3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

emppwnes wrote:
Does it have to be that elder 2h mace base (plated maul) for crafting or will any 2h elder mace do?

any 2h elder axe/mace/sword will work for this, usually everyone goes with coronaul maul as its implicit not totally useless.

1. get elder weapon
2. scour it
3. alter spam until u hit fortify 1
4. aug or regal it.
5. press alt and check does a weapon have a suffix? ideally u want to have a 2 suffixes there now and prefix(which is fortify)
6. cannot roll attack mods. 2ex
7. grab a beast farric wolf alpha. 30-40c?
8. remove random suffix add a random prefix via beast.
9. it will give +1socket gems. prefixes cannot be changed. scour it.
10. multicraft - 2ex
11. +2supp gems - 2ex
12. minion attack and cast speed - 4c.
13. gratz.
Last edited by tffiad on Jan 17, 2020, 1:52:58 AM
as for AG and being scared that it can die, there is only 2 places where he can die its hall of grandmasters and acid caverns map boss.

cheap option for him is:
eternal burgonet fossil crafted or just with triple resist+hp or +%armour
belly of the beast chest.
meginord vise gauntlets.
victario's flight boots.
dying breath staff if u have any curses on u, and have a free slot for using culling strike linked to ur golem.
Last edited by tffiad on Jan 17, 2020, 1:57:36 AM
So has anyone tried using avian aura that comes from weapon? How's it? And what to turn off to use it?
If I had a chaos for every poster lamenting the death of their expensive AG...

I use the cheapo 20c version and he only died once a long time ago

Even if you take him off for Uber aziri, HOGM, Acid cavern and deep delve sooner or later some crazy metamorph will show up and annihilate him

The main reason to setup expensive AG is kingmaker primarily for the fortify buff
If you can dish out 5 ex for that AG you might as well go for the fortify weapon. They start for around 9 ex+, just a bit more pricey than the minion damage weapon (and they have better damage for your socketed zombies too I hear)

Other cheaper ways for getting yourself fortify(but not zombies) is fortify gem or boots with 10% str+fortify

Last edited by snowmittens on Jan 17, 2020, 2:23:01 AM
snowmittens wrote:

The main reason to setup expensive AG is kingmaker primarily for the fortify buff

Culling strike is cooler I guess.
snowmittens wrote:

The main reason to setup expensive AG is kingmaker primarily for the fortify buff

Culling strike is cooler I guess.

I am most definitely on the cheap-cheap side of the house hehehe

17/04/2021 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3082616/page/1
"We tell people that Path of Exile league starts are a fair playing field for everyone, and we need to actually make sure that is the reality."

Perhaps GGG should consider a leadership change.
Managed to get 160% minion dmg and 80% minion life Elegant Hurbis and still keep 1500 str for 16 zombies. But my EHP dropped from 12k to 10.5k, I haven't yet tried Sirus with it but from my previous experience the 12k were more than enough. In terms of dps, everything melts for under a sec, doesn't matter if it is a metamorph or elder slayer.

I will buy 100 more divines and try to make a 2nd elegant hurbis with 240% dmg and 80% life or 320% dmg. Also I want to position it in a different location but at the moment it is not possible.
I really appreciate all the feedback, I am just going with the budget AG with Leer Cast / Dying Breath / Meginords Vise / Ambus Charge / Victarios Flight.

Fortify wont be an issue, I have the suggested meta weapon already in

I even went to the extent of

So im just going to hoard and rebuild my currency to finish out my necro with 2 nice STR/resist rings. When those are done ill get 21/23 gems and then fool around with the expensive version of the AG.
Smerfik wrote:
tateandyoko wrote:
I'm just wondering how you deal with no life/mana regen mods on maps or do you re-roll them?

I've been having a difficult time with preflect too so I'm just wondering how you're speed mapping builds going through with these mods

life/mana just swap mana flask for any flask (im swapping for life flask)
reroll phys reflect maps

I reroll both. No time to swap flasks etc... Gotta go fast!

Just want to say thank you. Even though I'm not running exactly what you do. Thanks to seeing your Vids, which lead me to this forum post and wanting to try the class, I have now reached my highest level since starting POE, I've managed to double the Challenges completed over previous attempts and i got my First Sirius kill last night. ( Only Awakening level 5. )

So yeah, loving the build. Thanks again :)

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