Development Manifesto: Balance in Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas

After one years power up cheat mod class, we get nerf for all.
Blight Alpha crack suck , 3.9 Lolilol content inc.

Siegalpha wrote:
Koshcheevich wrote:
I'm playing this game 4 years.. And i find changes in last leagues really strange.
Early, each league have a lot of difference solid builds with different mechanics - and players can always find something good for own playstyle. And it was great - we have huge skill-tree with a lot of different gems, and players always can try something interesting. In party always was different people with different skills.
But in last leagues you buffs left us only 1-2 playable builds and "kill" all other. This league was Zombie-league, Legion was Cyclone-league, Betrayal was WinterOrb-league, and so on. Do you understand what happen if only one build work and all other are broken?
=> nobody want play game with no chances to "win"
=> all want to get 36/40 challenges and kill Shaper/Elder/etc
=> all try to play this one-meta-op-build
=> items for this op-build are overpriced
=> to get them players should farm maps hard or try to trade all time (and yes, it's no more as fun from play, it looks like work to get money)
=> but you, GGG, still can't create normal trade-place INSIDE you game and we use alt-tab (ye, as 15 years ago in browser-games) to buy items
=> or we try to sell loot and get a lot of pm's, but we can't answer... and you know why we can't answer? because you, GGG, create more and more situations in game, when we can't just set portal and go in ho to trade (labyrinth, delve, zana-missions with "no die"-mode, monolit-zones or synthes-locations with timer, etc)
=> and players need more and more time to trade.. and such trade, you know, it looks like work too, not like fun from play...
=> and so on, and so on, and so on...
=> and finally, many days later, when i got good items, i'm ready for blight-maps... and we got 6 summoners (oh, so strange, all playing summoners) in one party and... yes,! perfectly!

==>> i'm sure, that 80% of POE-players can't play this game 24/7. we should go school, studying, working, take time for family. i think, people play games to get fun and relax after long work day. but if i need first invest 100-200 hours only to get good end-game items and only than can play for fun, i can do it or.. i find other game to play. GGG, understand please, that you shouldnt focus on 5% of players who live in game - they always run trough acts to fast, they always go in delve to deep, kill main-boss after several days, etc. GGG, focus please on main part of players, that play 2-4 hours daily and want just get fun from this game. Dont write, that "Multi-mod crafting an item was proving too powerful for too low a cost..." - for multimode you need first 10-15 ex for base and craft, and for many casual players it's just impossible.
And please, GGG, make MORE builds playable and EQUALLY powerful.
And please, GGG, don't forget about performance/optimisation - it's still your main-problem.
And please, GGG, TEST your changes BEFORE league!
More balanced bulbs, optimisation, testing before release - please!!!

I like POE, really like. As i already told, i play this game 4 years. But i feel myself some tired from this "trading-work" during first ~2 weeks of each new league to get 20-30 ex for meta-build-items. Sure, i'll try Metamorph. But in March 2020 we get "Mount & Blade II" and i'm afraid, that my after-work-relax will be no more in POE.

Underrated post.
GGG listen this guy and stop watching streamer a little.
And reword all unique, almost all are so weak or old-fashionned (WoE... )
Rework very weak spells at first.

I understand you guys. But and btw its huge BUT you got that everytime wrong. Calling a league "Cyclone-League", "Zombie-Whatever-Minion-League" and so on was just wrong thinking. If you see one build is like played from 50% player base and u think u can´t reach that gear in your amount of time then just play what u want? I didn´t play a single minion build last league and played like almost the only guy a BF build in higher ladder in ssf blight and reached #1 Juggernaut with it. Oh btw i´m working too so i´m like 11 hours not at home also i´m sleeping at least 5 hours everyday gets mostly in the 6-8 hours. This isn´t a flex or whatever this is just how u guys have to change ur way of seeing the world. Only because streamers who play 24/7 the game play a build it doesn´t mean u have to play it too to reach something. Since I´m playing (playing since 3.0) i had never the feeling only 1 build works and the rest is just unplayable. Also multimodding needed a change. Even 2-4 hours a day in 3 month´s of a league should be enough time to get your "10-15 ex" base and multimod it. If you are like 2 weeks first character reaching maps then you have to use your time practicing getting faster through the story. And saying there is no time for that... sorry but then you are playing the wrong game. This shouldn´t be a mean post or whatever being offensive against you it´s just how the reality is.
lvfwindigo wrote:
Smear wrote:

The decline has been evident for awhile. GGG keeps doubling down on dumb. There is a saying in stock analysis, let the trend be your friend.

They are not paying attention to the trend at all. This league will be abysmal by the numbers.

You do realize that a lot of people skipped this league for classic launch, right?

