DPS and/or massive clear speed, never achievable for many skills, no matter how they are supported, no matter with what passive tree and no matter with what uniques. If 1/3 or more players play similar type builds, means that a game mechanics require an overhaul otherwise there will never be a proper variability of builds and flexibility to play the game in the efficient and enjoyable way for everybody. Last edited by Mark__75#7141 on Mar 4, 2020, 8:28:53 PM
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