Announcing Path of Exile: Blight

My prayers have been answered. Manage your own master missions, omg omg omg! So long Einhar and Alva! Hello my friend Niko. We'll see about the tower defence. Good work GGG. I love it
The League mechanic I am currently on the fence about but I'll keep an open mind. Sister Hoover Vac sucking the corruption out of those bloated balls in a Tower Defense mini game, we shall see.

On the other hand... added hotkey bank! Skitter bots! Add passive tree to Amulets(?)!
Idk about the league mechanic but more keybinds are welcome AF, as are the stackable master missions.

Necro rework... hmm we will see i guess.
A build that only has might is not mighty.
I really like the master revamp, looking forwards to that.

The league seems like a massive clusterduck. Standard it is.
Looks Complicated. I do love the master your own missions idea, synthases Cheat just plain sucked in my book, I hate it. Why do something if your not going to get anything worth a cheat out of it other than an achievement. Please put in a What Killed me log, seriously being one shotted with nothing around is super annoying. My 2 Cents
New skill bar = really good.
Stacking master content = even better.
Delve buffs = super cool.
New crafts to an already overcomlicated crafting system = really bad idea, this needs to stop, soon you will have more modifiers on an item that you could see on the screen.
New league mechanics seems clunky AF, all the leech/regen based chars will have to stop in the middle of the fight to build up a tower ? Seriously ? WTH is that, I wanna play ARPG, not Warcraft 3 mod.

Still no performance increase.
Still no trade QoL changes.
Still no stash QoL improvements (more rows, so you dont have to scroll, automatic sort of maps to map tab, currency to currency tab). And currency tab should be available for all players for free BTW, how is that not complete p2w if you cannot even store your currency unless you pay for it.

Also, this game needs zoom out option or at least some improvements on 4K, because this game has zoom level from 2003, now all games allow you to see much more of the map, not just 2 meters box around your character.
Last edited by Dakado#4348 on Aug 20, 2019, 6:15:24 PM
i think i'll skip the first week or two to see how broken the game will be. i can't take another bugfest like legion (edit: or synthesis lmao).
Last edited by dachoppa#6765 on Aug 20, 2019, 6:19:05 PM
Tower Defense? Really?
Hard pass.
i wonder how stable will be this league...kinda tired of losing maps and sets due to crashes and realm bugs
please postpone for 1 week, I'm on holidays -_-

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