Here's an early look at the Necromancer Ascendancy in Path of Exile: Blight

Boem wrote:
So, they move summoning to multiple ascendancy's and rek necromancers "mandatory" pick status for summoning and your conclusion is that they are moving closer and closer to ascendancy's owning a play-style.

Good stuff.

GGG is between a rock and a hard place if that's the best you could make out of the information presented so far.



I really don't know if the Necro Revamp will change that at all. They took out the necro's powerful buffs to specific minion skills, and just put in powerful buffs to all minion skills.

I don't think there is any winning here, as long as they have a single ascendancy who's key signature is buffing minions, no other ascendancy will compete with it, barring a few specific cases where there are minion features built into the ascendancy (ie, Guardians for Herald of Purity, Elementalist for Golems). This is because most ascendancies do not translate their features to minions. You can do Bow Slayers even though slayer is traditionaly a melee ascendancy because almost all of Slayers ascendancies work with a lot of bow skills - but you do Slayer minions and nothing at all transfers to the minions.

HoA kind of gets a pass because it has so much of it's minion scaling baked into the Virulence mechanic so it works with a lot of classes, but things like Zombies or Skeletons - you'll pretty much never get them to remotely compete with necromancer as ascendancies that do not transfer their features to minions.

I just dont see this revamp opening up minions to other classes all that much personally. I'm sure some builds will try, if just for the memes, and they'll probably work marginally better then they did before due to some minion features being baked into the gems that were part of the necromancer ascendancy before - but they will still be sub-optimized compared to a real necromancer almost assuredly to a severe degree.
Last edited by GoldDragon32#7655 on Sep 1, 2019, 1:25:38 AM
How bad one build must be to complain about red beasts health? Or maybe you dont like that you need to sacrifice 5 seconds to kill one "elite"?
Thats cute.

You took away two important things from Necromancer's passive. They are Minion Life Regen and Zombie's Caustic Ground.

When Necromancer uses Spectre, most important thing is what Spectre is not killed by enemies. For that, Minion Life Regen is really important, and past Necromancer was getting it from Invoker passive. But Invoker passive is deleted from Necromancer. Probably, Spectres in 3.8 are vulnerable even than before.

The problem of losing Caustic Ground does not need to be explained. Caustic Ground was very effective against enemies with massive ES. Necromancer will lost it in 3.8.

I have a suggestion to compensate for these. It is to buff two skills of Desecrate and Convocation. Honestly, the buffs of those skills(regen, chaos damage) are completely joke. Making them practical will mitigate the nerf of Necromancer.
Legion broke open the game in a big way and its going core. legion jewels added a ton of build diversity allowing classes to cross boundaries in a big way.

I spent most of the league trying out different classes/builds using the legion jewels.

My favorite this league was my jugg/spectre build. Something the league jewels made possible. I had plenty of others as well.

One minute closer to midnight? really?

Blows me away with what we were given diversity wise this league that folks would complain.

The game has NEVER been this diverse... But as usual its full of narrow-mindedness. Perhaps its biggest fault.


The_Scourge wrote:
Forte. Not forté.

You're welcome. Bye.


To me the really big question is, should any one ascendancy 'own' a playstyle? If you look at the original Ascendancy designs, the answer from GGG would have been a resounding 'no'. And I honestly don't think we're there quite yet, but with this Necromancer change, we're a lot closer than ever before. The doomsday clock, if you will, has ticked one minute closer to the midnight of Ascendancy conformity.

And I get the horrible, horrible feeling that when everyone jumps all over these changes like ants over spilled lemonade at a picnic, TencentGGG are going to read this as approval, and the hand is going to just continue to tick closer and closer to the end-point of Ascendancies being nothing more than a mandatory, narrow choice based on your character's skills, rather than your broader preferences. As I said, I think we're a ways off situations where Trickster or Deadeye can't be casters, but I'm not convinced the endgame of Ascendancies right now isn't simply 'rotating flavours of the month with a distinct set of active skills which we've also convenient reworked/buffed'.

The fact that Natalia used the term 'Assassin' for 'poison expert' doesn't instill ANY confidence in me at all in that regard. Last I checked he was the critical strikes expert as well.

Nightstone13 wrote:
Legion broke open the game in a big way and its going core. legion jewels added a ton of build diversity allowing classes to cross boundaries in a big way.

good luck getting a legion jewel with how limited the spawns will be now.
this overal change to the necromancer seems to be a massive nerf for most the playstyles, along with making the minions less tanky.

who cares about resistances if you have to constantly resummon everything that dies from not having sustain.

this overal change to the necromancer seems to be a massive nerf for most the playstyles, along with making the minions less tanky.

who cares about resistances if you have to constantly resummon everything that dies from not having sustain.

So sad....when people do not think. We literally know nothing of the passiv tree changes nor the changes to the gems specifically..... nor do we know the new scaling.

but yes. cry
Siegfried87 wrote:
this overal change to the necromancer seems to be a massive nerf for most the playstyles, along with making the minions less tanky.

who cares about resistances if you have to constantly resummon everything that dies from not having sustain.

So sad....when people do not think. We literally know nothing of the passiv tree changes nor the changes to the gems specifically..... nor do we know the new scaling.

but yes. cry

This. All this wild jumping to conclusions while we're missing a lot of information is bad and y'all should feel bad.
nadakuu wrote:
Nightstone13 wrote:
Legion broke open the game in a big way and its going core. legion jewels added a ton of build diversity allowing classes to cross boundaries in a big way.

good luck getting a legion jewel with how limited the spawns will be now.
this overal change to the necromancer seems to be a massive nerf for most the playstyles, along with making the minions less tanky.

who cares about resistances if you have to constantly resummon everything that dies from not having sustain.

+2 lvl and 20% more life... Do you want for them to be immortal?
For classic Spectre/zombie summoner builds, yes you want them to be immortal or very close to it or else it will feel very bad having to resummon these minions every so often during battle.
Uoykai wrote:

+2 lvl and 20% more life... Do you want for them to be immortal?

Seems like this is exactly what these guys want ...
I don't get it either.

Constant bickering about a doomsday that only exists in peoples head ... it's quite ridiculous.

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