So, this patch designed to push the casual multiloggers into either:
a) playing the game solo or in party, going back to the same situation that pushed them into multilogging in the first place.
b) using software assisted multiboxing so they can keep all their players close together, and also have massive firepower. Flagrant cheating.
c) just stop playing.
If /players x is considered such horrible game design, then game designers needs to rethink their hubris. Simple fact is, D2 players loved that feature.
I had high hopes for this game, but GGG already started making dubious choices like this, since the Poison Arrow nerf.
1) They nerfed hard Poison Arrow, which was one of the most solid options to people playing solo with unconventional builds to progress through the early game, all in favor of RACES. Instead of making separate balances around the races they chose the easiest path and shafted everyone. Just wait and see they nerfing Cleave/EleWeapon and all the other future top racing strats.
2) They completely destroyed the casual multiloggers that went through a lot of trouble to get 2-3 accounts through the game just to legitimately farm Ledge/Fellshrine and left the professional multiboxers unscathed.
3) They are a self-proclaimed small team of "hardcore gamers" and yet they are bending to the pleas of softcore players to nerf multiboxers and in the process hurt all the casual multiloggers actually playing on hardcore.
Well, I for one am taking your option c) right now, because they already showed their true colors and this ship is going to sink sooner or later.
I was one of the multiloggers, I usually did Ledges cruel.
But now i will do bosses run like the others multiloggers, or i will play one client solo and whem i run out of orbs i will quit....
No, you can't get anywhere close to equivalent IIQ with gear to match +250% from multiboxing. What is wrong with you? With the party bonus, you still get whatever from gear.
Yeah, sure, because you always get the ending hit in parties. Also I hear in parties loot is instanced... not, is shared. What is wrong with you?
Player X is fail because the way damage scales in this game. Is not going to happen, stop asking for an stupid mechanic. It would break the game balance completely.
Last edited by knac84#3886 on Mar 20, 2013, 10:09:41 PM
Speaking as someone who almost exclusively plays with friends and doesn't do any multi-boxing, I was rather annoyed with the change to drops.
As my friends and I often get separated a bit during combat, not by much, but enough that we are still battling tough monsters and not getting any loot bonuses for doing so.
I also run ahead of the group very often as my ranger has extremely high movement speed, now I basically have to sit there, and wait, because god forbid I spawn a boss too soon.
Spawning based on the # of players on the Map, it is OKAY to run ahead.
But heaven forbid you kill something, or LOOT A LARGE CHEST.
Player X is fail because the way damage scales in this game. Is not going to happen, stop asking for an stupid mechanic. It would break the game balance completely.
What balance?
I really don't care about balance that much, but seriously, this game has imbalances across the board. Hell, exploiting imbalance is half the fun of these kinds of games. It's often the reason we theorycraft.
This ain't the place and the devs have already said they don't like that sort of mechanic (thankfully, as it's terrible and badly designed). Get some IIQ gear and farm lower level content.
You can achieve the same IIQ as a 6 player party with IIQ gear, and if you are above 80 with a decent character you can easily farm docks, lunaris 3 or easy rolled 66's anyway if you are interested in flooding your screen with items.
Take in mind you don't receive any penalty from that as max lvl when it comes to item drops calculations is effectively 68. You can even farm city of sarns and receive no penalty (but you won't gain any XP).
Time to trade/find/craft that IIQ gear.
No, you can't get anywhere close to equivalent IIQ with gear to match +250% from multiboxing. What is wrong with you? With the party bonus, you still get whatever from gear.
Altadoc wrote:
Some good things:
- Whole zone farming by parking your alts in safe area is now dead
- Chest runners should be dead.
I would call the patch a fail as it it only partially solves some issues, while making a whole lot of other things much worse.
How are these good things? Why is whole zone farming worse than the multiboxing bosses, which still obviously works well?
Again, tonight when this guy is streaming, watch how this patch did nothing to his farming and how he is earning way more than any other farming methods.
Bosses loot pinata all sorts of uniques and he reaches Merveil so quickly that he doesn't even bother making all the rares into alt shards. At least 75% of the items are rares usually.
