Have a look at a Metamorph-specific unique ring!
Would Holy Relic's Nova technically work on this(basically asking if it monster skills are tagged as "Nova" as well) if it could somehow be able to share the player's rings? I know it won't work in this case because of the fact that you specifically didn't mention it.
One post a day, keeps the Death away Last edited by BDtetra#2436 on Dec 12, 2019, 6:46:35 AM
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Would Abberath's fury from Abberath's hooves work with this ring? I guess not, but would be fun if it does
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Dealing with the amount of snarky intellectuals in this thread would drive me around the bend.
Some of you keyboard warriors need to get out more. |
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" Ok cmon. I'm sure Mark put on his pants one leg at a time this morning just like the rest of us. This ring prompted some questions, mostly around some linguistic semantics that Mark provided some clarity on. I'm glad he stopped in, and aside from a bit of a contentious back and forth with one poster (which overall is healthy for the game tbh), the outcome accomplished what it needed to...clarification. Again what is the better alternative? That no one gives a fuck about mechanics and new item interactions? I'm glad players cared enough to have questions, and I'm glad Mark came in to respond. Even if you didnt like his answers, at least you got them. Edit: and like I said on the first page, this ring is trash. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Dec 12, 2019, 9:30:43 AM
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" That person goes out of their way to shit on literally every game announcement here and spread negativity, so it's not surprising they did so in this thread too. Players clearly thought that it was possible to "add tags" to skills based on interactions like Death's Oath + Arcane Surge. Since we don't code the game (and had no reason to believe otherwise) this wasn't a big leap. But getting mad at the dev and telling them to "keep up this pre-league fiasco and tell us whatever makes you feel better" just because the player was mad about being wrong was a worthy time to call them out on rudeness. Just because it was directed at Mark doesn't mean we all want to read vitriol. |
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" Listen, dont get me wrong, I don't think that was handled altogether great. However I dont think we should fall over ourselves either that Mark simply graced us with his presence, or somehow that Devs cant be fundamentally wrong about things. (Or at least inconsistent) In this particular case, Mark came in, provided clarity, and someone was a bit jerky about it (welcome to the internet). Its not like this was perfectly explained, or easy to understand, or else there wouldnt have been questions or a need to clarify in the first place. I guess the point I was trying to make, was at least players care about game mechanics and interactions. The alternative would mean general disinterest in the game. Can GGG explain their mechanics, and have descriptions align better? Yes. Can players and forum goers be more respectful and form their questions better? Yes. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Dec 12, 2019, 11:04:53 AM
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WoL monk making a comeback
Woops wrong game |
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" The ring is not trash, just highly situational, like many uniques should be. It's great for some niche totem builds that cast novas to make it so you don't have to drop them on the monsters, as well as maybe some weird triggered nova (mostly discharge) builds like someone mentioned. I honestly look forward to uniques like this which are worse in slot than a rare except that they enable a unique build. There's no powercreep here. Creep implies it's slow and could be overlooked, this is a full out sprint.
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" Could you explain then, why is the presence of the arcane surge support that enables the use of swift support with death oath or RF then? If both skills were hardcoded to work with duration supports arcane surge wouldn't be needed in the first place. However, removing/adding arcane surge to the link clearly affects the way said skills operate. That being said, I have another question. Is it possible to use the ring with nova skills and spell cascade support? I think it was asked already but either no answer was given or I must've missed it :< Nothing here
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Seems like if you're going to be casting a nova skill at a target location you'd really rather be casting any other spell, maybe with awakened spell cascade support.
Should be a cool 1c unique to play around with for funzies though. |
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