0.10.4 Patch Notes
" I always get the ending hit "in parties" when I solo, which is what I am complaining about getting nerfed. I always get my IIQ from gear/gem on top of the party bonus, so even if what you were saying is true, and it isn't, this would still be a bad nerf. I either invade Fellshrine groups where people are trying to level... and you shouldn't mind this unless you are a noob... or there are solo farming groups.. or were. This is now like the 5th person giving me some idiotic response that has nothing to do with what I am talking about. You replied to me about not being able to get the 250% quantity for party bonus solo saying: " This isn't true at all. Learn to admit you are wrong. Also, what /players 6 would do is simply add monster life and IIQ. You are pulling all of this stuff about monster damage scaling and breaking game balance out of your ass. Monster damage doesn't go up in 6 people teams. Monster life is the same with 2 players, then goes up 50% for every one after that. So, a 6 person team is fighting monsters with 3 times as much health. Taking whatever player damage as a given, 6 person teams should clear content twice as fast. If you are missing one person from the team, your team should still kill 66% faster than solo, ignoring the fact that there should be some synergy from shared auras you didn't have, someone dropping 2-3 curses to add damage you couldn't do alone, someone causing distraction with minions so your ranger doesn't have to kite like solo, etc. Your drops with one person missing is still +250% quantity, or 3.5 times normal and you are only competing with 4, not 5 people who might ninja you now. This is a nerf to every player, not just "multiboxers". " Cmon man, what team do you join that the rest are so bad you are literally doing all the damage or even more than half? Your XP gets penalized when I join your level 60-ish team with my 70-80. Learn how it works. I get a later penalty because I am overleveled, but I suck up the total pool of EXP from monsters because I am higher level, and now I am forced to stay in XP range of the team, but hopefully be able to wander off just enough to solo like old times. |
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Why did we have to play on someone elses server to begin with so that now we have to mix it with retards and then look forward to no servers to play on eventually (what? You thought the servers were going to be around for ever?). Why limit distances in any form when there's no limit on the mobs so all you will get is death by chaos at the end of a hallway where either your spells wont reach, wont give xp or loot bonus or your death trying to get closer.
When are we getting a clone path of exiles so we can leave the anal retentive and play in peace? Never come between a man and his goals or ambitions because in all things we made choices, changing that makes the choices pointless as well as futile and is there any thinking/non sheep orientated man willing to accept futility as fun?
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Have not logged in since I read the patch notes. PoE is not hard but it can be insanely boring when you hit a bad rng streak. I have no clue why you, as developers, would tweak things to exacerbate that part of the game.
Random is not hard. It is fucking boring. |
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i submit again as didn't get the answer from any developer:
QUESTIONs to DEVELOPERS: About recently changes on item drop and Dual/single totem (or far hitting skills): 1)I'm in solo, i use totem with spark to kill far away targets/break vases. Is my item quantity drop considered as 1 player at 3 screen distance (spark saturates entire rooms and more) or 0 as i'm too far away? 2)I'm in party of 6 players, i use totem with spark to kill far away targets/break vases (2-3 screen distance). The killed mobs/broken vases are alone, and without any player near, The drop quantity is for 0, 1 or 6 players (i understand that 6 is excluded)? 3)I'm in a party of 6 players, i use totem with spark to kill far away targets/break vases (2-3 screen distance). Near the mobs there are 5 of my party, but i do the kills: The drop quantity is for 1, 5 or 6 players? 4) The distance is calculated from the Player or from the Totem? for 0 i mean: no drop from the mob/broken vase, as no players are near enough, which leads to a x0 quantity multiplier (wasted mob, vase). |
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There are lots of issues with this path, instead of trying to stop multiloggers, why don't you just add the
/players x feature. Because as a minion witch and archer who likes to play with friends this is going to be really annoying for me. How far is 13m anyway 0.0 I don't really need to say anymore of my complaints, because everyone has already been saying it. |
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Client performance seems to have been improving for me over time, I used to avoid running in groups due to FPS lag (like spectres with Fireball + GMP etc.) but the framerate is much better now making it more playable.
Still waiting for an option to tune down the effects quality/density in this game, that would give such an enormous framerate boost! My graphics card is really struggling with them in this game. Last edited by Logithx#1674 on Mar 21, 2013, 4:03:47 AM
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The new patch makes cyclone a little bit more interesting.
But there is a huge problem with the mana cost now which comes up with the new patch. By reducing the min. travel distance by 2/3 you decrease the mana cost effectiveness by 2/3 and worsen the mana cost/time ratio by 2/3. It was even prepatch hard to maintain cyclone, especially with a lower number of mobs in effective cyclone reach. Noones manaleech will be enough to maintain that mana cost now so you end up using bloodmagic to maintain it. IGN: NautyJugg Last edited by tayfun369#1369 on Mar 21, 2013, 4:28:51 AM
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" This worries me a lot, as well. Since arrows/sparks/many other spells often go off-screen (+ some skill gems extend radius of skills/spells like chain, fork, etc), what happens in that case, both solo and in parties? Will we have to change our builds entirely because of the recent changes? |
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" I have submitted these questions in support, got answered from Mark "There is a limit on how far projectiles can go - it's not actually that far beyond the edge of the screen. That distance is smaller than the distance that nearby players are looked for. Outside of a very few specific corner cases, it's impossible to hit something with a projectile unless you're within the distance for being counted as a nearby player" I don't want to be rude, but Quality 20 spark has +60% projectile speed, plus projectile speed from items, add to that support gems that allow to fork-pierce, and let the projectile go further. i can confirm that on big rooms my sparks reach FAR more than the 13meters. Add to that i cast them through totem, there is even MORE distance. The example is clearer with fast proj arrows, or fast projectile piercing spears-fireballs. Last edited by sirianstar#2747 on Mar 21, 2013, 5:11:23 AM
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^ Very true, Sirian.
I remember clearing with my ranger with faster proj/fork socketed into LA/Split arrows. I encountered loot up to almost 3 screens away, especially from vases/barrels and often mobs. I estimate quality sparks with fork can reach even farther, not to mention what happens when you socket faster projectiles... Same goes for many projectile spells like fireball/ice spear and arrow skills. Perhaps the time is to allow us to zoom out a slightly more? |
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