I for my part skipped it because i hated the idea of tower defense with useless towers in this league.
and from what ive been reading here, it was bullshit regarding blighted maps and some encounters were rather "funny" when spawning range attack enemys...

Also, if people skipped an entire league for another game... that usually means the other game was more fun. Also, as he said, the drop over time is a trend.

That said, we don't know GGG's revenue profile. It's possible that the hardcore crowd has a very strong overlap with MTX whales.

If that's what they feel keeps them in business, well, that's the path they've chosen to go. But I can't recall very many game companies that have ever sustained long term success by focusing on an narrow niche audience rather than growing their customer base. The smaller your client base, the more fickle and unstable it can be, "hardcore" players notoriously so.

Never mind that if enough "filthy casuals" desert the game, the economy will fall apart. Currency trading is already heavily propped up by trade bots.
Last edited by FramFramson on Dec 11, 2019, 3:35:14 AM
Overall, I really like all the announcements from this! I'm totally fine with multi mods being nerfed, and I'm pretty pumped for the next league!

There is only one thing I want to say, and it's about this:

Raise Zombies had too much damage and life for a small investment. They've been lowered in power slightly in several ways: lower base damage, lower area on their Slam, no life multiplier per gem level and a longer Slam cooldown.

I'm not sure why the zombie gem itself is getting hit this hard. I feel like this might have been a reaction to all the Necromancers that were playing a "The Baron" Zombiemancer type build with Mon'tregul's. I'm totally fine with less zombie slams, and less base damage, but I think totally removing the life multiplier from the gem is a little too harsh, because this is really going to hurt other Ascendancy classes that use zombies, such as Guardian, Occultist and Ascendant. Those ascendancies don't get any minion life from their tree, unlike Necromancer, so now if you want to use Zombies it's not going to be very good in the higher tier maps and end game encounters.

I played a Guardian in 3.8, and I was running 10 zombies, and even though I was pretty decently specced into Minion Life from the tree, my zombies would die on tough tier 15s and 16s occasionally. Even though I had them on a 6 link with meat shield, minion life, empower, and fortify, they would still die pretty easily against uber elder, even though they had about 50k life. I feel like with these nerfs to the zombie life, other ascendancies will struggle to even get 35k life on their zombies, thus making them (most likely) not viable in the end game.

I feel like the zombie life nerf was only aimed as a reaction to everyone playing Necromancer, and possibly with Mon'tregul's and The Baron. I feel like a more viable nerf would be to slightly lower the zombie life multiplier per gem level(rather than completely remove it), then also nerf the life to zombies on Mon'tregul's, and the bonus zombies gain from strength from The Baron. I think this would lower the power of zombies on Necromancer, but still make them a viable option on other ascendancies that can play as a summoner. Because honestly, these nerfs won't change much for a necro baron zombiemancer anyways(they still won't die), but I feel like it will completely gut zombie's viability for other ascendancies.

Just my two cents based on my experiences playing a zombie using Guardian last league!
bvanharjr wrote:
BRING. IT. On. these aren't nerfs.

you know, when you increase HP of all meaningful monsters, it is nerf.

if you decrease damage by 10%, this is nerf (for the poor).
if you increase monster HPs & resistances, this is nerf (for the poor).
when you give wand shitty RNG, this is nerf (for the poor).
when you force people to get lvl25 specter to get the +1 max specter, this is nerf (because poor will get it by slotting specter on helm, which is 4L or you are RICH).

GGG just nerfed the face of noobs, debutants and poors.

GGG should stop watching streaming by powergamer, which are less than 10% of the game.... really.

demigodking had fun with an unplayable 25k+ energy shield build and that led to a nerf.
all streamer try to get the Cold Damage per 10 Dexterity on bows = nerf.
a (lone) streamer reacher DELVE lvl XXXX ? -> identify build and NERF.

success if always nerfed while failure is nerfed even harder. LOL.

... GGG, learn to manage the powercreep, plz. this is NOT the way
Well, the time of 3.9 was not good for me due to it colliding with Christmas vacations, my skiing trips and work. Reading this manifesto, I have even less desire to play.

It is shame because Grand Sanctum supporter pack looks nice but I'm not buying a pack unless I'm playing the league it comes with.

