What to Expect From the 3.9.0 Expansion
just PLEASE keep Cassia in the core game, the content isnt required for everyone to do, like how many ppl do atziri, or council nowadays.....but i really love her being around plus the annointment system is very interesting, powercreep exists without it, so there is not that much of a deal....really pls
and hype for new "expansion" |
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Hype, but please dont forget wand skills exist too :)
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New expansion hype!
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Actually-accessible, not-rarity-gated endgame, scrapping the woefully half-baked Pantheon and making it matter somehow, making a real alternative to maps that isn't tied to any form of currency or consumable, making league mechanics not RNG dependent....
Yeah, those ALL need to happen. (2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
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My wish list for 9.0:
1. Make a league that isn't trivialized by Headhunter and Herald of Ice. I actually like Blight for that reason that even slower and less "screen clear" characters can play it (even if Necros dominate, you don't feel completely gimped by not playing them in comparison to HH Tshot / Cyclone boiz in Legion). 2. Rework completely unused bow skills. Blast Rain and Split Arrow exist. 3. Add some good alternatives, having every bow build rely on Lionseye Fall and Hyrri's Ire is getting old and boring. 4. Add / revamp some unique bows, bow builds are hard to approach for a casual player because majority of them rely on multicrafted rare bows. Darkscorn was a good idea and then you immediately made it unapproachable for majority of casual players by restricting it drop chance to legion only. |
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While I DO like the sound of new content and endgame, this is starting to become quite alarming. Everyone of the last few releases has been "bigger than anything we've done before". That in and on itself isn't a bad thing, but every single one of them brought a lot, and I mean a LOT of issues with it that in some parts still haven't been adressed.
I honestly fear that, if it goes on like this, the game will be nothing more than a broken mess when the next larger system overhaul takes place (animation cancelling, while GREATLY improving the feel of gameplay already brought with it ton of bugs, crashes and performance issues). I'm fairly sure the community wouldn't have a lot against something like a proper race season (or just a flashback month) after the end of one league for you to take your time and further test and improve the new stuff. And if the testing team is too small to find out certain issues or they simply don't show up on the internal system (both of which had already happened in the past) then, as much as you don't like it, a proper beta test is an option. The way this was phrased ([...] but didn't have the time or resources to pull off) sounds VERY alarming to me. Take your time already! I know that expansions/leagues can't and won't be perfect at their release and it has gotten better over the years (anyone still remember prophecy launch?), but the most recent ones have slowly starting to get worse again. The amount of new crashes introduced with the recent few leagues is higher than anything I've seen since I started playing really. TL;DR: I'm excited, but the ever increasing promises for new leagues are starting to raise some red flags, so please, PLEASE don't fuck this up, GGG! I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
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Can't wait to see the new supporter pack with physical good !
And the new league spoiler ofc. |
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Sounds fine. Hope it works.
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we'll see about the "less melty" part.
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" Sounds like the past few league announcements to me. I'll believe it when I see it, and frankly, I haven't seen it yet. "People ask me why I do this at my age. People are rude."
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