Development Manifesto: Balance in Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas

Desperately need more info on the soulrend "buff"

It's my favorite skill in the game and it has underperformed hard compared to bane and other DoT builds
ChimpMagnet wrote:
Wow, this is all complaints about nerfs, when a league is nothing more than a beta test. Blight League tested summoner and minion changes, if you want to experience necromancy as intended by GGG play 3.9 necro. Are people that daft?

So its intended to be complete thrash?

Intresting, why play then.
Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me.
KalHirol wrote:
ChimpMagnet wrote:
Wow, this is all complaints about nerfs, when a league is nothing more than a beta test. Blight League tested summoner and minion changes, if you want to experience necromancy as intended by GGG play 3.9 necro. Are people that daft?

So its intended to be complete thrash?

Intresting, why play then.

Thrash, indeed. Perhaps if we waited for the actual patch notes there wouldn't be a need for 70+ pages of whinging.
when is tomorrow ?
Gnisteren wrote:
when is tomorrow ?

its gonna be so much harder.its to much nerf.lvling skills.icicle mine.mirage resistances.and...why?

#nerf league
ekaye wrote:
IceKingLP wrote:
Some modifiers no longer appear on Shaper or Elder items, like the "increased Physical Damage and Socketed Gems are Supported By" modifiers on Two Handed Weapons

Soo basically, which mods am I supposed to roll on an elder weapon now, don't you think you did go there a little bit too far..
Clearly you're not supposed to roll mods on an Elder weapon, you're supposed to roll them on one of the new influence types.
crashbashl wrote:
"XP loss on death" is a 20 years old mechanic that does not have a place in today's games.
It's can only gain experience from battle. Even know what mistake you did...
Losing XP must be erased from modern RPGs.
Serious question, what would you suggest as an alternative death penalty?

I have read that insta log out is a built in feature to escape death. and PoE is design to use such features especially in hardcore. I think his point is that as a disabled casual player its harder for him to execute these so must take the death and lose the experience. I say to make it fair. a death is a death. wrong place wrong time. if you quit out game your char should stay logged in for 10 secs.
Things are looking pretty neat so far. ;D
Hmmm . . . well, cutting off the extra support on shaper/elder two-handers seems pretty unfortunate, given that it was actually the first mechanic in a long time that made them in any meaningful way competitive with two one handers/one-hander and shield, for attackers or casters. Is this going to be replaced with anything meaningful, or is the plan to just let staffs fall back off the cliff they just climbed up from?

Speaking of things getting shoved off, could we maybe not do the thing where we severely overbuff something, then savagely nerf it shortly thereafter? I mean, shit, you guys didn't even let the necro breathe for a season! Maybe don't address precisely the issues with the archetype, then hobble the fixes that made it better? I feel like I should wait for the updated values, but knowing what typically happens, I'll admit I'm envisioning minion damage/movement speed nodes with some inscrutably small numbers that render them utterly worthless. Hopefully that's not the case! Having done a decent number of minion builds, I'll say feeding frenzy was almost a must-run, but in no way because of the damage modifier . . . I mean, there are some really high-damage supports available for almost any necro build. The damage on feeding frenzy was just good enough to not make me feel like I wasn't giving up a link to fix an innate problem with an archetype. Hopefully that's not going to be undone, but given how staccato GGG's balancing is . . . welp, we'll see!

The odd thing is that I don't think necro ever should have been that insanely buffed, to begin with. I honestly would've been fine with just the increased QoL that it looks like they'll be nerfing. Also, not really sure what GGG historically has against zombies!
Some of this is sorely needed, but I'm not gonna lie, a few of these are real losers:
- Reducing minion life is retarded. Make it harder to dip minion life as damage, but reducing their life entirely is awful. The game is built around a number of mechanics in boss fights that require you to kite damage because they WILL one shot virtually any level of life. When Elder, or Uber Atziri, or one of the guardians one shots your entire army of zombies and spectres and leaves you standing naked and alone, it feels terrible. My first character was a necromancer, and I refused to touch minions in any way for years after that because of how bad that feels. I ran necromancer for the second time in Blight and it was better...mostly. Never actually cleared Uber Elder in Blight because, that's right, minions can't stay alive.
- The life/armor/resist changes on bosses seem ill conceived, particularly the armor bit. You thought about this long enough to notice that it hurt the most for builds dealing smaller physical hits, but clearly didn't stop to think about the full scope of the impact. This change REQUIRES builds to invest 100% in a single damage output, and accept that anything else will do nothing. If you convert 50% of your physical damage to an element, you will do dramatically less damage because of it. Investment in attack speed, barrage, barrage support, other methods of scaling damage by number of hits instead of by size of hits? All garbage until you have a physical hit large enough to trivialize the armor. The new nodes you talk about to partially mitigate this problem are apparently oriented towards attacks (if I'm reading your post correctly). It seems that in your focus on attacks you've forgotten that we have a number of physical damage SPELLS that now cannot be used without full damage conversion. Even for attacks and using those nodes the cost of any damage conversion is now severe, forcing all builds to deal exactly one damage type or face severe penalties. For builds running elemental conversion penetration stacking or resistance bypass (Templar) is less optional than ever. You talk a lot about the importance of build diversity and making unusual builds viable, but this does the opposite.

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