Goodbye Charan

Why are you bumping this thread?

Why am i bumping it?
The_Impeacher wrote:
Charan had a low tolerance for BS. If you found yourself drawing his ire often, it's because you spewed a lot of it. :)

Peace & love,


Fighting corruption can tend to piss off corrupt individuals. Oh maybe this is the wrong context for this one? :-)
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Sophistry is a form of "bullshit".



Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
The_Impeacher wrote:
Charan had a low tolerance for BS. If you found yourself drawing his ire often, it's because you spewed a lot of it. :)

Peace & love,


Buddy, he spewed it in nearly every thread he was in. Most of us with negative experiences with him didn't "draw his ire", we happend upon a thread, saw the foolish things he was saying with his smug attitude, and either made another mental note or responded.
Keep PoE2 Difficult.
Last edited by Fluffy_Puppies#3904 on Nov 26, 2019, 10:25:18 PM
At this point now that we know that all 5L and 6L weapons and chests will be worthless items we chased after for years (foolishly) we can now look upon Charan's ire in many of his posts with a nod to his deeper understanding of GGG and that in the end the only real importance to what Chris and company are doing steering the PoE ship is that they codify to the max getting players to chase their carrot, or ride the PoE merry-go-round, and get the addict masses to come back every 3 months for their next "fix", etc. forever (insert your own metaphor). Charan came to this realization well before me that GGG isn't super interested in coding for the greater good of players (example, trade mechanic is the same as before PoE 1.0) and only sees the players as stepping stones on their path to the end of the rainbow.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Last edited by Arrowneous#3097 on Nov 27, 2019, 12:28:18 AM
Let's make it simple: he was a very toxic individual who enjoyed bullying his way around. There's nothing much to say, he enjoyed writing long novels as comments to hide is lack of knowledge on all the topic.

And he was really childish, don't you dare having a different opinion than him.

Defend him as much as you want, but this is how the majority of the forum see him. There's even a ton of thread on reddit talking about him in the very same manner.

He's a mean bean.
gibbousmoon wrote:

But I've had far worse interactions with many members of this community who are not judged nearly as harshly for their posting style.

When one attracts attention he/she must consider it and act accordingly. More attention more caution. When ones with attention act like before all his/shes acts are amplyfied.

Thats simple rule.
Arrowneous wrote:
At this point now that we know that all 5L and 6L weapons and chests will be worthless items we chased after for years (foolishly) we can now look upon Charan's ire in many of his posts with a nod to his deeper understanding of GGG and that in the end the only real importance to what Chris and company are doing steering the PoE ship is that they codify to the max getting players to chase their carrot, or ride the PoE merry-go-round, and get the addict masses to come back every 3 months for their next "fix", etc. forever (insert your own metaphor). Charan came to this realization well before me that GGG isn't super interested in coding for the greater good of players (example, trade mechanic is the same as before PoE 1.0) and only sees the players as stepping stones on their path to the end of the rainbow.

So you're couching a good change that has many positive gameplay and design space benefits as a deliberate and scummy sort of bait and switch apparently because you aren't happy with the current direction of the game. I don't think you have a defensible argument. Freeing up links by putting them on gems means I can actually look at rare chests that drop instead of ignoring them forever once I 6L a chest. Thats a positive thing for everyone it also means I can use more than one main skill without "gem swapping" thats a VERY positive thing because I refuse to do that which means having a "clear skill" and a "single target" skill is almost never something I can build into my builds unless there's a good pseudo 5L option for it like Rime Gaze for cold DOT or something.

As for the last bit: when I was 10 in 1980 I HATED how short lived my beloved vidyagames were, at the time the most replayable game might have been Pitfall or River Raid (back when Activision was a well loved game developer and not a publisher). With whole quarter hours of content I always wanted games with replay value. I WANT GGG to entice me back every league. If you don't then feel free to go away right? I am often critical of GGG and I dislike the clear speed meta direction just like Charan and I'm going to guess you as well, but the simple fact is they are still making basically the only game in town with 3 month content updates and they are one of the only Devs on the planet with this close of a connection to their playerbase and openly talking about feedback and not being able to please EVERYBODY ALL OF THE TIME. Holding a convention full of honest and sometimes awkwardly real moments.

I get whats wrong with POE from a slower player/melee perspective and some of GGG's staff does as well and maybe at some point we'll get POE classic, I'd be willing to bet on it in fact. But they do have families and rent and bills to pay and this cynical narrative of them intentionally trying to "hook you" on something most of us WANT TO BE HOOKED ON and painting it with malignant brush strokes is just silly and not even you actually believe it.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
someone quit this forum because their six link sword is worthless now
AbilityPoints wrote:
someone quit this forum because their six link sword is worthless now

That is ridiculous. Oni-Goroshi is plain fun. It has nothing to do with six-links. Get one, play with it from the first time you get off the beach into town, play through all 10 acts, make sure you have dialogue volume up, it's the most fun I ever had playing a video game.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!

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