Stress Free PoE| CURSIN’ VORTEX |ANY Items Work|Easy/Relaxing Play|Easily Clears the Atlas [3.6]
Hi all,
just hit LvL 81 and rolling meepz. Sitting now on 7k ES. I am not new player, but this is now my favorite char. Also was not playing really any league so far :) One question here: Is "Elemantal Overload" worth it? Not sure until now. Thx for the great guide and keep Cursin :) |
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"I'm really glad you're enjoying the character! It's one of my favourite builds I have ever made. And ironically enough it's one of the most survivable builds I've ever made (only Enfeeble linked to CwDT is our damage mitigation). Elemental Overload is overpowered and a dramatic increase in damage for almost any build. GGG has said in the past that both Elemental Equilibrium and Elemental Overload are way too strong. No nodes should provide that much damage on their own. I won't have Path of Building in front of me for a few more days but having 3 skills casting often from CwDT level 1 will have EO up quite a lot. I'll give you the official DPS EO gives when I'm back in town. But until then, yes...EO is definitely worth it. Thanks for taking the time to make such a complimentative post. And it was also an excellent question. Please feel free to ask as much as you like. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Thank you for your reply! You confirmed for me what I suspected in regards to CI and Pain Attunement. For the longest time I wondered what those little green bubbles were and you mentioning frenzy charges lit the bulb duh! Lol I use phase run in panic mode or for ground speed when I'm out of quicksilver so the "green bubbles" usually are gone by then. It's great news that 6L weapon can be used, something to keep in mind :) Of course I cannot stop experimenting and I've made a few of personal tweaks but as I've been fooling around and observing results in action I noticed the following: Controlled destruction support reduces critical strike chance by 100% which I understand it means there's no chance to crit whatsoever. Elemental Overload tooltip says it grants 40% damage on crit so those two together are mutually exclusive BUT in the guide you said other spells/skills will do the critting. What I'd like to know is which ones are they? And do I understand correctly that if I have crit chance on any gear it will proc just not apply crit multiplier with EO right? Sorry if my questions are nooby but I want to properly understand what I have under the bonnet :) I've neverver had so much fun and creative involvement with any game I ever played and this build really is the icing on the cake! :D Don't start with Snail
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" "Thank you for such kind words and a kind post. I'm glad you're liking this so much. PoE is the ultimate game for people that love character building and theory crafting. And the questions aren't noob questions at all. They are very good. So let's see here. Elemental Overload gives the entire build 40% more damage. (The terms GGG uses such as More, Increased, Extra...they all mean different things in the math equations used to calculate damage: The entire build also loses all bonus Crit damage. So this is great for builds that have a DoT as a primary skill. So to answer your second question, having global increased Crit chance mods will increase the chance of a skill to Crit, proc'ing EO but not doing any bonus Crit damage...You understand correctly. So like you said, Vortex will have a 0% Crit chance because of linked support gems. But the three other skills we have connected to CwDT are the skills that are initiating Elemental Overload. We aren't increasing the Crit chance of any of these spells but we are having all three of them cast every time we get hit. So even though each spell only has a 5 or 6% chance to Crit, since they are getting cast "all" the time, will have EO active quite often (less often with the 6 link combo we suggested). Great questions, great post! Let me know if that didn't answer your questions. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Hi there!
Thank you so much for this guide! Currently loving the build. Haven't had that much time to play but currently at Act 9 without any problems. Anyhow, are you able to suggest any good gear upgrades? Kind regards, |
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"Hey! Thanks for taking the time to be so encouraging. I'm glad you're loving the build! First off, I love the Heartbreakers you have. They are the uniques I'd dual wield if I was using uniques. EVERY mod works perfect for this build. You might find more powerful weapons or more defensive shields, but I don't think you'll find a better suited all around weapon. I LOVE THEM. That aside, honestly the best gear is simply gear that has really high Energy Shield and lots of resists. On boots, prioritize Movement Speed, then ES, then resists. If you take a look at my character ( ArcCICurse. My gear is really weak and I fly through maps. I have sad ES on almost all my gear and I'm still close to 8500 ES. Eventually I'll be looking for over 350 ES on my 4 links and shield and over 1000 ES on my chest. Then I'll moved on from there. Just to give you some idea of numbers. Does that help or spur on any other questions? Thanks again for the kind message. :-) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Thanks for the input! That pretty much sums it up and will definitely help me with my gearing progression. Was just lucky enough to get those uniques that I have. Keep up the good work! ;) |
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" Short Update: Just hit LvL84 with 7,4ES and finished the 4th Ascendancy - More fun to go. Also I am trying the dual Heartbreaker´s :) Cya |
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"Great job on the last ascendancy! I'm glad you're liking the build! All this talk about Heartbreakers makes me want to break my "rare only" rule. ;-) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Apr 23, 2019, 5:44:36 PM
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" You've explained it so well I immediately put everything back on their respective CwDTs lol. Also I had no further reservations to pick up EO after you explained how it works. Thank you! :D Since then things only got better, so much so that when I got back for a bit to zombies to compare the performance I just couldn't do it anymore. Vortex build is so fluid, mobile and literally clears mobs on the go, I LOVE it!! If that wasn't enough today in Canvas's recesses of lost memories an assortment of beastcrafted goodies dropped including a talisman with Aspect of the spider and the Fenumus' Shroud that complements it. I chose to ditch malevolence to free up mana reservation for the spider aspect and set off for testing. The mobs are slowed down dramatically before they even get to me and when they get served with the chains on top of that they are barely able to move! :O I need to go deeper in the delve now to see how it all performes with monsters closer to my level. When you have time I would appreciate if you had a look at my gear/tree progress and let me know what you think. Sorry if I'm rambling but I'm just giddy happy with how things are going :) Don't start with Snail Last edited by AnnMaRou#9929 on Apr 24, 2019, 9:01:47 PM
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