0.10.4 Patch Notes

Where's the desync fix?
Mushuukyou wrote:
Where's the desync fix?

It's in the multilogging fix. Less clients, less players, less server load.

But apparently boss run multilogging, and software key repeat multiboxing are still perfectly viable. So... yeah...
No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
Speaking as someone who almost exclusively plays with friends and doesn't do any multi-boxing, I was rather annoyed with the change to drops.
As my friends and I often get separated a bit during combat, not by much, but enough that we are still battling tough monsters and not getting any loot bonuses for doing so.
I also run ahead of the group very often as my ranger has extremely high movement speed, now I basically have to sit there, and wait, because god forbid I spawn a boss too soon.
"Danger is like jello, there's always room for more."
The anti multi boxing measures are like shitty DRM that only stops paying customers from playing.
Last edited by Pinchyskree#6347 on Mar 20, 2013, 7:18:49 PM
Worst patch ever for me.

I was barely finding the incentive to play this game, now it's just... fuck off.

Legit players get punished again for what exploiters do. It's been that way for the last 3-4 patches and is currently the reason why I'm not playing anymore, really. I hate the mentality, and no matter how small the change, I hate the fact it simply exists. Stop nerfing, start buffing. And forget those exploiters; they will exploit no matter what you do.

My 2 cents.
IGN: TimeForSpectralThrow / iLikeShockNova

This patch is a knee jerk reaction, which only partially solves the problem of multi-logging, while hurting normal group play.

Some bad things:
- It is is still completely viable to farm bosses using multi-logging. Slightly more dangerous on HC but on SC it will have no effect at all on boss farming. Ask any Vaal multi-logger if he is effected by these changes (no is the answer).

- in normal groups, anyone not on the same screen in a group will gimp the boss drops and/or boss quest credit for everyone in the group. Many ranged, summoner and totem build are more than 13m away from the boss a lot of the time.

- Anything offscreen that is killed by yourself or your minions is now severely nerfed in terms of drops.

- Far less freedom on movement if you don't want to gimp your group's drops.

Some good things:
- Whole zone farming by parking your alts in safe area is now dead

- Chest runners should be dead.


I would call the patch a fail as it it only partially solves some issues, while making a whole lot of other things much worse.

Planetsurvival wrote:
Thing is, whiteknights will defend GGG until the end times.

FFA Loot? Defences Secured!
Group Mechanic? Defences Secured!
Drop Rates? Defences Secured!
End Game? Defences Secured!
RNG Orbs? Defences Secured!

Watch out!
Logic is attacking!
Man the battle-stations!


And its only making this game worse the more poorly made decisions is supported.

This game clearly has logical flaws that can be fixed with thought through solutions already posted.

Looting? Leader options!
Group Mechanic? /players 6!
Drop rates? Balanced more carefully to make it less of a chore!
End Game? Much higher Map drop rate or maelstrom of chaos returning!
RNG Orbs? Tweaks to make them more reliable to use!

Id rather use reddit as discussion forum then this forum.
Much more of this... magical and wondrous *common sense* there.

The elephants in the room is *Path of HP nodes*, *melee being... bad*, Desync and so on.
And im going to wait a few months to play properly until much of the issues have been sorted out.
And it feels like this game needs a few months of proper *fixes* to make sure things are good and acceptable.

This post is an excellent summary of the QQ portion of the PoE community.

Something in the game that isn't a bug, you just personally don't like it is automatically a "problem" that needs fixed. GGG isn't allowed to design the game the way they want to.

Provides solutions that possibly solve complaint, without any consideration for new actual problems those solutions would create. A.K.A. Single level thinking. Very common here.

Oh yah.. and calls anyone that likes things you don't like a "whiteknight". Assumes they can't possibly be defending something because it deserves defending, the only possible reason in your mind they are defending it is because they are fanboys. You are unwilling/incapable of recognizing that there are legitimate reasons to disagree with your opinion.

Typical standard shit that gets posted 100 times a day.

" ... to let them know the game isn’t going to be very fair from here on out."
- Qarl
knac84 wrote:
Why is people discussing "/player x" now...

This ain't the place and the devs have already said they don't like that sort of mechanic (thankfully, as it's terrible and badly designed). Get some IIQ gear and farm lower level content.

You can achieve the same IIQ as a 6 player party with IIQ gear
, and if you are above 80 with a decent character you can easily farm docks, lunaris 3 or easy rolled 66's anyway if you are interested in flooding your screen with items.

Take in mind you don't receive any penalty from that as max lvl when it comes to item drops calculations is effectively 68. You can even farm city of sarns and receive no penalty (but you won't gain any XP).

Time to trade/find/craft that IIQ gear.

No, you can't get anywhere close to equivalent IIQ with gear to match +250% from multiboxing. What is wrong with you? With the party bonus, you still get whatever from gear.

Altadoc wrote:

Some good things:
- Whole zone farming by parking your alts in safe area is now dead

- Chest runners should be dead.


I would call the patch a fail as it it only partially solves some issues, while making a whole lot of other things much worse.


How are these good things? Why is whole zone farming worse than the multiboxing bosses, which still obviously works well?

Again, tonight when this guy is streaming, watch how this patch did nothing to his farming and how he is earning way more than any other farming methods.


Bosses loot pinata all sorts of uniques and he reaches Merveil so quickly that he doesn't even bother making all the rares into alt shards. At least 75% of the items are rares usually.

Nobody was getting that putting 6 alts into some high level content and soloing it. Anyone who might have even been doing that would require higher level characters and a lot more effort.

Chest runners should be dead, huh? How about let's do something to get rid of all the players who whine about things which aren't problems and don't impact the economy?

You got the chest runner's bonus quantity and had one less person to compete with for loot. Any decent party should be facerolling Fellshrine with only 4 of the 6 people in the zone together. All 6 just makes it overkill if there is any synergy at all.

If you really wanted to max EXP, create your own party and learn how to run it. If someone joins and doesn't take your TP, ninjas or doesn't follow you, you kick them. The proportion of "chesters" to people who want to level is very small. The only way this can be a problem for you is if you and your whole party have horrible damage or you are really awful at managing a party.
sirianstar wrote:
andybmcc wrote:
So as a solo player am I penalized for killing out of range?

there is still no official answer to this.

from the first post, we could assume that if u are away more than 13m, there will be 0 players, so 0 drops from distance.

But it's just an hypothesys, there is still no offical DEV answer to that.

it would be the first case of multiplying x0 of quantity or some hard capped down x0.15% etc.

still no confirmation about that.

I would like a definite answer to this. As a ranged character why should we be penalized?

Hope this is quickly rectified if it is the case and more thought put into future changes.
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but choosing to kill all 3 bandits in Act 2 still gives you a Passive Point automatically rather than a Skill Book quest reward. Is this going to be changed to be in-line with the recent change for quest rewards regarding skill points?

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