Stress Free PoE| SLOW MO ZOMBIES |ANY Items Work|Easy/Relaxing Play|Easily Clears the Atlas [3.6]
I just added an updated 3.6 video example of the guide's build in action. You can see it here or in the Videos, Path of Building, URLs, Loot Filter section Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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after making my resistances i searched and find this bot this item is solved the dexterity problem. also +2 max life per 10 dex increased health bar(not enough, but keep listening :)), burning, shocked and chilled ground immune. +really good evasion rating. great movement speed 30% seems good. also 100 life per sec while moving is cool. i don't knowit works with charged dash yet. if working almost immortal. pretty cheap?? can we say that we health collect with the charged dash? ---- if no more resist we can use this item for hatred +2 aura gems level and no reserved mana. we can find something else in the empty socket? outside auro because dont work with essence worm for "40% increased Mana Reserved" this modifiers. :/ but we can be use vaal haste movement speed attack speed and cast speed for all allies or rejuvenation totem for more than life with boss fight?? please illuminate me how do my improvements look? Last edited by Môrfran#3568 on Apr 20, 2019, 7:36:16 AM
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" Uniques tend to be a trade-off between neat features and perhaps some bad "features" with some loss of life and or resists. The boots as you point out, have some really interesting features that could make them just the ticket for some players (nice find - they are on my radar now). I think that the ring brings a really hard choice with it - give up Generosity (and EE) for +2 to Hatred and the reduced Mana Reservation (but increased requirements for anything that you might want to add over and above Hatred and Temporal Chains). These are all big ticket items and the choice could be tricky. Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath
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" i missed generosity youre right for ring. also bot not life regen with dash skill cause character dont move still other features are still very nice. once in a while is good to walk :)) thanks for your answer! |
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" Both uniques are great and have some strong benefits for sure. As was mentioned though, the trade-off for the amulet conflicts with EE. The +2 levels to the aura gem won't give the build more damage than EE currently does. The boots 30% movement speed is awesome. The Dex is awesome too. As already mentioned, our character doesn't move with CD. They stand still. So unless you're barely using CD you won't get the life regen. Evasion is something that takes lots of tree investment in the tree to be efficient. We didn't focus on it so it will have a minor impact on our build. If you're not struggling with survivability, I'd keep the boots and look for an amulet with TONS of Dex. They aren't common but aren't rare either. Then you can replace the boots once a rare pair of boots drops that has 25%+ movement. Good finds! And great answer as usual from walkjohn55. In terms of your other suggestions, see what things are like after you have changed your amulet. Vaal Haste and Rejuvenation Totem would be great additions if casting them was natural enough in gameplay for you. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Apr 21, 2019, 12:20:22 PM
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i share my inventory for idea
I'm planning to change my body armor recently. but still has nice resistance and health values. my ring and helmet have +1 gaining a total of +2 zombies +1 skeleton. totaly: 12zombie 12skeleton 43vaal skeleton. early yet to say my health value(im 81 level yet) but 81 level 4.912hp 801es 1.033 mana 930reserved -that you can ignore the enchant of the helmet just a bad chance- i need try more labs- Please let me know if something is missing and you see wrong. Everyone is so sweet I love you all so much. :*** Last edited by Môrfran#3568 on Apr 22, 2019, 7:39:54 PM
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I noticed the Path of Building has three trees in it - "Slow Mo", "No Slow Mo (Life)" and "No Slow Mo (Extra Life)".
Any thoughts between them? I'm starting an HC SSF character for the end of Synthesis, so anything that says "Extra Life" is intriguing... Running heists fully zoomed in... because
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Hello! I love this build its quite fun for my first character ever.
I also have brain issues so I deeply appreciated your intro about why and how you design this build its relaxing and doable for this old brain lol. I am wondering what I am doing wrong here though. You can see my build link on bottom. I mostly followed your guide as close as i could. I put in Mon'TeGruls Grasp and it made my zombies substantially better. Not only are they doing a stupid amount of damage but when they run into the small trash mobs one slam causes a chain reaction and its a one hit ko. Additionally the big boy zombies dont need a zombie life support gem because they have over 25k hp. The issue I've been having as I get to T6 and above maps is that I'm dying A LOT if Im not exceptionally careful. I dont like having to pay that close attention I liked this build because it didnt require such a playstyle. If its a DOT or just a few hits I'm fine. But anything with Chaos dmg and often rares/bosses just obliterate me before i can activate any healing. Ive tried swapping the boots but really i don't like going under 20% movement speed bonus its just too slow. The gloves Flesh and Spirit I found early game and since Im always getting the massacre (onslaught?) bonus my HP regen is just huge. If I do get low health I can just wait a few seconds and its back to full from the 20% restore. sadly they have 3 gem slots max. Perhaps I need a replacement helmet? EDIT: Okay so I cant figure out how to save post the damn link without it being truncated and the online POB doesnt have pastebin export. I think can search by my name Its SereneGoddessQueen (as seen here lol) Last edited by SereneGoddessQueen#5905 on Apr 23, 2019, 1:17:45 PM
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" You have great gear. You're at the stage of the game where it's not really worth buying improvements. You just wait for the rare Rare to drop that's better than what you have. I love your amulet. I also have a soft spot for your weapon. It's a personal favourite of mine. I think the only things you could easily change right away are your crafts for ES. The build doesn't really focus on ES at all. So there might be a more beneficial prefix to replace those crafts with. I'm not sure if you've replaced your chest yet, but the posted chest is awesome. The only thing I'd try and find to replace it would be a chest piece with the same health and resist but also a free Prefix so you could craft another +1 to zombies. Awesome gear and great post. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Good find! I don't think I've updated those two other trees for a few expansions now. I keep forgetting to delete them before posting the Pastebin to the guide. But I'll touch them up for your HC SSF adventure. I'll give you a few options to choose from. I'll let you know when it's done. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Apr 23, 2019, 4:01:25 PM
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