Announcing Path of Exile: Blight

It looks very bad. I feek sorry for league players.
Big fan of the QoL changes. I hope this is included in standard as well as league.

Speaking of league ... this feels too much like the side game type of thing I've seen in other leagues I hated. Time will tell, but I don't get the warm fuzzy feeling I had knowing what was coming in Legion.
POE the new tower strategy game ))))))))))::::::::::....seriously GGG this not a good idea at all.........let me whrite down all those names that tell its gonna be so fun.....and check their comments after 2 days.... maybe ask the community before doing such of things again...if i whant to play a totem build i you impose it to everyone.......CHRis its your second big mistake this year with your dev teaM....seems that time your team was too busy with the exilecon this time....after sythesys leage, unfortunately it looks like you guys did not learn from past your to give crap to players and just invert direction, changes color, not nice programing guys from abysal mechanics.

For the first time in many years no money will go out of my pocket to encourage this kind of crap of we dont give a fuck from you on people that spend money on your game. WHEN WHEN WHEN do you will listen the community.

Im sad so many people do such mistakes on a game we loves so much....Soon POE chess game.......hey Chris Wilson come back to earth, trust me blizzard are probably on a big party tonight aFTER SUCH A CRAP announcement from you......

Over 2000$ i gave you + guild + new guild members to say encourange you to upgrade this unique project, to make game and trade 820 are now cancers and dont even need to tell about trades and so much people on copy paste bot every 5 seconds posting shit...........NO moderator on chat lets put down some yellow ans some tower..people will go crazy...whats the menatality there ???WE ARE GGG we are too big people ....NOT AT ALL.......Good thing people will remeber you on exilecon how stupid this markething and business decision you just did....and numbers will tell as well
one two test
this is shit leage this is we dont give a fuck about our players !!!! so disapointing.....lets call a cat a cat.....
one two test
I loved how they made legion more like the old more simple leagues, but i guess they are back to these over complicated league mechanics that i will just most likely want to skip. :/
Stubby83 wrote:
What did all the funnest leagues have in common? Trigger -> insta-mob fight -> loot. What do less fun leagues have in common? Any thing between trigger and mob fight and extensive delays in continuing on with mapping.

Fun Leagues:
Essence - Pop-Fight-Loot
Breach - Pop-Fight-Loot
Bonus: Breachstone-Pop-Fight-Fight-Good Loot
Harbinger - Pop-Fight-Loot
Abyss - Pop-Fight-Loot
Bonus: Abyssal Depth Pop-Fight-Fight-Good Loot, yea Stygian Vice
Incursion - Pop {map within a map} -fight-loot
Bonus- Full temple-Pop-Fight-Fight--fight- Good Loot
Delve - Pop-fight deeper-loot, lather, rinse, repeat until out of sulphite
Legion - Pop, pop, pop (whack a mole style) -fight-loot

No so much fun
Bestiary - Fight, fight, fight, fumble around for net, wait for shock, then get loot later when beastcrafting
Synthesis - Trigger map within map like incursion but closes randomly without incursion timer. Bonus; run weird ass map you try to build yourself and get parts of loot you have to combine and pray it becomes better loot.
Syndicate - Pop, small boss mob fight, {instance crash}, log back in, no loot. If no crash then pick up loot, delay mapping to check with June to unveil and see if it is any good.

Bestiary, Synthesis and Syndicate all had delays in game play that killed the fun. Towers -more of the same?

+1 well done

blight has huge potential ending on the scrap-yard fun-wise like beast, syth and synd ... too bad after legion presented a refreshing "back to the roots" ( with a little too much loot-creep though :D )
"cassia" didnt I hear that name somewhere else? huh?

anyway could cassia be the next cavas (high templar venarius) oh dear, oh dear, oh dear..
or an exile...? please, you must help me aaaaaand skip.

we shall see.
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.
Last edited by Xystre#4581 on Aug 20, 2019, 8:19:27 PM
I'm more than slightly disappointed that they did not rework the Raider ascendancy like they said they would.
Skip for me...
I wish Scion would get a little more love in this expansion. Always bottom of the league statistics.

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