Path of Exile: Legion Gem Information

SO you finally managed to kill Blade Flurry and Molten Strike!!Way to go!Buff unused skills,and kill the used ones! :D
This is Amazing! Thank you GGG team you are doing a fantastic job!!!

I wonder that "strike" gem tag skills could hit multiple enemies while using projectiles, such as puncture, frenzy or ele hit bow ?

My best regards...
Thanks for making skills i love useful again.
Cyclone has now attack speed 300% of base.
Before it had 50% more attack speed.

Can someone explain to me if the 300% of base is better now?
Or in which cases it is better/worse?

can't seem to wrap my head around that..
Already planning something with Perforate!
AAAWalrus wrote:
Also, re: Immortal Call. It basically goes from Physical Invulnerability for a short time to damage prevention for a slightly loner time. That will confuse the heck out of a lot of players (me included). If it doesn't prevent more than the 75% cap on physical damage by armor or existing caps on elemental resistances, it's essentially useless for a lot of players. Does the skill rework allow this?
It's a less damage taken modifier, meaning it's applied seperately at the end of the damage calculation:

AAAWalrus wrote:
Also, also, re: Immortal Call. If Vaal Immortal Call isn't dropping and can't be orbed, are you saying that it won't exist in Legion league play?
Yes. It hasn't existed in new leagues since 3.3.0.

AAAWalrus wrote:
Also, re: Guard gems in general: Is there plans to include a guard against chaos as a damage type?
Steelskin and Molten Shell work against all damage from hits, including chaos.

macenno wrote:
AAAWalrus wrote:
Pride better give quite a bit more overall dps than Vulnerability+Blasphemy, or people won't use it.
pride is not label as curse and end game boss got 80 reduced curse effect.

so i guess more reliable/ truly effective vs boss
Endgame bosses have 66% less curse effect since 3.6.0. Pride is still stronger against them, of course.

Pride also applies more physical damage taken to enemies, making it more effective with sources of increased physical damage taken.

qwertzio wrote:
Cyclone has now attack speed 300% of base.
Before it had 50% more attack speed.

Can someone explain to me if the 300% of base is better now?
Or in which cases it is better/worse?

can't seem to wrap my head around that..
Should be the same.

It always had 300% attack speed because it hit twice per spin at 150% attack speed. It's now most likely going to hit once at 300% attack speed.
Talamoe wrote:
Totnakero wrote:
What about the MAP stash Tab, it's waste to throw away all those maps. Please fix this soon


The ability to update older map *stash tabs* to the current system was implemented.

If they're just stored in standard tabs you cannot convert them to the updated format.
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.

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