[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone

hadc wrote:

Cortex is mostly physics and lightning dmg, so I’m surprised she can be a problem since the build is shock immune. But some of her attack has high dmg so maybe you missed those.

Yeah not sure what killed me exactly, I had just killed chayula at the exact moment so could have been a combination of the 2 as I had -60% chaos res.
beeftrumpet wrote:
hadc wrote:

Cortex is mostly physics and lightning dmg, so I’m surprised she can be a problem since the build is shock immune. But some of her attack has high dmg so maybe you missed those.

Yeah not sure what killed me exactly, I had just killed chayula at the exact moment so could have been a combination of the 2 as I had -60% chaos res.

It’s probably something from Chayula then. You’re so brave playing with -60% chaos res. I won’t feel comfortable with anything less than +60% chaos res haha
hadc wrote:
Btw, I’m having lots of fun blasting maps with Profane Bloom I think I finally understood why people like to play juiced maps. I’m doing 4 scarabs and 4 sextants (for end game grind) and I can’t explain the satisfaction of seeing the explosions everywhere lol. And I dropped almost all ES node on the tree and still didn’t die once at lvl 99, now at 51%. The 88 all ele res really makes a huge difference to survivability. I really think the build is tanky enough that we don’t need more than 5k ES.

Good to know! I nearly have enough currency to buy some flame/flesh to squeeze it in and was looking for what to drop to do it. Looks like it will be some ES nodes!!

hadc wrote:
How much DPS do you have now? I did it white at around 5mil I think. Tactically, you’ll need to remember who is at which position (when they’re still “frozen” at the side) and I’ll prioritise killing Atziri and then Shaper (I hate his degen balls), the rest are quite manageable. Make sure you have high chaos res for Chayula. Keep moving around the arena and let your DOTs do their job.

Then just pray hard that Atziri is not the last to be release especially if you don’t have enough DPS to kill the rest before she comes.

Around 7m ish (10.3m with punishment included - but I guess it wouldn't be on bosses). I think you've isolated what went wrong though, I died once and when I got back in I was quickly over run. But I think Atziri and shaper were the ones that did me. He does the black hole degen things? those were annoying... chayula has the spin attack so I am pretty certain I got him down, and Elder, so it was the other three that did me in.
Last edited by kingkano on Mar 31, 2022, 9:56:59 AM
Anyone have any thoughts on getting righteous fire working with this build??
I can sort of make it work in maps as long as I have mobs around to get hit by with a ruby flask, but on bosses its useless.
More regen, but from what/where
So I like this build and I followed the guide, I'm doing SSF and I get one shot by almost everything, I use the proper flasks and I'm at T10 maps but its just so frustrating. I'm newer to this game and don't understand crafting as much but achieving 6K shield seems almost impossible, but everyone seems to be tanky af, I dont really get whats going on. I'm having trouble keeping up STR and DEX while also upgrading things, very upset
Last edited by LeToot on Apr 3, 2022, 12:02:30 PM
Any ideas on how to finish this? The best I can come up with is regal and hope for high spell damage or cold damage (pretty unlikely though) and then multimod and get DoT, cold damage or spell damage depending on what the regal gives.

I already had a version of the above wand but thought I could improve it a bit but it seems unlikely.
From League Starter to Shaper – Cheap, Tanky, Fast and Fun Physical ST – Very Detailed Guide

Gannicus, God of the Arena – Deathless Uber Elder for Everyone
Any ideas on how to finish this? The best I can come up with is regal and hope for high spell damage or cold damage (pretty unlikely though) and then multimod and get DoT, cold damage or spell damage depending on what the regal gives.

I already had a version of the above wand but thought I could improve it a bit but it seems unlikely.

I’d do this,

1. Regal
2. If got good prefix, multi-mod with %Spell dmg and %DOT. If got good suffix, craft %spell dmg and spider (if you need it)
3. If got bad mod, annul it (50%) and craft multi-mod. Go back to alt/aug if annul +1 cold.

But if you already have something similar then you should sell it.

