3.8.1 Patch Notes

Hey,great patch
But also , ANNULS AND BLIGHTED MAPS has to be increased in drops
in SSF My /played is 4 days since league start and I only got 6 maps and 1 annul.

Can't really make too many builds without annuls,can't really get 40\40 (which I did in Legion) without 100 Blighted Maps.

Take that into consideration .

all are welcome :)
Streaming Every Day,

iamnotspock wrote:
Updated the Atlas Missions information panel to correctly refer to the fact that five Atlas Missions will accumulate daily, rather than two at random.

Certainly does not feel like 5 atlas missions, more like it actually credits 2 despite the text.

And what has happened to NIKO, the map completion bonus credit credits Einhar, Jun or Alva FAR FAR FAR more than Niko.

Its like he has been nerfed out of existence.

GGG: "No more Delving for you exile, if you cannot get the Sulphite".

yeah I know, "Use Scarabs", But they got nerfed in to non existence as well, which comes back to people saying that legion Monolith rewards got nerfed too hard as well.

RNG. I've been getting Niko and Alva more often than others.

EDIT: Also what happened to Scarabs? They are exactly the same as last league and league before that?
Last edited by Guilty1#0553 on Sep 16, 2019, 1:22:25 AM
TreeOfDead wrote:
so we can use oils on talismans too? or still not?

Did you read the patch notes? :D
If there is no speed up button introduced for blights in normal maps this league is gonna be dead before week 3 ends.
Korpivaellus wrote:
Fixed a bug where transforming an Amulet into a Talisman removed its Anointed Notable passive.

We can make talismans...where?

With Jorgin in right syndicate safehouse. Research if i remember correctly and hes rank determines what tier talisman you get.
Skitterbots still won't count as allies? Despite being a minion.
so basically blight unique monsters will keep having more hp than actual end bosses, got it.

nothing about portals spawning on top of the pump which is a gamebreaking bug.

probably my last week playing this league if I get this last challenge I want.
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.
Last edited by Xystre#4581 on Sep 16, 2019, 1:27:28 AM
Gj into reading the feedback from players. Hope Blight mechanic will feel aproachable now!
What about portals spawning on top of the blight pump? My first blight map was ruined thanks to that, it was going great until then too. As a necro, concentrating all my minions on that spot couldn't keep the pump alive as as soon as the minions spawned they were in range to hit the pump.

I tried a map with a friend and had one spawn about three characters width apart from the pump, lost that map due to it also. Those are the two experiences I have with blight this league.

That seems to be the single biggest problem with blight, and I know I'm not the only person who's had the problem. I don't see why it would be difficult to create an exclusion zone around the pump where it is just not possible for a portal to spawn.

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