Sirus fight is making me quit POE
I have some thoughts on Sirus as a player returning to the game after skipping a few leagues. I've killed it 32 times, almost all on a8. I'm wearing close to a mirror's worth of gear. Harvest League has been wonderful to me and I've greatly enjoyed the crafting aspect of it. Sirus is terrible, and GGG should do everything they can to ensure they don't design boss a like this again.
1) not fun at all 2) not visually appealing 3) honestly drops too much loot that significantly affects game balance ----- -Players spend 50% of the time or more not able to attack the boss -Boss abilities are NOT visually obvious and do not give players ample time to make decisions or plan ahead. -Boss is VERY RNG oriented. Certain times when you fight the boss he doesn't cast many abilities, other times there are meteors every 10 seconds. Boss telports to random locations, sometimes into a bunch of fire, sometimes right next to you. Sometimes the boss will teleport off-screen during the 4 beams and offscreen you with DIE. -The boss also teleports the player multiple times during the fight. Game designers should know that any player loss of control or non-requested movement is an incredibly annoying thing for players to be faced with. Imagine playing a racing game, but the game suddenly teleports you in front of a wall. -Danger is mistaken for Difficulty. The two are not the same. Phase 4 of Sirus is dangerous, but it is not difficult. The result is that the player is frustrated if they die, but does not feel rewarded if they succeed. This last point is really the main point. The fight is frustrating and annoying, not rewarding or satisfying. Uber Atziri or Uber Elder were both dangerous, but they were also difficult and complex, and you felt like you learned something every time. That's one of the main reasons they were well received. Last edited by Grumpsy918#7123 on Aug 11, 2020, 3:20:13 PM
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Any reason why Vaal skills are not allowed for Sirius fight?
For the conquerers you need to complete a map and kill the map boss. Lots of souls to capture. For Sirius the Portal opens directly with no chance to load your Vaals. It‘s a shame as Vaals are a good part of my bladestorm berserker build. |
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" Because that could make the fight less shitty for some players, isn't it obvious? /s |
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Well, no.
Why not ban some other skills too? Why not ban totems? Why are Vaal skills available at all? Vaal skills are of limited used as you need souls to load them. However, might make sense as you need lots of maps to rety Sirius. How many to learn the mechanics? Maybe 300? No problem we are all hardcore gamers, playing 15 hours a day... |
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" You think thats bad , how about that harvest boss that disables your movement skills , cuts your movement speed in half and instantly kills you if you can't get out of the circle in time? Their boss design has been going down hill since shaper / guardians. But, yeah sirius takes the cake for the worst offender. The whole thing is a visual mess of barely distinguishable crap. I think the worst part is that if you screw up and die once .. you are much much much MUCH more likely to fail again and again because ol sirius loves to off screen you when you try to get back to him. Or maybe there will just be a wierd fucking storm that for some reason refuses to go away. Honestly at this point i have stopped caring about leveling. I just accept that there will be something. some cheap shot bullshit mechanic that will kill me instantly unless i knew about it ahead of time. At this point my only concern is trying to get most out of harvest before I quit the game. Because lets face it, who really wants to fuck around with poe's terrible crafting system after harvest goes away and we are back to throwing money into a slot machine inside a slot machine inside a casino inside another casino inside a slot machine in side a casino Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Aug 12, 2020, 7:57:37 AM
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Who cares about crafting in harvest anyway?
The only difference between harvest crafting and normal crafting is that one requires you to spending hundreds of hours farming for enough currency to craft and the other requires you to farm hundreds of hours of seeds to craft. Nothing really changes, it's just the flavor text that changes. And yes, GGG boss design has been going downhill for a long time because GGG has figured out that unless they makes completely BS bosses which 90% of the playerbase has no shred of hope defeating, they can't kill the top players every now and then. For GGG there is the top players and everyone else is a second class player that doesn't deserves to play their game. "The heavens burned The stars cried out And under the ashes of infinity Hope, scarred and bleeding breathed it's last." Last edited by Elhazzared#4582 on Aug 12, 2020, 8:12:17 AM
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" You could not be further from the truth about harvest. Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Aug 12, 2020, 8:23:21 AM
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just tank the beam lol.
Also, OP bought the two harvests $60 supporter packs. Hmmmmmmmm |
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I am not. It is a FACT that if you can make a good item in harvest, you can make it with RNG crafting. If you managed to make good items out of harvest, you just had good luck. The targeting helps, but not THAT much, especially when a lot of things end up being untargetable or when certain thing have to be target multiple times until it gets to where you need it to be.
"The heavens burned
The stars cried out And under the ashes of infinity Hope, scarred and bleeding breathed it's last." |
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Please do not deviate the subject here. This is about the BS of a fight Sirus is. Harvest threads are over there. You could even start one.
But compared to other bosses: harvest bosses are ok, not difficult and not easy either, you can do 20 of them at once if you decide to do no mods from your HO. Ubers are the apex of boss designs and difficult: Atziri and Elder. Best fights ever made. Though but fair. Shaper is so so. Not difficult, but the 4 bosses and the banishment phases could be skiped. Mastermind is a bad designed fight, but an easy one. Atzoatl is easy as hell. Delve bosses are ok. Depend on mods, but the fights are very well made. Aul one is the best!! Bestiary bosses, meh, easy as hell. Shaper and Elder guardians are very good fights. Conquerors? Some bad designs, but easy as hell. And on the bottom of the list: Sirus. Bad designs, easy, very bad design, very bad colors, very bad AI. "There's no thing like random one-shots in this game. You only die because you take 353,456,237 hits in 0.2 seconds."
"The best items in the game should not be crafted, they should be TRADED." - Cent, GGG |
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