Or if you want to invest more, spam this wand with T1/2 Essence of work till you get +1cold or spell gem, then craft prefix can’t be change, then scour. And then multi-mod (if you have empty prefix).
hadc wrote:

I’d do this,

1. Regal
2. If got good prefix, multi-mod with %Spell dmg and %DOT. If got good suffix, craft %spell dmg and spider (if you need it)
3. If got bad mod, annul it (50%) and craft multi-mod. Go back to alt/aug if annul +1 cold.

But if you already have something similar then you should sell it.

Or if you want to invest more, spam this wand with T1/2 Essence of work till you get +1cold or spell gem, then craft prefix can’t be change, then scour. And then multi-mod (if you have empty prefix).

Tried both, was unlucky with the regal and the annul so I tried essences. Got multiple +1 lightning and one +1 cold but it was 6 mod and got (again) unlucky with the annul...
So long story short I now have the same thing only rare :P

and finally

(Apparently you can't craft cold damage and spell damage together because they're... similar mods. And yet hybrid mods are not considered similar. GGG logic FTW).
From League Starter to Shaper – Cheap, Tanky, Fast and Fun Physical ST – Very Detailed Guide

Gannicus, God of the Arena – Deathless Uber Elder for Everyone
Last edited by Aias_o_Telamonios on Apr 3, 2022, 11:01:47 PM
So I like this build and I followed the guide, I'm doing SSF and I get one shot by almost everything, I use the proper flasks and I'm at T10 maps but its just so frustrating. I'm newer to this game and don't understand crafting as much but achieving 6K shield seems almost impossible, but everyone seems to be tanky af, I dont really get whats going on. I'm having trouble keeping up STR and DEX while also upgrading things, very upset

This game is quite complex and it throws a lot of mechanics at you. Following some guide is almost mandatory for a new player, but SSF adds another challenge. I'm not a pro-gamer but I'm running a slightly modified version of this build in SSF at ~T14 now. Here are my thoughts about SSF crafting:
a) know your options: basic currency spam (bad in SSF), essences, delve fossils, crafting bench, well... and there are plenty more. My favorites in SSF: essences or fossils, follow up with crafting bench to fill what you've missed.
b) know how to get required resources (e.g. essences or fossils or where you get that multi-mod crafting recipe). I've set all essence nodes on the atlas tree, which gives you a lot more room for crafting luck. Try all different arch nemesis combinations, you will learn that you can create a LOT of fossils with combinations like [entangler, treant horde, necromancer] or even more challenging/rewarding ones. This is way faster than running delve (imho).
c) know what results are possible with the base item at hand.. and you should have a good understanding of your chances, especially with delve: https://www.craftofexile.com/
Its a science on its own, for sure.
d) Never hope for good results, be prepared for total crap: always craft on a separate item, not anything you are using right now. Once I've crafted something better, I will always keep it and craft on the other item.

Finally, you have to understand what is killing you - I have no good advice here. But I feel a lot more tankier since I've pushed strength beyond 155 for determination L20. Apart from that:
My resistances are capped (even with curse).
Chaos Inoculation makes you immune to chaos damage.
With determination+defiance banner I have 18k armor (~75% reduction).
Ascendancies make you chill/freeze/stun immune.
There is one unique map (solar/sun thingy) with one of the bosses dropping a unique shield: makes me ignite/burning immune.
Flask automation!! Remove bleed automatically, what a blessing. This game is killing me way too fast to understand what kind of debuff is draining my shield. I'm running five automated utility flasks which add evasion, armor, remove bleed and shock.

Hope it helps! Don't give up, but don't aim for the end game neither :P

PS: veiled mods are important, try to unlock as many as you can - some are really strong and may help you to boost attributes or damage.
Last edited by nZain on Apr 5, 2022, 2:28:00 PM
Loving this build, this is the first toon made it to lvl98 for myself. But I'm still having issue running Simulacrum..... wave 26 was the best I've achieved so far....

DPS was fine, but it seems I'm not tanky enough....boss hits still hitting me hard with some rip mods...is there any chance I could further improve my tankiness? Simulacrum is the only thing that left unfinished... I really want to beat this one

Thanks guys

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