Developer Q&A - Part II

The reason why we have new items like that unhideable at the start is so that people's existing filters don't hide them. If you have a filter that hides a lot of rare items you don't want to see, and we introduce a new mode of rare item that technically would be hidden if it wasn't special, then players wouldn't find the new content. So we default it to on for a league until filters have updated.

Please allow players to opt out of this restriction.
Reading all this makes me happy!
The question about drops in SSF is interesting and I am glad that the answer is clear! There should be no shortcuts, only challenging and fair play.
I wonder who ordered those dead babies...
Anyway, the future looks promising!
Bring back helmet enchants!
Chris wrote:
Will you make console trading easier like it is on PC?

Chris wrote:
easier like it is on PC

yes, the sulphite / syndicate / nexus should be shared with all characters in the same league. If i encounter Cortex in a char which can't kill it, i can kill by another char, and doing 40 safe houses challenge prevents me from playing new chars since the syndicate is hard to encounter and upgrade their ranks
The missing modus for colorblind persons was one of the reason, I almost not played the game. I always had to take a green, or red gem with me:
Chrome - lift gem - chrome - lift gem...
It was very annoying. Now, I have a special color profile on my grafic card setting for the game. As a consequence it looks to garish, to colourful and ugly.

It shouldn't be so hard to implement a Option, that let appear all green, or red gems/sockets in an other colour.

Btw, what is "the end" Einhar is talking about? Has it a deeper meaning, or tends he to be a little to dramatic?
"The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried." - Stephen McCranie
Last edited by juyevon#0958 on May 9, 2019, 1:24:33 AM
"Will you make console trading easier like it is on PC?"

WTF ? ? ?
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019
Hmm. Where is question: More language versions in the future?
Concerning the mentioned changes; it now really sounds like you hear and understand what the playerbase wants, but just spend months refusing said changes after which you grant maybe 20% of what players asked for. If your model of player retention revolves around keeping people unhappy, but just committed enough to keep playing with whatever you are providing, well, you are providing the same thing as society/heroin does. But in a fictional setting. Where there need not be such limitations.

Better Q&A than last week, but still pretty vague with hardly any solid answers, let alone ETA's. But it's something. 20% or so of what it could've been. Doesn't matter; dx9 removal and new content prevent me from running the game decently anyway.
"Will you make console trading easier like it is on PC?"

Is this an out-of-season April's Fool joke?
-------Can you please make Sulphite per-league rather than per-character?

Surprisingly, this actually became another Yes. Again, we aren't sure which expansion it'll go in, as there are a bunch of things we have to change at the same time to resolve our concerns with Sulphite being shared across all your characters in the league. --------

oh fucking hell. This just stinks of a real hard nerf to sulphite now that super zoom zoom 30 second T8 map builds will be farming it for their delve character. anybody else excite to get 400 sulphite from a red map? cause you know balancing it for account wide is gonna get it nerfed into oblivion. inb4 250c scarabs.

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