Plenty of great games around I can play in the spear time. I might as well take longer break, until PoE 2.0 hits, as last few leagues did not prove to be as enjoyable for me as previously leagues. I hope 2.0 will freshen up the formula and renew my appetite for PoE.
Koshcheevich wrote:
I'm playing this game 4 years.. And i find changes in last leagues really strange.
Early, each league have a lot of difference solid builds with different mechanics - and players can always find something good for own playstyle. And it was great - we have huge skill-tree with a lot of different gems, and players always can try something interesting. In party always was different people with different skills.
But in last leagues you buffs left us only 1-2 playable builds and "kill" all other. This league was Zombie-league, Legion was Cyclone-league, Betrayal was WinterOrb-league, and so on. Do you understand what happen if only one build work and all other are broken?
=> nobody want play game with no chances to "win"
=> all want to get 36/40 challenges and kill Shaper/Elder/etc
=> all try to play this one-meta-op-build
=> items for this op-build are overpriced
=> to get them players should farm maps hard or try to trade all time (and yes, it's no more as fun from play, it looks like work to get money)
=> but you, GGG, still can't create normal trade-place INSIDE you game and we use alt-tab (ye, as 15 years ago in browser-games) to buy items
=> or we try to sell loot and get a lot of pm's, but we can't answer... and you know why we can't answer? because you, GGG, create more and more situations in game, when we can't just set portal and go in ho to trade (labyrinth, delve, zana-missions with "no die"-mode, monolit-zones or synthes-locations with timer, etc)
=> and players need more and more time to trade.. and such trade, you know, it looks like work too, not like fun from play...
=> and so on, and so on, and so on...
=> and finally, many days later, when i got good items, i'm ready for blight-maps... and we got 6 summoners (oh, so strange, all playing summoners) in one party and... yes,! perfectly!

==>> i'm sure, that 80% of POE-players can't play this game 24/7. we should go school, studying, working, take time for family. i think, people play games to get fun and relax after long work day. but if i need first invest 100-200 hours only to get good end-game items and only than can play for fun, i can do it or.. i find other game to play. GGG, understand please, that you shouldnt focus on 5% of players who live in game - they always run trough acts to fast, they always go in delve to deep, kill main-boss after several days, etc. GGG, focus please on main part of players, that play 2-4 hours daily and want just get fun from this game. Dont write, that "Multi-mod crafting an item was proving too powerful for too low a cost..." - for multimode you need first 10-15 ex for base and craft, and for many casual players it's just impossible.
And please, GGG, make MORE builds playable and EQUALLY powerful.
And please, GGG, don't forget about performance/optimisation - it's still your main-problem.
And please, GGG, TEST your changes BEFORE league!
More balanced bulbs, optimisation, testing before release - please!!!

I like POE, really like. As i already told, i play this game 4 years. But i feel myself some tired from this "trading-work" during first ~2 weeks of each new league to get 20-30 ex for meta-build-items. Sure, i'll try Metamorph. But in March 2020 we get "Mount & Blade II" and i'm afraid, that my after-work-relax will be no more in POE.

typecast wrote:
Ant1Life wrote:
So if 1 thing is strong in the game,we should nerf everything just in case?

Discharge was strong and we used to have wand dischargers,staff dischargers,bow dischargers,dagger dischargers,Mjolner and so on.Everybody used to love discharge,and Discharge was a core skill which was unique to this game...

Where is discharge now?Forgotten and useless...

same thing happened to Kinetic Blast,burning Arrow and ignite,Explosive Arrow and many more skills.

If you take that in consideration,it speaks clearly that Killing a Meta skill is NOT the way to go!

Tweaking it with creativity like Tornado shot IS the way to go.

Many people have spoken and i think they are right in that,Nerfs are made based on the 1% mirrored top tier builds.The average Joe does 50-100 000 dmg if at all,and he has to strugle to kill shaper for 10 minutes.Same time some one runs 20 shapers in 10 minutes.

This alone kills the lower end Builds!

Discharge facetanks, KB zoomers, hit-and-run explosive arrow prolif builds were all in really good states through 3.8. Burning Arrow was a weaker alternative to Scourge Arrow (gg ailment multi), which stacks a bunch of flat lightning (abyss jewels/sockets, the tempest, stormfire, ES Doryani's Delusion) with Dyadian Dawn + Elemental Equilibrium

Yeah i got a really nice build,ALL mirrored and can do every skill because of that.
Does that mean the skill is in a good place?Make a "really good" SSF with burning arrow and show me your Dps on shaper and we can talk about it!
Welp, screw you guys too, you made necromancers feel awesome, then you bust it the next league. Welcome to the path of Ritoretard games.
I Gotta ask GGG HOW are Zombies too strong?

I have NEVER made a Summoner before,and made one last week!

45ex Inverstment gave me 6 Zombies at 220 000K dps each!

6x220 000 dps is 1 320 000 Dps.Since WHEN is 1.3 Mil dps "Insane Damage"?

Oh,you meant the 150 Ex Summoner builds?If thats the case,well GGG you are either trying to get rid of the majority low end builds in the game,or you are trying to have a game which consist of the top tier 1% Builds and Players?

In any case this game loses integrity with the old players like me for example on that Basis!

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