We get it taxi. You're upset. You can stop now. Thanks.
Posted bysnakeyez220#6478on Sep 9, 2019, 8:55:52 PM
Bradman156 wrote:
You all need to have some patience it’s not Jeff or GGG’s fault. Like he said It’s on Microsoft’s side. So take a chill pill, remember this is a game they let you you play for free. Be thankful for that.
I think we are being pretty chill...
The games funded on "our" money saying it's f2p isn't an arguement.
Posted bydcsmurlz#0865on Sep 9, 2019, 8:56:35 PM
Bradman156 wrote:
You all need to have some patience it’s not Jeff or GGG’s fault. Like he said It’s on Microsoft’s side. So take a chill pill, remember this is a game they let you you play for free. Be thankful for that.
let us play for free... listen to yourself or are you felating ggg so much that your ears are full too.
Posted byitz TAXI#8502on Sep 9, 2019, 8:56:42 PMOn Probation
Bradman156 wrote:
You all need to have some patience it’s not Jeff or GGG’s fault. Like he said It’s on Microsoft’s side. So take a chill pill, remember this is a game they let you you play for free. Be thankful for that.
Who’s not to say they didn’t just resubmit to Microsoft before making this post!? I WANT PROOF!!!
Posted bywittybread#4390on Sep 9, 2019, 8:57:06 PM
snakeyez220 wrote:
We get it taxi. You're upset. You can stop now. Thanks.
Posted byitz TAXI#8502on Sep 9, 2019, 8:57:11 PMOn Probation
So many impatient crybaby snowflakes. Do something else until it comes out. FFS we waited until today, another couple hours or days won't make much difference.
Posted byKuroDragon83#8346on Sep 9, 2019, 8:58:58 PM
KuroDragon83 wrote:
So many impatient crybaby snowflakes. Do something else until it comes out. FFS we waited until today, another couple hours or days won't make much difference.
Ignorant! The fan base has planned around this date! Friends all coordinating time off work etc etc
Posted bywittybread#4390on Sep 9, 2019, 9:00:39 PM
KuroDragon83 wrote:
So many impatient crybaby snowflakes. Do something else until it comes out. FFS we waited until today, another couple hours or days won't make much difference.
a company makes a promise of things they should be held accountable. you sound like the snowflake madame.
Posted byitz TAXI#8502on Sep 9, 2019, 9:00:43 PMOn Probation
Bradman156 wrote:
You all need to have some patience it’s not Jeff or GGG’s fault. Like he said It’s on Microsoft’s side. So take a chill pill, remember this is a game they let you you play for free. Be thankful for that.
I don't think you understand how this works.. they don't "let" us do anything. We allow them the opportunity to monetize our attention. we play their game, tell our friends, buy stash tabs and supporter packs for a free game that (admittedly) would NOT exist otherwise. we as a playerbase aren't owed anything except the respect and consideration of the company we fund however we choose to do it. And that clearly is the issue here.
Last edited by Aphrodite Prime#8978 on Sep 9, 2019, 9:02:02 PM
Bradman156 wrote:
You all need to have some patience it’s not Jeff or GGG’s fault. Like he said It’s on Microsoft’s side. So take a chill pill, remember this is a game they let you you play for free. Be thankful for that.
Posted byEWA Peanut#8662on Sep 9, 2019, 9:01:45 PM