3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

brunowa wrote:
duabijitelur wrote:
For the speed setup, why do you use precision and not haste? for the crit chance?
i see minions already 100% chance to hit before precision aura

We use both.

ah i see, because i saw u only enable vaal haste in the pob
xWillz wrote:
Hi Goofio thanks for the response.

As it goes, bound fossils didn’t seem to expensive. I paid 10c per bound fossil and it took me 6-7 to hit the t1 minion damage. Is that lucky?
The main difference was the rest of the gear. Example: shaper gauntlets are 3 ex on PS4 and last time I checked 5c on PC. Geofs 6 link is 12-20 ex on PS4 too. Overall my gear has cost me like 5-7 EX and I’m only running a 5 link geof atm. I have some exalts that I got today to craft with though and also got a Ryslatha belt which appears to go for 5-10 ex on PS4 with the rolls I got on it :D

Anyway, yes I was looking at the right guide but on the bestiary craft I only took 2 suffixes into account, not 3.
But yeah so my options are either:

Pay 1ex (cannot roll attk modifiers) and use bestiary craft
=66% chance to hit
If hit str or bleed, craft.
Fail = 2ex, prefixes cannot be changed. Scour, craft.

Annul now
66% chance to hit a suffix.
Pay 1 ex (cannot roll attk)
Bestiary craft
50% chance to hit but still have useable wep if fail
-lose strength/bleed roll = (prefix- +1 level, +2 level, minion dmg)(suffix - chmcm, speed, empty)
-lose cannot roll attack = (prefix- +1 level, +2 level, minion dmg)(suffix - chmcm, speed, str/bleed)

I think I’ll do the first less-risky option to insure I get the weapon, as the second option has a chance to brick it on the first annul. If I’m right, there is zero chance to brick it but 33% chance I’ll have to pay 2ex for the prefixes cannot be changed with the first option.

One of the reasons for doing it this way is that the coronal maul base 6 link on PS4 is 10 ex😮 Id rather pay the 2ex and have the wep rather than search for a 6 link base /or have to use bound fossils on a new one (which could cost 2ex itself!)

Sounds like a good plan. Best of luck in crafting!
Last edited by Goofio on Jan 11, 2020, 12:41:10 AM
Does Saqawal's Nest provide a permanent uptime of both Avian's Might and Avian's Flight to minions? No alternating buffs?
renroval wrote:
Does Saqawal's Nest provide a permanent uptime of both Avian's Might and Avian's Flight to minions? No alternating buffs?

It alternates, otherwise we would be running it.
Last edited by brunowa on Jan 11, 2020, 2:15:04 AM
brunowa wrote:
renroval wrote:
Does Saqawal's Nest provide a permanent uptime of both Avian's Might and Avian's Flight to minions? No alternating buffs?

It alternates, otherwise we would be running it.

I'm more talking about this part of it:

Aspect of the Avian also grants Avian's Might and Avian's Flight to nearby Allies
renroval wrote:
brunowa wrote:
renroval wrote:
Does Saqawal's Nest provide a permanent uptime of both Avian's Might and Avian's Flight to minions? No alternating buffs?

It alternates, otherwise we would be running it.

I'm more talking about this part of it:

Aspect of the Avian also grants Avian's Might and Avian's Flight to nearby Allies

That just means our minions also get the alternating buffs.
Mubbsy wrote:
Just finished having this master crafted

My question is, is there a best in slot suffix to aim for with an exalt slam? Or is something like a redeemer exalted for either blind (from cyclone), onsalught on kill for more movement speed or just flat movement speed increase.

Or maybe one of the other influenced exalteds but they don't seem to have nearly as good of mods.

More strength or resists would be cool if I win the lottery from a classic exalt but there's a higher chance of getting a junk suffix too.

edit* Just realized minions kill not you so onsllaught on kill would be junk.

Warlords could be good if you get 20% chance to maim so you could drop the gem?

Anyone have any thoughts on this? Anxious to slam this exalt into this bad boy.
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Mubbsy wrote:
Mubbsy wrote:
Just finished having this master crafted

My question is, is there a best in slot suffix to aim for with an exalt slam? Or is something like a redeemer exalted for either blind (from cyclone), onsalught on kill for more movement speed or just flat movement speed increase.

Or maybe one of the other influenced exalteds but they don't seem to have nearly as good of mods.

More strength or resists would be cool if I win the lottery from a classic exalt but there's a higher chance of getting a junk suffix too.

edit* Just realized minions kill not you so onsllaught on kill would be junk.

Warlords could be good if you get 20% chance to maim so you could drop the gem?

Anyone have any thoughts on this? Anxious to slam this exalt into this bad boy.

Movespeed seems best and there are multiple options that could work with that exalt. Maim is good but more risky because other mods are useless. Strength and resists are good too. Alternatively could craft an aspect of you like using those.
Finally killed Sirus with 2 deaths (got some serious lag spikes (3 seconds delay)) during his "4 rays" phase - couldn't do anything -.-

My animated guardian just die so fast on the hunter conqueror followed by my zombies and spectres.. I am the one or this is just normal ?

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