Nobody was getting that putting 6 alts into some high level content and soloing it. Anyone who might have even been doing that would require higher level characters and a lot more effort.
Chest runners should be dead, huh? How about let's do something to get rid of all the players who whine about things which aren't problems and don't impact the economy?
You got the chest runner's bonus quantity and had one less person to compete with for loot. Any decent party should be facerolling Fellshrine with only 4 of the 6 people in the zone together. All 6 just makes it overkill if there is any synergy at all.
If you really wanted to max EXP, create your own party and learn how to run it. If someone joins and doesn't take your TP, ninjas or doesn't follow you, you kick them. The proportion of "chesters" to people who want to level is very small. The only way this can be a problem for you is if you and your whole party have horrible damage or you are really awful at managing a party.
The best Exp is in a group of equally geared players, chances are you will be in a group of equally bad player...
If you have any gear or skill your better off soloing the content.
Never come between a man and his goals or ambitions because in all things we made choices, changing that makes the choices pointless as well as futile and is there any thinking/non sheep orientated man willing to accept futility as fun?
Last edited by wadler#6291 on Mar 20, 2013, 10:11:44 PM
Player X is fail because the way damage scales in this game. Is not going to happen, stop asking for an stupid mechanic. It would break the game balance completely.
What balance?
I really don't care about balance that much, but seriously, this game has imbalances across the board. Hell, exploiting imbalance is half the fun of these kinds of games. It's often the reason we theorycraft.
It would break the currency and loot system, creating immediately the usual combination of low-end items deflation and high end items inflation, and would force EVERYONE to use "player X" to keep up with it. This by itself would also brake natural game progression, making OP gear widely available (imagine player X command + IIQ/IIR mods, explosion of loot). At high levels there would be no point to not use it, given you can almost one shoot most mobs in 6 player groups when your character is well developed. It would marginalize a lot of build which are not so DPS efficient.
Game would be completely broken by that stupid change. If they were to do that they would save a lot of trouble just boosting the quantity of rares dropped, at least it wouldn't break build diversity (more than it is already). Player X is a retarded idea. People should seriously thought of the implications of their terrible ideas.
Player X is fail because the way damage scales in this game. Is not going to happen, stop asking for an stupid mechanic. It would break the game balance completely.
What balance?
I really don't care about balance that much, but seriously, this game has imbalances across the board. Hell, exploiting imbalance is half the fun of these kinds of games. It's often the reason we theorycraft.
It would break the currency and loot system, creating immediately the usual combination of low-end items deflation and high end items inflation, and would force EVERYONE to use "player X" to keep up with it. This by itself would also brake natural game progression, making OP gear widely available (imagine player X command + IIQ/IIR mods, explosion of loot). At high levels there would be no point to not use it, given you can almost one shoot most mobs in 6 player groups when your character is well developed. It would marginalize a lot of build which are not so DPS efficient.
As to currency, a powerful player would have a better chance at find currency if they could boost. This is bad?
As to progression, a character would still need to be playing on a low p setting for most of their leveling process (unless they went back to farm for low ilvl gear and get no xp). Granted, some build better than others, and a smart and decently geared build could go a long way with a higher p setting. Again, I don't see this as bad. Rewards for time spent collecting gear and knowledge. For many, it wouldn't really come into play until you got to the start and stop end game of maps. This is were it would be particularly helpful, as you could get back a few maps quicker, and get back to what is supposed to be end game. Or farm act content. Options. In itself it would be another level of progression if done well.
Marginalize builds that are not so DPS efficient? All I hear on these forums is 'Stack life, get damage from 6L'. I would think anything that encourages a little risk taking in the build process would be welcome.
Anyway, not a retarded idea, it's worked very well in a couple places. It solves a lot of problems and would give the servers a nice breather. It could have a far more elegant implementation than a simple line command, but hell, even that would be alright.
Players X most likely won't net the results people are wanting from it, because then the game's drops would be balanced around it, which would just return to the complaints people are having.