INSANE memory leak since the last patch (3.9.0e)

I see a LOAD more windows 7 people here.

I also am constantly CRASHING (Never happened to me before) after just 1-3 maps.

My Comp is ancient and I'm running all lowest settings, and my .ini is edited so that dynamic resolution is -1 and always on.

Windows 7, gtx 760@2gb, i5-4690, 8gig ram, on a HDD.

Before it was ugly but playable, I could make lvl 90+ in SSFHC every league.

Since this started happening I've had to switch to softcore SSF, and crashing every couple maps.

It seems like both a windows 7 and new league mechanic problem.
Same issue and alos in windows 7, 16 GB RAM.I don't have any problem ingame BUT after a while (maybe 1h playing), message from windows running out of memory, and Poe between 6,5 and 7 GB. I have other stuff running aside but it was never a problem before.

I hope there can be something done to help us. Especially when windows 7 updates will soon be over !
Same Issue

Did a blighted map with a friend and towards the end everything was just a blob on my screen. Closed the game completely, came back in and my RAM utilization was about 3.5GB - 4GB. Went into the portal (keep in mind everything is dead at this point just loot on the ground) RAM immediately went to 8GB. It's nearly impossible to do the standard blight encounters now let alone trying to do a blighted map.
Still here.
still here =/

when open the passive skill tree, the memory increase 5xx mb.
And the game start lagggggg.

And kill more Metamorph monsters, the game gradually lag.
IGN: anglelee (Lv:65 Duelist)
Ggg know about this problem?
Ggg know about this problem?

Yes they do. They did respond on reddit before Christmas break and on forum and the issue is set in the list of priorities to fix.

Also the topic is already going on in a Bug section:
Hi exile!
28.12 and i sill have this issues 1050Ti(99% usage) but with win 10
Last edited by bartobloko#0943 on Dec 28, 2019, 1:33:36 PM
The game worked fine for me prior to release and two days into league. Since then
having huge latency spikes. I cannot map for more than a minute or two before having to restart POE. Had all that time off for holidays and wasn't even able to play. Would like to see this issue resolved as the game is practically unplayable.
Let me get back to the eternal grind

Win 7 user

Last edited by yo_yo#0318 on Dec 28, 2019, 1:49:14 PM
It was okay after a while but now it's definitely back. After a few hours of play the game slugs down and takes way more memory. Keeps crashing when i change instances too, mainly when i go to towns.

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