PUCivilEngineer wrote:
GhettoJesus wrote:
Wow stalker much, check my character slot size and account age ? oh u didn't. I've deleted old league characters 93-96. I admit I've not achieved the great standards you somehow expect. But to go tell me to play some real content pfft what an egotist.
edit checked the account age. I'm few months early as a closed tester...
You've barely done any more achievements than me as well. So again congrats.
GhettoJesus wrote:
I've deleted old league characters 93-96.
Please check your achievements. Both "Survivor" and "Diminishing Returns". You have never reached level 60+ with any hardcore character in the lifetime of your profile. You have never reached level 90+ with any non-hardcore character in the lifetime of your profile.
Good job.
Congratz on being pedantic, offtopic and unreasonable.
You ever hear of pre-achievement. I played for almost 2 years with none + I have multiple acts. I family share my steam and don't keep the standalone updated all the time so I've had too. Most are retired, but you can see an example with my guild char being an alt. His highest atm is 89. I could fish outmore but im pretty uncertain posting under alts in a forum.
Regardless you are impolite and offtopic. You and several others are so massively fragile that you see IC change as reason for petty superiority egotist trolling.
Posted byGhettoJesus#0213on May 29, 2019, 4:58:25 PM
This is such a nice change in the right direction; away from lazy, mindless gameplay.
Less WOrb & more proactive, active, reactive gameplay.
Awesome stuff GiGiGi.
Posted byjuo#0098on May 29, 2019, 5:21:03 PM
Posted byxxWarriorsxx#3874on May 29, 2019, 5:30:54 PM
juo wrote:
This is such a nice change in the right direction; away from lazy, mindless gameplay.
Less WOrb & more proactive, active, reactive gameplay.
Awesome stuff GiGiGi.
Do you think reactive gameplay fits the monotonous and repetitive nature of the game that revolves around repeating the same action for hours in order to grind for XP and drops? I mean, penalizing the player for getting distracted for a second or two seems too much. Specially regarding XP lost, or worse, a whole HC character lost
Posted byRiftshadow#6315on May 29, 2019, 5:31:11 PM
uh oh immortal call
Posted byvellron#1989on May 29, 2019, 5:34:46 PM
Riftshadow wrote:
juo wrote:
This is such a nice change in the right direction; away from lazy, mindless gameplay.
Less WOrb & more proactive, active, reactive gameplay.
Awesome stuff GiGiGi.
Do you think reactive gameplay fits the monotonous and repetitive nature of the game that revolves around repeating the same action for hours in order to grind for XP and drops? I mean, penalizing the player for getting distracted for a second or two seems too much. Specially regarding XP lost, or worse, a whole HC character lost
Yes, this was the intent of the game.
Loot tension, difficult monsters, death around every and any corner.
Listen to the early recordings & videos of chris talking about the game.
Posted byjuo#0098on May 29, 2019, 5:59:56 PM
this is so stupid, should have left immortal call alone.. -_- morons.. everyone is going to rip not you your one shot issues that we cant prep for.
Posted bycena6665#4300on May 29, 2019, 6:33:20 PM
juo wrote:
Riftshadow wrote:
juo wrote:
This is such a nice change in the right direction; away from lazy, mindless gameplay.
Less WOrb & more proactive, active, reactive gameplay.
Awesome stuff GiGiGi.
Do you think reactive gameplay fits the monotonous and repetitive nature of the game that revolves around repeating the same action for hours in order to grind for XP and drops? I mean, penalizing the player for getting distracted for a second or two seems too much. Specially regarding XP lost, or worse, a whole HC character lost
Yes, this was the intent of the game.
Loot tension, difficult monsters, death around every and any corner.
Listen to the early recordings & videos of chris talking about the game.
I get your point, and yes, it sounds much healthier for the game dynamics in general. But having so much clear speed right now, and requiring to invest so much time to really success at the endgame, it feels like something is very flawed in the game itself.
Let's hope this is a change in the correct direction.
Posted byRiftshadow#6315on May 29, 2019, 6:34:38 PM
Well i would say that immortal call in any other game would be an op skill, but in PoE not so much, every league we have more and more projectile clusterfuck that can't really be reliable dodged. So some way to mitigate the billions of projectiles that were hitting you was the IC setup.
Another interesting point (not completely related to IC) is how i am more scared from monsters i already killed than from monsters that are alive lol, that shows how out of control cast on death mechanics have gotten in the past years.
Posted byMortyx#1049on May 29, 2019, 8:04:44 PM
Riftshadow wrote:
I'm not really concerned about it not being 100% reduction anymore. I'm more concerned about the meaning of "These skills are all Instant and share a cooldown which won't expire while any of the skills are active"
Let's imagine it has a 4sec cooldown. Does it mean that we will have to wait that time AFTER the skill duration finishes? Or does it mean that you won't be able to cast it again (or other guard skills) until the existing effect finishes?
The first case would be a HUGE nerf. In the second one there is still hope depending on how much you could scale the duration.
The way I read it is that the cooldown would only start AFTER the skill effect has finished. So it is not possible to chain / perma any of the guard skills. In addition to it seems like we can only have 1 up each time as they share the same cooldown.
Posted byDAKKONx#3689on May 29, 2019, 8:28:06 PM