Snorkle_uk wrote:
GrayNightz wrote:
MBata wrote:
Yeah, GGG, you 're fucking losing me here.
More is not always better.
Bigger is not always better.
Faster is not always better.
You're starting to chase your own tail with this game.
But all mentioned above is what people want and come back for.
no, its not, and this idiot mentality that its what everyone wants is what is driving this game into the dirt and causing us all to leave leagues after a week or 2 because its now a shit, shallow idiot fest of a game that we want to love because of its history but is ultimately a piece of shit, intentionally made into a piece of shit by idiots who think what you just said is true.
this whole
"but they HAVE to make a shit game because everyone wants to play a shit game"
thing has to stop, it just has to stop and anyone on the dev team who believes in it needs to be taken out of a position where they are making crucial decisions on these sort of things because the game is a piece of crap now as a result of this line of thinking. We came here because this game wasnt a piece of shit, we stayed because it wasnt a piece of shit and the only reason we keep coming back is the hope that this piece of shit it has become can be salvaged and returned to what we actually loved.
Right now if a game that doesnt believe it has to be a piece of shit to succeed comes along it will wipe poe out, just like poe wiped out diablo 3 when the d3 devs were convinced everyone wants a fucking dogshit game and poe came along and said actually, anyone want to play a good game? We all left in droves, poe became the king of the genre and diablo just fell apart for years until its expansion dropped, it was dead in the water. All down to the fact that people, wait for it, people actually want to play a good game.
I know, surely not? surely people dont actually want a good game?
yeah, they do.
lmao the salt
Posted byLordHallibel#7148on May 23, 2019, 10:21:20 AM
bex_HB wrote:
hope this shit "pog" crap dies soon
Better than stupid people that say cringe,fire,lit. people that dab or do any fake ghetto dance thing you see on tik tok/musically. and any political stupidity,like the future is female,etc
Posted byLordHallibel#7148on May 23, 2019, 10:24:01 AM
gexian wrote:
The second reservation skill, Flesh and Stone, reserves 25% of your mana to create a zone around you. I n Blood Stance, nearby enemies are maimed, which also increases the Physical damage they take. In Sand Stance, nearby enemies are blinded, and you take less damage from enemies that aren't nearby. As with Blood and Sand, using the skill instantly switches between the stances. Both of these skills share a short cooldown.
is a mistake in the flesh and stone explaining? i get confused.. it say blood and sand again instead of flesh and stone?
GGG simply does not care enough to proofread before they post.
why should they ? they have never had to accept any failure they have.
brownnosers will still defend them no matter what they do.
Posted byeidoloneidolon#7729on May 23, 2019, 10:39:32 AM
So rather than fix the absurd gap between content and rares/bosses you're going to make players swap between two builds within the same character.
That's not fun, it's a chore. That's not choice, it's micromanagement.
As if flask piano wasn't bad enough.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities. https://www.youtube.com/@Innomen
Posted byInnomen#6153on May 23, 2019, 10:44:24 AM
Samdegangsta wrote:
All these negative posts are driving me crazy. Either play it when it releases or Just leave it alone.
It will be viable, every one plays at their own speed.
see ?
brownnosers always defend GGG no matter what.
GGG is going to lose a lot of players if they do not treat the players like the most important thing they have.
or just sell the rest of the company to Tencent and stop pretending they care at this point.
Posted byeidoloneidolon#7729on May 23, 2019, 11:30:21 AM
Changeable "stance" power is mechanically interesting and could be expanded upon, I like that.
Having the 2 things that rely on that stance power shown both giving the same debuff of blind for sand version seems redundant, thats unfortunate.
Can you double equip this to have both sand and blood at the same time?
Posted byKalAthar#4365on May 23, 2019, 11:41:49 AM
There's only 1 skill in the video )
Posted byUniversalis#5776on May 23, 2019, 11:46:15 AM
Not trying to be a negative nancy. I see a lot of very negative posts, but I cannot fathom how this could do 90% of the league content you put it out since it is almost all built toward clear speed...This does not look like it does near enough damage to boss anything past t13.
It looks really slow...I don't even see breaches or Ava being possible. Sucks because most of us would have no problem otherwise playing a little slower and I am sure a lot of people out there would like the option to do that. However, that option is not viable in anyway currently. I was so disappointed last league with all the new skills which I thought were awesome and enjoyable...well until I tried the any of the league content past or present even with smashing DPS and insane gear.
Maybe the change to movement skills will be huge enough to over come all of this. I will remain neutral on the issue for now.
Last edited by johnce6#2478 on May 23, 2019, 12:22:06 PM
Posted byjohnce6#2478on May 23, 2019, 12:21:53 PM
Woo, clunky melee vortex!
Posted bylucksickle#6250on May 23, 2019, 12:40:50 PM
Like it alot!
Runslingan! The Power Of ~^S.W.E.D.E.N^~
Posted byRunslingan#4280on May 23, 2019, 12:46:43 PM