What to Expect From the 3.9.0 Expansion
Like many posters, I have lost trust in GGG and their announcements and their strategy.
I don't believe what you say about less server-melty, etc. I don't believe Chris, I don't trust your spin doctors. Each league brings more lags, more disconnects, more bloated content. I'll play and see what happens, as usual, but your announcements no longer mean much to me. How could they when you announced Legion as a melee rework and so catasrophically f--ked that up? Last edited by InsiderTradingX#3188 on Oct 11, 2019, 10:33:53 AM
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How about some stash management? Like vendor entire stash tabs, some kind of sorting option by size/value/item like many other games have.
A tab-to-rule-them-all is needed, with so many specialized tabs it is becoming tedious to sort items to total 7 tabs: currency/maps/divinationcards/essences/fragments/delve/unique And the single click to move the tab upfront is kinda sad. need more |
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"Agreed. Couldn't have said it better myself. "Or it's gonna be another league where you have to hire a "booster" to clear stuff for you, like legion 5-way. Either you sold the emblems, or you had HH, or you hired a HH guy, or you just lost your investment. For actually playing the game. I don't want the "end game" to be locked behind 200ex gear in a 3 month temp league. "With the exception that most players can't afford throwing divines at stuff, so they can't really get this kind of "fun". Another mechanic only for the top 1% rich boys. "So true... Unless some mechanics are completely broken to deserve a nerf ("hey I can make my character elemental damage immune!"), I don't understand this "change for the sake of change". Sure, add new skills for people who "already played everything" and crave something new. But taking some old skill, buffing it to oblivion, then insta nerfing it after? Like Cyclone in Legion. It wasn't a new skill. You wanted to make something OP for a flavour of the month build, why didn't you make Bladestorm OP instead, GGG? You're ruining the skill for everyone. I have a friend who played Cyclone every league for years. After he played it in Legion, it's ruined for him forever, because he knows it will never be as good anymore. Not even mentioning skills like Herald of Agony and Storm Brand you just keep chipping away every league bit by bit until one day nothing remains, like you managed to ruin Arc after people enjoyed it for many seasons. Why these old, good skills couldn't just stay viable for people who still enjoy them, while you introduce new shiny skills for those who are bored with "same old"? Or focus on reworking skills that are actually underwhelming and nobody plays them (shattering steel anybody?) Nope, instead you have to break what people liked. Like molten strike (RIP). |
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Please give some attention in 3.9.0 to wands attacks also :]
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" nice! |
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I hope they give us a resolution slider instead of just dynamic :D
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I appreciate the info but this really didn't tell me what to expect at all.
Only that you will announce 3.9 in November. |
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Problem is always the same, in the Tencent Era.
They have to push money into the bag. The way to grab money is to create new shiny material, grab new rich people into the game, and satisfy old very money spender guys with 0,1% blasting new endgames. People that want to play, that have spent some moneys but is not able (or not willing) to buy more, that want good play-ability, stability, and want to play with old consolidate builds because ehy, we can play no more than 1hour/day, we have no time to study on PoB, or waste time on market, for us nothing. Now another spin for the wheel. New "balance", new "meta", new "mechanic", and also new "lag", new "crash", new "time consuming". No way. Lost interest for this game and for this company. You was the best all around, now you are ruining fast under the hill. So sad. Thanks for the past. That was very fun. |
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Lets just hope it's not a shiza stain like blight league was.
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