An Update Regarding Delve and Betrayal Content

Personally I would like to see the recipes move to a guild system, the crafting table moves to the Guild master's HO, and all the guild members use it there. If your not in a guild you get one in your HO like you were a GM - i you later join a guild it would be removed until you quit the guild, then would return - like the guild chest does.

Make the grind on every recipe some multiple (50x for example) of what it currently is now, and when it unlocks, it unlocks for the whole guild. A single non guild player would have much less of a multiplier (maybe 5x)

Another option would be to have a lifetime guild unlock level (say 1000x) that the recipe would stay unlocked forever for the guild thru different seasons and events.
I know a lot of people die to Betrayal content and hate it, but it's really some of my favourite content in the game.

With 3.7 we're seeing more ways to get Sulphite Scarabs, but no new ways to force Syndicate encounters. And with the Syndicate, it takes on average twenty-six encounters to get a decently profitable safehouse set up (I think it's only a dozen or so to just get any safehouse regardless of quality). Twenty-six!

Please, please, those of us who enjoy Betrayal would really appreciate SOME way of improving the 8% encounter odds, without having to go out and buy Master Seeks Help - Jun prophecies.
Last edited by FramFramson#6091 on May 29, 2019, 9:47:02 PM
Another league where you refuse to fix the intervention lag? You have got to be either stupid or deliberately trying to cull your PC player base.
"The good news is that the additional time will let us find proper solutions to problems rather than be forced to apply quick fixes under time pressure."

There was a time when I really believed that...
“Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.”
― Christopher Hitchens
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Last edited by Antigegner#0560 on May 30, 2019, 3:26:26 AM
Take your time GGG. Better later and good than earlier and not good.
fair play.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Betrayal still laging in 3.7 ? :(
I admire your sound judgement to postpone delve and betrayal changes to polish them up later. I hope you guys take feedback from both sides of the polarizing parties of betrayal and make it fun for both the people that hate betrayal currently and the others.
bandaid fixes can be a bigger problem in the long term however I think there are some performance issues with betrayal that still need fixing as soon as possible.

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