Path of Exile: Synthesis FAQ

Synthesis league already ended few weeks ago... so nice April fools joke

Game is totally fine, no room for improvement
- trading is ok (better than ever - look we have a website for it, it's so 2019)
- scam is NOT accepted and supported
- map stash tabs are fine on standard (because nobody play on standard)
- there is no content behind RNG which is behind RNG which is behind RNG which is behind RNG which is behind RNG which is behind RNG....

Spoilers, obviously:
You meet Cavas as a random dude with no memory and explore memory fragments trying to help him remember. Most of these memories turn out to not be his. After progressing into maps, Zana becomes suspicious of Cavas and realizes he has the ability to alter the memories, which he's been doing to make it look like he's an innocent old man when he's not. She then reveals that he's actually High Templar Venarius, the man who set the Elder free. The Elder attacked him and devoured his memories, but he somehow escaped and ended up in Wraeclast as a ghost, where you meet him.

After this revelation Cavas/Venarius flees, and Zana takes his place helping you explore the memory fragments. In the Memory Nexus boss encounters can spawn, one of these being the final boss, Cavas. If you defeat him he flees again, and the cycle basically repeats.

Last edited by zorker#7481 on Apr 1, 2019, 9:07:03 AM
Chris Wilson makes an appearance at the office in his beach wear and gathers everyone in the conference room.

"Guys I hear players hate the league, standard players are upset over the atlas, intervention is killing everyone, players still complaining about map drops, players don't like trading with AFK players, and players are still complaining over layers on layers of RNG. Who has a quick solution to all of these problems???" ~cwilson

"We should have Bex put out a FAQ"
~unpaid intern

"BRILLIANT! See you guys next league for my league mechanic video bit" ~cwilson

"Also don't forget to roll out more MTX the sales need to look strong for our Chinese overlords" ~cwilson
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
Last edited by cgexile#1534 on Apr 1, 2019, 9:26:22 AM
fichi wrote:
Im just stopping by to say that I hope that synthesis WON'T be in the core game after this league. Don't wanna be mean just telling what I feel about this mechanic.

digibluez wrote:
while i do like randomness to get items, not knowing what I get from synthesising does not induce me to play this. I guess, will wait until people figure out, how do get what I need ,so I will not waste my time on getting it.

ZiggyD has a video on youtube in which he explains how to target specific affixes with synthesising
Oh, so that's why I couldn't spawn any bosses in the Nexus. Time to make more Atlas progress ... Spoiler section was helpful :)
guys you successfully are managing to remove the fun aspect of this game , the dam frustrating betrayal mechanics , trippled , and the meaningless senseless stupid synthesis , i have to say , u guys have no idea what ur doing , all ur after is how to make more money by forcing us to buy more stashes , well its fair only if u give some good content , not dam useless shit ,
the funny part is the betrayal and this syntheses league reveals how much huge effort were put , the bad part is all this effort resulted in a very bad league ( betrayal ) and the worst league ever (synthesis ) , in the time where other games lost huge chunk of their base players and a lot came here to try this game ,
what i feel is u demolish drop rates so that people who cant play 24/7 will be forced to buy exults for real money just to have a slight chance at getting a good build up and running , and that is so clear most people are saying it now ,

then u make content based on accumulating new items and force players to get more stash tabs , regardless of how it plays ,

new event is bug fest , while old event is still bugged as hell , and add to that u take it core .... hahahah , man , why u take core an already broken system ...............
my advice to u , enough with complicating things , try to make an event that people enjoy rather than frustrate on, remove this syndicate and betrayal till u really fix them , or change them to a better meaning full game-play style ,
fix ur drop rates , fix themmmmmmmmmm , or if u wana sell exults ,do it i dnt mind , but make it official not under tables ,

and fix the dam store / trade system , i dnt wana go to a sale after leaving the map and losing portal , and then the asshole buyer cancels .

do all these fixes and optimization is better than giving new event with bug festival all over them .

stop complicating an already complicated game , and learn from the developers who made delve league , im sure they dnt work for u any more , but u better learn from them . as that league was a blast , very nice .but instead of improving on it , u ruined the experience by introducing a dam complicated broken ass betrayal and move it with more buggs to core , and now the syntheses that needs two years study in a university to know whats happening and how to go about it

forgive my language forgive my frustration , but i speak for a lot of people who liked this game and see how poor managing team is driving the game to shits

Only a month LATE
24.1.2018 [quote="Dro28"]wheres my fragment tab?[/quote]

(I thought that was a joke)

25.1.2018: GGG- Introducing the Fragment Stash Tab!
Can you please stop making shit require 100 hours per week of out of game research?

We aren't trying to get a fucking masters degree in theoretical physics or quantum mechanics, we aren't playing PoE to discover the underlying mysteries of the universe.

We're here to kill mobs and get dank loot.

I still have no fucking idea how any of the synthesis mechanics work. I don't even bother with them because they are so convoluted and make so little sense.

Just, please, stop making PoE have to be a second Major in college in order to properly understand how it works.

Just let us play the game simply. Thanks.
~ Seph

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