Stress Free PoE| CURSIN’ VORTEX |ANY Items Work|Easy/Relaxing Play|Easily Clears the Atlas [3.6]
" You've hit the nail here! Uniques are exciting and it's very hard to cull that in-stash-brood lol but I listened to your advice and switched out the belt and the ring for boring resi rares. I'm afraid I love aspect of the spider too much to let it go so I did resi reshuffling around it. I'm not sure if I interpreted your question right but whatever I have in secondary weapon slots I don't use, it's just my "gem maturing pod". -Boots are 30% speed so they stay. I have a CwDT triple chill combo on them. -Armour is for aspect of the spider. I found 6 socket receipe but it's only 4L for now so I rehoused auras to the singular sockets at the bottom. I use energy leech instead of arcane surge because it gives me more safety and surprisingly more constant damage. -Heartbreaker is a keeper for its sweet culling strike. It houses phase run, arctic armour for more chill and defenses and swift affliction fits in there for leveling itself up and waiting for 6L on the chest. -I haven't found better helmet yet (I have a unique with more res but no ES so there lol). To have more than one CwDT proccing EO on crit I paired arctic breath with assassin's mark and finally the bomb shell and reason for all the above gem changes... I found vixen's entrapment, I couldn't resist, I simply had to... So yeah, I sport a quad curse combo via self cast bane and it's overwhelmingly beautiful in action 8) Imagine this, I run, I see a mob, by the time I reach cast range it's already webbed by aspect of the spider, I cast bane, they get quad cursed, I run into them and cast vortex, the mob is insta gone. Rinse and repeat :) I don't know if this cold/chaos hybrid should work on paper but for now it puts a huge smile on my face Oh and the shield I found is sweet too but what it houses is a purely experimental herecy of winter orb casting soulrend via channeling support. I don't resort to it often because like you I prefer to use 2 buttons, a flask and emergency phase run :) So does that answer your question or not? Don't start with Snail Last edited by AnnMaRou#9929 on Apr 28, 2019, 8:42:31 PM
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" Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Neat guide. Looking for an easy c-dot build for the flashback; might try this one!
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hello, i just started this new toon and im at lvl30. is it too early to use CI. it seems am ok with trash mobs, but it takes forever to kill elites(die a lot :( )
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I wanted to thank you for the time you put in your builds.
I was temporaly paralize from the right side of my body and needed to relearn everything. I still have difficulty using my right hand and i can't play most video game i was playing before, but i'm able to use this build without any problems while training my right hand at the same time. Thanks! |
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"Sweet CaptainFoo! Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for the build/guide. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Hey Kingx! Nice to see you. Leveling can be hard, especially without resists. I find having high resists while leveling makes a HUGE difference. But, it's not like you can just get any gear you want while leveling, so hang in there. I see in PoB that you're also level 30. Hang in there until level 31. 3(?) support gems for Vortex unlock at 31 and since you're using a Tabula, the damage issue will go away quickly. So once you hit 31, just focus on staying out of the negatives for resists if you can. (I know you gotta take what drops.) The build gets stronger and stronger. Hang in there. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Hey frank1622, I'm REALLY happy to hear from you and am thrilled that you are able to play PoE. It's very kind of you to take the time to let me know that my guild is helping you. As someone who is playing with limitations, if you have any suggestions to the build or guide please let me know. I'm happy to hear that your issue(s) seems temporary. Not everyone has the hope of recovery. Recovery can be a long trial though. Hang in there. I'm very happy to hear that I'm able to help you play a game you otherwise wouldn't be able to play. Again, thank you for taking the time and effort to type. Also, for those that are limited and "require" the 1 or 2 button builds, if you have any requests for builds or skills that you always wanted to try but can't figure out how to make it work, let me know. I'd be happy to help you out if you wanted. PM me those though so we don't de-rail the thread. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" also, 30/31 is much too early to go CI - probably wait until you've done your 2nd lab and have the ES nodes from it at the earliest. until then build more life; take a few life nodes on the tree, you'll be able to respec them easily enough with the points you get from the campaign |
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Hey! Just wanted to tell you how glad I am you're still making builds!! I suffer from fybromialgia and played your zombie build back in Harbingers league; I'm super excited to try this build now that I'm getting back into PoE, occultist is totally my jam :D
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