Announcing Path of Exile: Blight

well this league looks amazing i like especially that they got it on september so i can skip it for borderlands 3 and wow clasic
tower defense league...

well I'm speechless.. for now..
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.
Not gonna lie. This doesn't look very fun. I'll try it ofc. I hope its more fun than it looks.
I guess it will be depending on the challenge rewards for me to play the game like I did on legion.. tower defense style isnt something I enjoy and there's other better flavors of the month with that style but in ARPGs..

meh not really.
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.
I'm pumped! But I have no idea what class to run now.
Your programmers were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
There's devils on each side of you with bottles in their hands.
You need one more drop of poison and you'll dream of foreign lands.
Which of this content is league only and which is getting added to the core game right away? (I play standard.) I'm really excited! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Aug 20, 2019, 8:53:03 PM
So it's a combination of tower defense and GPU killing effect spam.

Probably going to sit this one out.

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