An Update About the Launch of Path of Exile: Blight on Xbox One

They did give us an update. The last update was posted saying that they have received sent it to Microsoft and waiting on a reply. That was about an hour before Microsoft's normal hours ended. Yes ggg is approx 3 hours earlier so they still had time for updates and patch notes about the update to PC but there was not enough time for Microsoft to review and respond. We probably won't hear about that until at least a couple of hours after Microsoft starts up today.
Sorry but that is a complete guess, people just want some fqcts is all....
Hello everyone,

I've just gotten word that the update is becoming available in the Xbox store and can now be downloaded. We're starting an in-game countdown now to bring the realm now, at which point we'll migrate the Legion league, and begin the Blight challenge league. We expect downtime to be roughly 1 hour.
6.79 gigs. Oh my. Thank you for the update!
Last edited by KuroDragon83#8346 on Sep 10, 2019, 4:10:51 AM
Jeff_GGG wrote:
Hello everyone,

I've just gotten word that the update is becoming available in the Xbox store and can now be downloaded. We're starting an in-game countdown now to bring the realm now, at which point we'll migrate the Legion league, and begin the Blight challenge league. We expect downtime to be roughly 1 hour.

Thank you.
Thank you JeffGGG !!! Finally !
Thank you for the response Jeff! I can't wait to play
wellhead wrote:
Pandakak wrote:
I took a day off to play Blight on launch day. Console is always 3 days behind the launch on PC and now this? It's making me really sad. I hope we all get some kind of compensation for this.

I really hope to hear something from GGG whether they'll launch today or not. I keep refreshing the Xbox updates page every 5 minutes ..
Sadly it would really make people explode if they did not deleay intill tomorrow. It would destroy the balace due too insomnias would get a head start on the race to 100

Hahaha. 4am the next day... gl with your game lol.
Thank you for working passed the end of your work day to see us launch.
Hahaha. 4am the next day... gl with your game lol.

It's 11:26 am in central EU right now ;)

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