3.8.1 Patch Notes

Still no increase in oil drop rates or oils (at all) in blighted maps negating much of the league mechanic for many.
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.
What about the numerous delve crashes on several nodes ? Any fix for that issue ?
xX999Xx wrote:
MaximGorkij wrote:
I have a question - how high is the Blighted map drop rate? I'm played the whole campaing never missed a single Blight encounter, currently 60 maps bonus completed, maybe 150-200 maps done and got a only two blight maps.
Currently working on yellow maps (7-8 tier) and working towards the red tier.

I am at 140 Completion, did already finish the whole Uberelder Shenenigans and I got 4 low level Blight maps. They are rarer than exalt drops lol...

I'm at 139 completion, haven't done whole zana chain yet and i got 7 white, 5 yellow and 2 red blighted maps so far.

EDIT: And 1 ex drop :)
Last edited by Guilty1 on Sep 16, 2019, 8:18:53 AM
So nothing about towers spawning so close to the pump that blight bosses literally destroy the pump the second they spawn?

Fixed a bug where an open tower building UI element would close if you had gained enough resources to upgrade a different tower.

Thanks! Nice to know I was not just mis-clicking all the time!
codetaku wrote:
So nothing about towers spawning so close to the pump that blight bosses literally destroy the pump the second they spawn?


Agreed. Until that gets fixed no blighted maps for me. Lost my first and only blighted run right at the finish line to a portal on top of the pump
Oof, it's nice they're fixing stuff but man this is a very rough expansion from the startup we've been trying to salvage and recover.
I didn't want to admit it because I was SO hyped for a new league, but at this point I have to say this is the worst league I experienced in my POE career.

the tower defense mechanic is funny for a couple maps for a few days, but its definitely not a good enough base for an entire season. Its just boring as hell. the league feels like its over after the first week. even the guys in my friend list who are obsessed with POE are not online anymore.

and technically its a joke, no more words needed (bugs, crashes). people are just repeating themselves at this point anyways...

Very disappointed :( I really hope the next league will offer high quality content again
This patch is really disappointing.

There are two big issues with Blight:
- Maps crashing
- Portals spawning on top of the pump this immediately ripping the encounter or map

This patch solves neither of these issues.

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